Famous American Hunts of 19th and 20th Century

Last Updated on March 20, 2013 by Dennis

ALBERT CLARENCE HUNT: b. Clarksville, Ark., 1888; s. of William T. H-; grad M. Mil. Acad., Mexico, Mo., 1906; admitted to Okla. Bar, 1909 and began practice at Wagoner; dist. judge 21st Jud. Dist., Okla., 1921-25 assn. justice Supreme Court of Okla., Term 1925-31. Democrat; Mem. M. E Ch. Add. State Capitol, Okla. City, Okla.

ANDREW MURRAY HUNT: consulting engr.; b. Sioux City, Ia., 1859; s. of Andrew Murray H-; grad. U. S. Naval Acad., 1879; unm.; engr. officer or several vessels of U. S. Navy; mem. Naval Steel Inspn. Bd., having charge of chew. work of inspn. and started the cliem. lab. at Mare Island Nay Yard; resigned from Navy, 1894, and engaged as consulting engr. in Sar Francisco; now pres. Peyton Hunt Co., Inc., consulting mgrs. Office: 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

ARTHUR PRINCE HUNT: clergyman, educator. See Vol. 13, Who’s Who (1924-25).

BENJAMIN WEEKS HUNT: banker; b. Chappaqua, West Chester Co., N. Y. 1847; s. of Benjamin Weeks H-; D. Sc., U. of Ga., 1922; in banking business at Eatonton since 1891; pres. Middle Ga. Bank; known as animal and plant breeder; curator Eatonton Publ. Library; mem. Ga. Bankers’ Assn. and Soc. of Friends. Home: Eatonton, Ga.

CAROLINE LOUISA HUNT: home economist; b. Chicago, Ill., 1865; dau. of Homer Conkey H-; A. B., Northwestern U., 1888; dietary studies in Chicago; for U. 9. Dept. of Agr., 1894-96; teacher of home economics, Lewis Inst.. Chicago, 1896-1901; mem. Am. Home Economics Assn. Author of “Home Problems” and “Life of Ellen H. Richards.” Home: 1432 R St., N. W.. Washington, D. C.

CHARLES WARREN HUNT: civil engr.; b. New .York, 1858; s. of Charley Havens H-; LL. D., New York U., 1909; sec. emeritus, 1920, Am. Soc. C. E. Add. 29 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y.

CLARA WHITEHILL HUNT: librarian; b. Utica, N. Y., 1871; dau. of Edwin H-; grad. Utica Free Acad., 1889; unm.; pub. sch. principal, Utica, 1893-96; mem. American Library Assn., N. Y. Library Assn. Lecturer and contbr. tc mags. on children’s lit. Add. Public Library, Brooklyn, N. Y.

CLYDE DU VERNET HUNT: sculptor; b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1861; s. of Col. Levitt H-; Harvard Law Sch. (non-grad.); unm.; exhibited sculpture and painting at Salon des Artistes Francaise (Paris) ; his principal works being marble statue “Nirvana,” “Bronze Boy,” Met. Mus., New York; served in Spanish-Am. War, 1898. Home: Weathersfield, Vt.

EDWARD EYRE HUNT: b. Bellwood, Neb., 1885; s. of Edward Cassilly H-; A. B., Harvard, 1910; sec. for apptmts. and asst. in English Dept., Harvard; 1910-1912; war. corr. in Europe, 1914; Am. del. of Commn. for Relief in Belgium in charge Province of Antwerp, 1914-16; mem. Com. on Elimination of Waste in Industry, Federated Am. Engring. Socs., 1920, apptd. by Herbert Hoover; sec. of Conf. of Unemployment called by Pres. Hardirig, 1921. Home: R. F. D. 3, Springfield, Ohio.

EMORY WILLIAM HUNT: educator; b. East Clarence, N. Y., 1862; s. of Harrison P. H.-; LL. D., U. of Rochester, 1902; ordained Bapt. ministry, 1887; pres. Denison U., Granville, 0., 1902-1913; pastor First Ch., Newton Centre, Mass., 1915-19. Home: University Avenue, Lewisburg, Pa.

ERNEST LEROI HUNT: surgeon; b. Abington, Mass., 1877; s. of Washington H-; M. D., Harvard, 1902; practiced in Worcester since 1903; consulting surgeon Worcester State Hosp., Holden Hosp., Louis Pasteur Hosp.; capt. M. C., U. S. A.; active service, 1918-19; Republican; Universalist. Add. City Hospital, Worcester, Mass.

