Biography of Samuel Wade

Few men have achieved a better success in Wallowa County, than the industrious and enterprising agriculturist and stockman, whose name appears at the head of this article. Mr. Wade came to the territory now embraced in the county in an early day and with the energy, sagacity, and sound practical judgment of which he is possessed so abundantly, he assiduously set to work to develop the resources here found and to add wealth to the county’s assessment, while he prosecuted the industries above referred to. During these years that have since intervened he has steadily pursued his way and is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis G. Page

Among those who have put their hands to the plow in Wallowa County and have not looked back from the noble work of development and material progress of the county, bearing the burdens and doing the Herculean labor of making the abodes of civilization while they foster the industries that are incident thereto, we should not omit mention of the intelligent and progressive stockman and agriculturist, whose name appears at the head of this sketch, and accordingly we give place to him in the abiding chronicles of Wallowa County, granting such representation there as is commensurate with the skill, industry, … Read more

Biography of Frank S. Johnson

We are pleased to accord to the representative citizen and genial gentleman, whose name heads this article, a space in the history of Wallowa County for the salient points of his career, both because of the activity that he has shown in the affairs of the county, for the advancement of its interests and the development and progress of it, as well as for the commendable personal qualities that he displays constantly, being a man of good ability and excellent force besides attending to important enterprises both for the good of the community and the progress of the section, while … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Roberts

Among the leading agriculturists of Wallowa County is the subject of this biography, and we are pleased to accord him space in his county’s history, since his capabilities and thrift have given him the need of abundant success, while his moral qualities of worth are displayed constantly and commend him to all lovers of uprightness and truth. In Bates County, Missouri, on March 9, 1844. Samuel was born to Nelson and Jane (Melton) Roberts. His early life was spent in the invigorating exercise of farm work, while also he gained a good education in the public schools of the various … Read more

Biography of William Makin

To the capable and enterprising citizen whose name initiates this paragraph we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of Wallowa County, since he has trod the path of the pioneer in a worthy manner, displaying constantly qualities of moral worth and value, and has achieved a success in temporal affairs that is commendable and praiseworthy, being the meed of continuity in wisely directed effort and energy and sagacity in all of his ways, and consequently it is very fitting that he should be placed today as one of the prominent men of the county, which position he … Read more

Biography of Lewis C. Rinehart

It is a pleasant task to scan the career of a successful man and to note the places where he has overcome the obstacles of life’s pathway and where he has made worthy achievements: and for a short time it is our good pleasure to thus contemplate the salient points of the life of the worthy gentleman, whose name initiates this article and who has been and is now one of the substantial and capable men of Wallowa County, having wrought for the development and advancement of the same in a manner that demonstrates both his ability and his integrity, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elzie O. Makin

Any volume that purports to give the salient points in the careers of the leading and prominent citizens of Wallowa County would be open to serious criticism were there failure to incorporate there-in an epitome of the life of the esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, and who has labored for the building and development of Wallowa County for years, displaying meanwhile a vigor, energy, and sagacity, coupled with other capabilities of a high order, while also his sound principles, unswerving integrity and strict adherence to the ways of uprightness have given him the meed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hector McDonald

The gentleman whose name appears above is one of the stock kings of Wallowa county, as well as holding great distinction in the county as a promoter of industrial interests, while his steadfastness and stanch and true character make him one of the most valued, and highly respected men in this section of our state, and his excellent capabilities have place him in a distinguished position of prestige that is justly merited. Hector McDonald is a native of northeastern Oregon, having been born in the Grande Ronde valley, on December 24, 1868. His parents, John and Jane (Grant) McDonald, reside … Read more

Alexander, Kenneth Roy – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Kenneth Roy Alexander, 84, of Union and Pine Creek, died June 3, 2005, at the Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande. His funeral will be Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Daniels Chapel of the Valle, 1502 Seven St. in La Grande. Interment will follow at the Cove Cemetery. Kenneth Roy Alexander was born April 25, 1921, at High Valley, Ore., the son of Roy and Delia (Ross) Alexander. Kenneth truly loved the outdoors and spent his early years building trails in the Eagle Caps. Mr. Alexander later enlisted in the U.S. Army and served during … Read more

Biography of Levi J. Rouse

Among the worthy representatives of honest industry and good government, stands the capable and intelligent gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has achieved a success in different lines, each of which is sufficient to stamp him as a man of ability and enterprise, while in it all he has maintained an untarnished reputation and displayed both integrity and faithfulness coupled with sound principles and honorable dealing with his fellows. In addition to this, Mr. Rouse has been an active worker in the advancement of the county’s interests in different lines and his efforts are … Read more