Biographical Sketch of Stephen Gile

Stephen Gile came to Morristown, from Lebanon, N. H., in 1826, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Eli B. He reared a family of nine children, and died in 1870. His wife died during the same year. Two of their children now reside in the. town, Abigail, wife of James Cross, and S. S., the third selectman of the town. S. S. has also been a justice of the peace several years.

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Grout

Nathan P. Grout, son of Dexter Grout, was born in Elmore, March I I 1827. In 1859, he married Melissa S. Smith, of Morristown, and located at Morristown Corners. In 1863, he removed to Morrisville, where he subsequently died of heart disease. Three of his five children are now living, Burton W., Walter D., and Roy N.

Biographical Sketch of B. O. Shaw

B. O. Shaw, a son of Benoni Shaw, an early settler in Morristown, came to Stowe in 1853, and located where he still resides, on road 22.

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Terrill

Timothy Terrill, from Fletcher, Vt., came to Morristown in the autumn of 1817, resided here until 1828, when he removed to Underhill, where he died, about 1833. Moses, son of Timothy, born May 9, 1799, came here with his father and located upon the farm now owned by his son, N. A. Terrill, on road 2, where he resided until about 1848, when he removed to the farm now occupied by R. S. Gallup, and a few years previous to his death located in Cady’s Falls. Moses married Matilda Weld, by whom he had three children, two of whom are … Read more

Morristown, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory

(For explanations, etc., see main page) Abbott Solon, M. D., (Morrisville) homeo. physician and surgeon, bds Main. Adams Carrie, (Morristown) r 48, widow of Levi B. ADAMS LUTHER, (Morrisville) r 59, breeder of full blood Jersey cattle, dairy 10 cows, farmer 100. ALEXANDER ALVIN C., (Morristown) r 24, farmer 35. Alexander Averill, (Morristown) r 45, farmer 10. Alexander Charles N., (Morristown) r 46, teamster and farmer. ALEXANDER WILLIAM M., (Morristown) r 41, cor 44, carpenter and joiner, millwright, farmer 25. ALLEN EPHRAIM E., (Morrisville) r 65, farmer 54 1/2. Atwood George R., (Morristown) r 49, dairy 16 cows, and farmer … Read more

History of Morristown, Lamoille County, Vermont

MORRISTOWN, an irregularly outlined town in the central part of the county, lies in latitude 44 32′, and longitude 4° 20′, bounded north easterly by Hyde Park, southeasterly by Elmore, southwesterly by Stowe, and northwesterly by Johnson and Cambridge. It was granted November 6, 1780, and chartered to Moses Morse and sixty-four associates, August 24, 1781, containing 23,040 acres, until November 14, 1855, when a portion of Sterling was annexed to its territory. Sterling was a township chartered February 25, 1782, and settlement commenced therein in 1792. The people, however, soon grew tired of a separate organization. The first division … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Allen

Isaac Allen, from Randolph, Vt., came to Morristown in 1818, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Ephraim E. He reared a family of six children, all of whom are living. He died May 28, 1871, aged eighty-two years. His wife died February 11, 1845, aged forty-three years. Ephraim E. was born here in 1822, married Ruth M. Loveland, and has two children.

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Vernon W. Waterman

Hon. Vernon W. Waterman was born in Johnson, Vt., July 30, 1811. When three years of age he went with his farther to Montpelier, Vt., to live, and remained there until nineteen years of age, when he came to Morristown to reside with his uncle, Hon. David P. Noyes, who was engaged in mercantile pursuits. At the age of twenty-one years he entered into partnership with Mr. Noyes, continuing the connection about eight years, when he engaged in business for himself, at Cady’s Falls. For his first wife Mr. Waterman married Adaline Cady, of Stowe, by whom he had two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John West

John West, from Northfield, Vt., came to Morristown in 1837, where he resided until his death, in 1869, aged seventy-three years. Mr. West held many of the town offices, discharging his duties in a most acceptable manner. His son is now proprietor of the Vermont House.

Biographical Sketch of David Drown

David Drown, born in New Hampshire in 1800, came to Morristown in 1828, and settled in the .western part of the town. In 1856, he removed to the farm now owned by his sons, H. W. and B. F. Drown, where he died, February 10, 1882.

Biographical Sketch of Moses Wells

Moses Wells, a soldier of the revolutionary war, settled in this town about 1800, upon the farm now owned by his grandson, L. H. Hadley. He died November 22, 1839, aged eighty-two years.

Biographical Sketch of Ezekiel Vincent

Ezekiel Vincent, from Norwich, Vt., came to Morristown in 1843, and located upon the farm now owned by his adopted son, I. T. Vincent, on road 26, where he resided until his death, November 15, 1880, aged one hundred years, two months and eleven days. I. T. Vincent married Irene Haskell, by whom he had five children, two now living. For his second wife he married Caroline Green, who also bore him five children, two now living. His third wife, Adelia Foster, resides with him on the old farm.

Biographical Sketch of Peleg Scofield

Peleg Scofield, born July 14, 1779, came to Elmore, from Hartford, Conn., about the year 1800, and located upon a farm on road 19, now the property of R. B. Goodell. Here he resided until 1844, when he removed to Morristown, where he subsequently died. He reared a family of fourteen children, of whom only one, John G., living on road 18, now resides in the town.

Biographical Sketch of Lebbens Spaulding

Lebbens Spaulding, from New Hampshire, came to Morristown in 1810, and settled upon the farm now occupied by Frank Spaulding, on road 80, where he resided until his death, about 1868. Of his family of eight children, four are now living. Charles, in Craftsbury, Vt., J. W., Jefferson, and Isaac, in this town. Lebbens was captain of a militia company for many years, and . built upon his farm the second saw-mill erected in the township.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Bryant

Samuel Bryant, from Woodstock, Vt., came to Emore in 1824, and settled upon the farm owned by Benjamin Davis, on road 19. Here he resided for a few years, then removed to Morristown, where he cleared up the farm now the property of Alfred Dodge. In 1845, he returned to Elmore, remained here five years, then removed to Franklin county, N. Y., where he died, in April, 1882, aged about ninety-two years. His wife died five days later, aged over ninety-three years. Of their family of six children, three are now living, one, Joseph W., in this town. He was … Read more

1840 Census Index, Morristown, Lamoille County, Vermont

Name Page Alexander, Josiah J. 75 Alexander, Philander 75 Allen, Andrew E. 67 Allen, Isaac 74 Atkins, Josiah 69 Baker, Ruth 72 Baneson, Alfred C. 70 Bark, Amasa 67 Bark, Sampson 67 Bartlett, Ebenezer 71 Bartlett, William G. 71 Bassett, Simeon M. 73 Bayber, Elisha 74 Bellamore, Onas 74 Bender, Israel 69 Bennett, Cobin 68 Bingham, Benjamin 71 Bingham, Fanny M. 67 Bingham, Hiram 73 Bingham, John 72 Bingham, Lather 73 Bingham, Luther S. 73 Birby, John 69 Blossom, George W. 68 Boardman, Ralph 70 Boardman, Sophia 75 Boardman, William 70 Bondman, Orias 70 Bouden, Alexander 69 Bowers, Malachi 74 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Solomon Stow

Solomon Stow, from New Hampshire, came to this town about 1812, and located near the central part of the town, where he reared a family of ten children. He was born November 19, 1777, and died July 27, 3845. None of his family except Haven P. are now living. He was born June 28, 1820, married a Miss Bridge, and has two children, Fluella R. and Anna B.