FRAZIER HUNT: war corn; b. Rock Island, Ill., 1885; s. of Jasper N. H-; A. B., U. of Ill., 1908; newspaper and magazine work, Chicago, 1908-10; went to Europe, 1918, as spl. war corr. for Am. Red Cross; covered the North Russian Campaign, and in spring of 1919 entered Petrograd and Moscow, interviewing Lenin and Bolsheveki leaders. Club: New York Press.

GEORGE EDWIN HUNT: clergyman. See Vol. IY, Who’s Who (1916-17).

GEORGE WYLIE PAUL HUNT: Governor; b. Huntsville, Mo., 1859; s. of George Washington H-; ranchman on Salt River, Ariz., 1881-91; elected mem. Ariz. Legislature, 1893; re-elected 1895; del. Dem. Nat. Conv., Kansas City, Mo., 1900; pres. Anti-Capital Punishment Soc. America, 1914; mem. S. A. R. Home: Globe, Ariz.

HENRY THOMAS HUNT: lawyer; b. Cincinnati, O., 1878; s. of Samuel Pancoast H-; LL. B., Cincinnati Law Sch., 1903; admitted to Ohio Bar, 1903; mem. firm Wilcox, Hunt & Swiger; mem. Ohio House of Rep., 1906-07; Mayor of Cincinnati, 1912-14; Episcopalian. Home: 22 E. 89th St., New York, N. Y.

JAMES GALLAWAY HUNT: clergyman, educator; b. Cambridge, N. Y., 1870; s. of John Legus H-; grad. Allegheny (now Pittsburgh) Theol. Sem., 1897; ordained ministry U. P. Ch., 1897; missionary in Egypt, 1897-1917; prof. dept. of missions and comparative religion, Pittsburgh Theol. Sem. since 1920; Republican. Home: 243 Hilands Ave., Ben Avon, Pittsburgh, Pa.

JAMES RAMSAY HUNT: M. D.; b. Phila., Pa., 1874; s. of William R. H-M. D., U. of P., 1893; Vienna, Berlin and Paris; asso. prof. nervous diseases, Columbia, 1910-15; consutling neuro-pathologist to Craig Colony for epileptics. Lt.-Col. M. C., U. S. A., World War. Home: 46 W. 55th St., New York, N. Y.

LEIGH S. J. HUNT: s. Franklin Leigh H-; entered business career at Seattle. Wash., 1886; later organized the Oriental Consolidated Mines, Korea, and developed properties on an extensive scale. Republican. Add. Care The Links, New York, N. Y.

LEVI CLARENCE HUNT: clergyman, educator; b. Seitzland, York Co., Pa., 1873; s. of Levi Warner H-; B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1904; prof. mathematics, Albright Coll., Myerstown, Pa., 1898-1901; ordained United Evang. ministry, 1899; pastor Bethany United Evang. Ch., Allentown, Pa., 1923. Home: Allentown, Pa.

MYRON HUNT: architect; b. Sunderland, Mass., 1868; s. of Myron A. H-;educ., Northwestern Univ., Chicago, 1888-90; Boston and Chicago architects’ offices, 1892-94; in Europe, 1894-96; architect for Occidental Coll., Los Angeles, and three other toll. groups; mem. Calif. Stake Bd. of Architecture. Home: 200 N. Grand Ave., Pasadena, Calif.

PERCIVAL HUNT: prof. English; b. Cedar Falls, Ia., 1878; s. of Henry Clay H-; unm.; Fellow in English, U. of Ia.; prof. and head dept. of English, U. of Pittsburgh, since Sept. 1922; Republican. Home: Pittsburgh Athletic Association, Pittsburgh, Pa.

RALPH HUDSON: M. D.; b. Camden, Me., 1869; s. of Abel H-; M. D., Medical Sch. of Me. (Bowdoin), 1894; began practice, Portland, Me., 1894; phys.-in-chief to tuberculosis dispensary, Orange Memorial Hosp.; Maj. M. C., U. S. A., 1918-19; Unitarian. Home: 29 Harrison St., East Orange, New Jersey.

