Biographical Sketch of Dr. Joel G. Camp

Dr. Joel G. Camp came to Elmore from Craftsbury, Vt., about the year 1825. He was a very energetic man, and soon built up a large practice, which he enjoyed until his death, in 1872. Mr. Camp was the only settled physician the town ever had, and was nearly eighty-four years of age when he died. His wife also died in 1872, aged nearly seventy-eight years.

Biographical Sketch of Abel Camp

Abel Camp was born in Orange, Vt., April 15, 1801, and came to Elmore when twenty-one years of age, and located upon the farm he still occupies, Mr. Camp has held most of the town offices, was a representative in 1858, ’59, and ’60, and at the extra session held in April, 1861, was postmaster seventeen years, justice of the peace fifteen years, and town clerk twenty-six years. He has been twice married, his first wife having died July 22, 1854, leaving eight sons and one daughter. His second wife, Narciss Lovell, yet cheers his declining years.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Bryant

Samuel Bryant, from Woodstock, Vt., came to Emore in 1824, and settled upon the farm owned by Benjamin Davis, on road 19. Here he resided for a few years, then removed to Morristown, where he cleared up the farm now the property of Alfred Dodge. In 1845, he returned to Elmore, remained here five years, then removed to Franklin county, N. Y., where he died, in April, 1882, aged about ninety-two years. His wife died five days later, aged over ninety-three years. Of their family of six children, three are now living, one, Joseph W., in this town. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dow Grant

Dow Grant settled in Elmore as early as 1812, locating a little south of the center of the town, upon the farm now owned by Henry Vizant. Here he resided until his death, and reared a family of four sons and three daughters.

Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory

(For explanations, etc., see main page). Railroad stations are Morrisville, 4 miles northwest, and Wolcott, 4 miles east, on St. J. & L. C. R. R. Ainsworth Alson, (Worcester, Washington county,) r 30, laborer. Ainsworth Charles, (East Elmore) r 26, farmer 57. Ainsworth Jacob, (East Elmore) r 26, farmer. Ainsworth Oliver E., (East Elmore) r 26, laborer. Amadon Harvey, (Worcester, Washington Co.,) r 31, farmer l00. BACON OLIVER D., (Elmore) r 14, surveyor, dairy 12 cows, lumberman, apple orchard 300 trees, owner of Mount Lookout farm 42o acres, and Bacon’s Landing, keeps row boats to let. Bailey Malinda, (Morrisville) r … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Seth Town

Seth Town came to Elmore, from Barre, Vt., in 1823, and located near road 10, upon the farm now owned by Luther Ward. He resided here until about 1840, when he removed to the farm owned by C. S. Parker, on road 16. He served his townsmen in several official capacities, and died March 23, 1860. His wife, Susan Sherman, died January 14, 1870. Their only child, Eliza, is the wife of C. S. Parker.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin F. Morse

Benjamin F. Morse was born in Barre, Vt., in 1828, and came to Elmore from Plainfield, Vt., in 1852, and located upon the farm he now occupies, on road 28. His house, erected in 1853, was the second frame house built in the eastern part of the town. Mr. Morse has been married three times, and is one of the prominent men of the town.

Biographical Sketch of Stephen B. Hatch

Stephen B. Hatch, from Hartland, Vt., came to Elmore in 1826, and located in the western part of the town, where he has since resided. He married Anna Cobb, and has reared a family of thirteen children, six of whom are living.

Civil War Soldiers from Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont

During the late civil war Elmore furnished sixty-four soldiers as follows: Stephen C. Albee David P. Barnes Jos. Bashaw Henry J. Bagley John P. Bedell Wm. Biscomer, May 20,’64, died of wounds Lewis Belville, deserted, Jan. 1,’63 Albert J. Biddell, prisoner June 23,’64 Clesson Cameron Lyman L. Camp Charles Carter, deserted Dec. 18, ’62 W. B. Chandler Rufus H. Clark Seth L. Clark Chas. Clement Chas. S. Cooper John A. Camp Luman M. Davis, May 12, ’64, killed, Spottsylvania James P. Davis Solon W. Davis Learnard W. Davis Hiram Dwyer, Jan. 17,’64, died Edwin R. Dodge, April 16,’62, killed tee’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Cook

David Cook, from Barre, Vt., came to Elmore about the year 1822, and located on road 12, upon the farm now occupied by Leonard Grimes, where he cut the first timber on that property. Mr. Cook married Betsey Conant, reared a family of ten children, served his townsmen in various offices, and died in 1878. His widow is now a resident of Barre, Vt., aged eighty-one years. His son, Charles, is the present 1st selectman of the town.

