Biography of Capt. Lewis A. McPherson

Last Updated on June 14, 2012 by

CAPT. LEWIS A. McPHERSON. He whose name heads this sketch is a prominent and well-known citizen of Mountain Home Township, and resides in comfort near the town of Mountain Home. He was born in De Kalb County, Ala., October 2, 1840, his parents being William Wilson and Hannah (Palmer) McPherson, who were born in Tennessee and Kentucky, respectively, and in 1844 came to Arkansas from the State of Mississippi, having for some time been a resident of Marion County. At the time of their location in Arkansas, there was but one cabin on the spot where the flourishing town of Yellville now stands, and they located about two and a half miles south of this point. After residing in this State until 1849 the family returned to Mississippi, and located in Pontotoc County, where the father made his home the balance of his life, although his death occurred in Arkansas in 1888, at the age of eighty years, while on a short visit to his son. His entire life was devoted to tilling the soil, and although he acquired a goodly property much of it was swept away during the Civil War. He was for some time a soldier in the Confederate service, and was lieutenant of his company in the Forty-first Mississippi Infantry, and the year that he was in the service he was on duty along the Mississippi River. He was always a Democrat in politics, and with his wife, who died in Mississippi, he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. To their union four sons and three daughters were given, of whom the subject of this sketch was the second in order of birth.

The subject of our sketch was reared and educated in Pontotoc County, Miss., and May 1, 1861, helped organize Company H, of the Second Mississippi Infantry, with which he at once went to Virginia, and there served the cause of the South for one year. He then joined Company K, Thirty-first Mississippi Infantry, with which he served until the war closed, taking part in the engagements at Ft. Manassas, Yorktown, the many engagements around Richmond, the Wilderness, the Georgia Campaign, Columbia, Franklin and Nashville. He was wounded at Decatur, Ala., by a gunshot, and the last engagement in which he participated was at Pulaski, Tennessee, December 25, 1864. After the war he commenced farming, and in 1866 was married to Miss Sarah Blanchard, by whom he became the father of two sons and three daughters, all of whom are living but one. After his marriage he came to Arkansas, and located on White River, in Izard County, where he lived two years, then moved to what was then Marion County, eight miles south of Mt. Home, in what was known as the Mississippi Bend, and there his home continued to be eleven years. He then moved to near Gassville, and bought and sold land for some time, and after making various changes of residence about five years ago located on the place on which he now resides. He was one of the first farmers of the county, and has always given much of his attention to the raising of stock, and has also dealt in stock to a considerable extent. He has ever been interested in the political affairs of his section, and has always given his aid and influence to the Democrat party. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, having united with the same at the age of fourteen years, and he has held various offices in the church. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and is master of Gassville Lodge, E. M. Tate Lodge and Mt. Home Lodge. He has conferred more degrees than any other Mason in the State, and is very prominent in the order. He is a man of unblemished reputation, a good and law-abiding citizen, public spirited to a degree, and his friends are numbered by the score.


A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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