RALPH WALDO EMERSON HUNT: piano dealer; b. Portland, Me., 1884; s. of Enoch Warren H-; grad. Westbrook Sem.; prominent in war activities; mem. State Com. Near East Relief; licensed lay preacher Universalist Ch.; Democrat. Add. 21 Forest Ave., Portland, Me.

REID HUNT: pharmacologiit; b. Martinsville, O., 1870; s. of Milton L. H-; student U. of Bonn, Germany, and Sc. D., U. of Md., 1925; asso, prof. pharmacology, Johns Hopkins, 1898-1903; prof. pharmacology, Med. Dept., Harvard U., 1913; mem. Am. Soc. Pharmacology and Exptl. Therapeutics; contbr. to Am. and European med. fours. and govt. publs. Home: 382 Commonwealth Ave., Boston.

RICHARD HOWLAND HUNT: architect; b. Paris, France, 1862; s. of Richard Morris H-; educ. Mass. Inst. Tech. and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris; architect Quintard Hall and Hoffman Hall, U. of the South; mem. New York Chapter A. I. A., and Archtl. League of New York. Add. 28 E. 21st St., New York, N. Y.

ROCKWELL DENNIS HUNT: university dean; b. Sacramento, Calif., 1868; s. of Dennis Rockwell H-; Ph. B., Napa (Calif.) Coll., 1890; grad. Calif. S’ch. of Elocution and Oratory, 1892; prof. history and polit.science, U. of the Pacific, 1895-1902; dean, of Coll. of Commerce and Business Administration, 1921-24, U. of Southern Calif.; mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Phi Kappa Phi. Home: 5143 Brynhurst Ave., Los Angeles.

SETH BLISS HUNT: v. p., dir. Standard Oil Co. of N. J.; b. N. Y. City, 1871; s. of Seth Bliss H-; grad. St. Paul’s Sch., Concord, N. H., 1889; entered employ of Standard Oil Co., 1894; Republican; Episcopalian. Home: 925 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.

SUMNER P. HUNT: architect; b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1865; s. of Stephen P. H-; studied architecture in office of Clarence. B. Cutler, of Troy, N. Y., and N. Y. City; settled in Los Angeles, Calif., 1889; now mem. Hunt & Burns; architect of the South West Museum, Los Angeles Country Club, etc.; mem. Am. Inst. Architects (ex-pres. Southern Calif. Chapter). Home: 2645 severance St., Los Angeles, Calif.

THEODORE WHITEFIELD HUNT: univ. prof.; b. Metuchen, N. J., 1844; S of Holloway W. H-; grad. Princeton Theol. Sem., 1869; studied U. of Berlin, 1871-72; ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1878; prof. English language anal literature, 1881-1918, and since emeritus prof., Princeton; author of several books, among them being “English Prose and Prose Writers,” “Ethical Teachings in Old English Literature,” etc. Home: Princeton, N. J.

THOMAS FORSYTH HUNT: agriculturist; b. Ridott, Stephenson Co., Ill., 1862; s. of Thomas Marshall H-; D. Se., Mich. Agrl. Coll., 1907; prof. agr., Pa. State Coll., 1891-92; prof. Agronomy, Cornell U., 1903-07; dir. Agrl. Expt. Sta., U. of Calif., 1912-19. Club: Bohemian. Home: Berkeley, Calif.

WALTER FREDERICK HUNT: prof. petrology; b. Cincinnati, O., 1882; s. of Henry William H-; Ph. D., U. of Mich., 1915; with U. of Mich. since 1906; prof. petrology since 1922 ; Fellow Geol. Soc. America; mem. Am. Chem. Soc. ; Republican; Conglist. Club: Exchange. Home: 1030 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.

WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN HUNT: statistician. See Vol. 13, Who’s Who (1924-25).

WILLIAM HENRY HUNT: judge; b. New Orleans, 1857; s. of William H. H-; entered Yale, class of 1878; ill health prevented graduation; hon. A. M., Yale, 1896; Atty.-Gen. of Mont., 1885-87; mem. Mont. Constl. Conv., 1884; ,Justice Supreme Court of Mont., 1894-1900; Asso. Judge U. S. Ct. of Customs Appeals, 1910-11. Add. U. S. Court, San Francisco, Calif.



Seaver, J. Montgomery. Hunt Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society. 1929.

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