History of Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont

ELMORE, located in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 44° 29′, and long. 4° 29′, is bounded northeasterly by Wolcott, southeasterly by Woodbury, southwesterly by Worcester, and northwesterly by Morristown, thus lying seventeen miles north from Montpelier, and thirty-three east from Burlington. The township contains an area of 23,040 acres, granted by the State to Samuel Elmore, from whom it derived its name, and sixtyfour others, November 7, 1780, though the charter was not issued until August 21, 1781. The surface of the town is somewhat uneven and broken, especially in the western part, where the territory is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Grout

Nathan P. Grout, son of Dexter Grout, was born in Elmore, March I I 1827. In 1859, he married Melissa S. Smith, of Morristown, and located at Morristown Corners. In 1863, he removed to Morrisville, where he subsequently died of heart disease. Three of his five children are now living, Burton W., Walter D., and Roy N.

Biographical Sketch of James Maxom

James Maxom, from Connecticut, came to Emore about the year 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by Samuel Scott. He died in the service of his country during the war of 1812, of disease. He married Sally Woods, they being the first couple married in the town. The only one of their three children now living in the town being Mrs. Samuel Scott, who was born on the old farm October 10. 1807.

Biographical Sketch of J. C. Bailey

J. C. Bailey was extensively engaged in the dairy business at one time, having sixty head of cattle. Joseph represented the town of Elmore in the legislature in 1847-’48.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph C. Bailey

Joseph C. Bailey, a native of Berlin, Vt., married Miss Sally Gurley, of that place, and removed to Elmore in 1823, where he built a log house near the present residence of Philo Darling. About the year 1852, Mr. Bailey sold his farm to his sons, C. N. and Frank, and removed to Middlesex, where he resided until his death. Chester N. Bailey now occupies a part of the original homestead of 500 acres, on road 43, just on the line of Wolcott.

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Merritt

Harvey Merritt came to this town from Montpelier about the year 1840, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Francis L., on road 7. He married Abigail LeBarran, reared three sons and one daughter, three of whom are now living. His death occurred in June, 1876, aged seventy-four years. His wife died August 9, 1882.

Biographical Sketch of Peleg Scofield

Peleg Scofield, born July 14, 1779, came to Elmore, from Hartford, Conn., about the year 1800, and located upon a farm on road 19, now the property of R. B. Goodell. Here he resided until 1844, when he removed to Morristown, where he subsequently died. He reared a family of fourteen children, of whom only one, John G., living on road 18, now resides in the town.

Biographical Sketch of Nehemiah French

Nehemiah French, born in New Hampshire in 1793, came to this town from Elmore, Vt., in 1842, and located upon the farm now owned by J. M. Green, on road 29. In 1819, he married Esther Green, who has borne him eight children, four of whom are living. Mr. French is now, at the age of ninety years, the oldest resident of the town. His wife is eighty-five years of age, and they have lived together sixty-five years.

Biographical Sketch of V. N. Bacon

V. N. Bacon came to Elmore from Williamstown, Vt., in 1850, and located upon “Mt. Lookout farm,” on the west side of Elmore pond, in 1850, where he resided until his death, in 1874. His son, Oliver D., now resides on the farm, where, in 1878, he established Camp Bacon, a resort for campers and picnickers. This is a beautiful location for boating and fishing, is supplied with boats, a camp-house 15×25 feet, and all the accessories of a resort of this kind, and is well patronized each season.

1840 Census Index, Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont

Name Page Atwood, Luke, Jr. 3 Bailey, George W. 4 Bailey, Joseph C. 3 Bailey, Samuel 3 Beans, Daniel 3 Bedel, Daniel 4 Beedle, William 2 Bridge, Jonathan 2 Brigham, Elishall 4 Brown, Geore B. 3 Brown, Luther 3 Buchudson, Lemuel 3 Bullock, Jeremiah 3 Bullock, Joell 3 Camp, Abel 3 Camp, David G. 3 Camp, Joel C. 2 Churchill, John 4 Cook, David 4 Corliss, Stephen 4 Creasley, Nicholas 2 Davis, Benjamin 2 Davis, John 2 Davis, Sameul 3 Dodge, Lyman 2 Dooling, John 4 Doty, Abner 2 Dunham, Davis B. 3 Elmore, Heman G. 2 Elmore, Jesse 2 … Read more