Lee Hunt

Hunt Family Genealogy

Last Updated on January 14, 2015 by Dennis

Lee Hunt
Lee Hunt

Hunt Family Genealogy: A book, written by Henry Seaver, which provides a quick study into the genealogies of the Hunt Family – English and American.

The Hunt family has been prominent in the British Empire and in America, its members having played important roles in war and in peace. Family pride is a commendable trait and should be cultivated. All Hunts have just cause to be proud of their family history and traditions.

Reliable authorities have the following to say in regard to the origin and meaning of the name “Hunt”: “Huntsman. As Hunter the name of the office remains, a surname; shortened also to Hunt. Hunt-`to pursue,’ and is applied to the sports of the chase-to follow game. Old Norse-Hundi (a dog), Norman French-le Huant, German-Hund, Hundt, Dutch-Hunt, Welsh-Hund, Hunti. It may not be known to all our “Hunts” that theirs, the shorter form, was the most familiar term in use; hence the number that at present exist. We are told in the `Knight’s Tale’ of the-`Hunte and horne, and houndes him beside’; while but a little further on he speaks of-`The hunte ystrangled with the wilde heres.’ ”

The data in this volume is gathered from reliable sources. Those desiring further information are advised to consult volumes mentioned in list of references given at the bottom of this page. Unless otherwise plainly shown, the persons in this volume whose names are accompanied by three figures are sons or daughters of the immediately preceding persons bearing immediately preceding consecutive numbers. All persons in each group, bearing the same letter as a part of their respective numbers, are directly related. The generations of the descendants of those bearing numbers of three figures are represented as follows:

Generations: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Symbols: (1), etc. (A), etc. (a), etc. 1, etc. A, etc. a, etc. (1), etc. (i), etc. 1, etc. i, etc.

Hunt Family Genealogy: A book, written by Henry Seaver, which provides a quick study into the genealogies of the Hunt Family – English and American.

ABBREVIATIONS: Ad., address; b., born; ch., children; coll., college; d., died; d. y., died young; d. w. i., died without issue; dau., daughter; grad., graduated; 1., lives, lived; m., married, moved; s., son; univ., university.

Many old American families have formed associations, and some of them hold annual reunions. Local reunions have been held by various branches of the Hunt family from time to time. There is some interest in the forming of a National Hunt Family Association and the holding of a National Reunion.

Information regarding the Hunt Coat of Arms will be found in Chapter (O). Attention is also invited to Chapter (Q) .

The compiler hopes that, in producing this volume he is bringing to the Hunt Family of the World information which will be of interest and value to them, and that he is rendering an important service to the public. We are very desirous of receiving additional data of unusual interest, and members of the family who have such data are respectfully requested to send us copies thereof.

Hunt Family Genealogy TOC

American Hunt Families

In about 16110 three Hunt brothers came from North England to New York. One of them settled in Rochester. Wilson Price Aunt, of Trenton. N. J., of this line, was John Jacob Astor’s most trusted man in the company that founded Astoria, Ore., Apr. 12, 1811, and wad the first white man to he buried at the mouth of the Columbia River. His descendants live mostly in Oregon and Washington. The two other brothers went to North Carolina and founded families. Descendants located in Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee and Massachusetts. Other descendants settled in Claremont Co., Ohio (about 1800) and Wayne Co., Ind. Most of the Hunts of this branch are Baptists.

References for the Hunt Family Genealogy

All of the works listed below will be found in the Library of Congress. Most of them will be found in the libraries of historical and genealogical societies. Some of them will be found in the libraries of all of the large American cities.

2. Burke’s Landed Gentry, 1879, 1925.
4. Burke’s General Armory, 1878.
6. Burke’s Peerage and Baronetcy, 1921 and 1924.
8. Burke’s Landed Gentry, 1921, 1894 (Vol. Ii).
10. English Surnames, Bardsley.
12. British Family Names, Barber.
14. Dictionary of National Biography, London, 1887.
16. Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography.
16. Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography.
18. Officers of the Continental Army, 1775-1783, Heitman.
20. Revolutionary R E C 0 R D S of the Respective Colonies.
22. Private Collections of Family Data.
24. Miscellaneous Sources
26. The Holy Bible, I. Thomas, 1791.
28. Genealogy of Name and Family of Hunt, T. B Wyman, Jr., 1862-3.
32. Heraldic Illustrations, 1853, Vol. 1.
34. U. S. Postal Guide.
36. Who’s Who (British).
38. Who’s Who In America, 1926-27.
40. City and Telephone Directories.
42. History of the Hunt Family, G. W. Hunt, 1890.
46. Records and Traditions of Families of Hunt and Weisse, J. L. Weisse, 1866.




Seaver, J. Montgomery. Hunt Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society. 1929.

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