Samuel Bryant, from Woodstock, Vt., came to Emore in 1824, and settled upon the farm owned by Benjamin Davis, on road 19. Here he resided for a few years, then removed to Morristown, where he cleared up the farm now the property of Alfred Dodge. In 1845, he returned to Elmore, remained here five years, then removed to Franklin county, N. Y., where he died, in April, 1882, aged about ninety-two years. His wife died five days later, aged over ninety-three years. Of their family of six children, three are now living, one, Joseph W., in this town. He was born, March 10, 1816, married Laura M. C. Camp, daughter of Dr. Joel Camp, and has three children, two sons and one daughter. Joseph W. has held most of the town offices, and in connection with his farming enterprises, has practiced law for forty years.