Biography of Captain C.W. Brown

CAPT. C. W. BROWN. This gentleman is the very efficient collector of Christian County, Missouri, is public spirited, takes a deep interest in all the affairs of his section, and is popular and well liked by all classes. Since 1873 he has made his home in this county, but was formerly a resident of St. Louis, Missouri, from which place he enlisted in the Federal Army in May, 1861, becoming a member of Gen. Sigel’s command, under whom he served during the battles of Wilson’s Creek and Pea Ridge. He was afterward in the siege of Vicksburg, and during the latter part of the war held the rank of captain. For about two years after the war closed he was on duty in Texas, and served in all about six years.

After following various occupations until 1873, he came to Christian County, Arkansas, and engaged in farming in this county, and is the owner of a fertile farm of eighty acres six miles southwest of Ozark, where he has a comfortable residence. For the past ten years he has traveled throughout southern Missouri as a special agent, and is well known from the Kansas line to the Iron Mountain Railroad. He has been successful in business, has a sufficient amount of this world’s goods to keep him in comfort the rest of his life, all of which is the result of his own efforts. He has held the position of United States timber agent, United States deputy marshal and has been postmaster at Ozark, Grant and other places. In politics he has ever been a stanch Republican and is a member of the G. A. R. post at Highlandville. In December, 1873, he was married in this county to the daughter of John Handy, and to them have been born six children. Capt. Brown is one of the best known men in southern Missouri, and has numerous friends throughout that region as well as in the northern part of Arkansas.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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