Biographical Sketch of Lemuel Thomas

Lemuel Thomas, born in Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe in 1818, and located at the lower village, where he engaged in farming, in connection with the business of wool-carding and cloth-dressing. After several years, however, he devoted his whole attention to farming, until seventy-nine years of age, when he took up his residence with his son, Weston L., and died in his house at the age of eighty-nine years. Weston L. and Isaac are the only children of Lemuel now living.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Mary Slayton Luce

Mrs. Mary Slayton Luce, wife of Chester Luce, was born in Woodstock, Vt., April 18, 1787. Her father, Samuel Slayton, was a farmer in good circumstances, though possessing but a limited education, an honest, frugal, and kindly man. Her mother, Hannah, whose maiden name was Stowe, was in every respect a superior woman. Mrs. Luce, in her youth improved every educational advantage the rural district in which she resided could afford. As she grew older she acquired a passionate fondness for reading, especially of poetry and romance. At a more mature age she engaged in school teaching, which vocation she … Read more

Biography of Frank T. Vaughan

Frank T. Vaughan, one of the younger lawyers of Newport, was born May 4, 1864, in Woodstock, Vt., son of Edwin and Elizabeth L. (Tenney) Vaughan. The father, who graduated at the Albany Law School, New York, followed the legal profession, and at the time of his death was Judge of Probate. Edwin Vaughan commenced his law practice in New York City; but in 1859 he removed to Claremont, N.H., and entered into partnership with Colonel Alexander Gardner. In 1861 he enlisted in the New Hampshire Battalion of the First Rhode Island Volunteer Cavalry, and was afterward transferred to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Slayton

Samuel Slayton, also from Woodstock, came here in 1821, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Reuben D., where he died, in 1881, aged seventy-nine years.

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Dike

Ebenezer Dike emigrated to Morristown from Woodstock, Vt., in 1800, where he commenced a settlement near the center of the town. Linus, his second son, born in Woodstock, reared a family of eight children, five of whom are living. Wilson, the fourth child, resides in this town, on road 47.

Biographical Sketch of Col. Asahel Raymond

Col. Asahel Raymond was born in Middlebury, Mass., April 7, 1781. His parents moved to Woodstock in the following September, where he resided until September, 1807, when he came to Stowe. Here he immediately purchased a farm, where Noah Scribner now resides, and commenced the manufacture of salts and pearl ashes from the ashes obtained in clearing his land, and also purchased by exchange for dry goods and groceries, of the surrounding settlers. He formed a copartnership with Dea. Asa Raymond, which continued until the death of Dea. Raymond. In 1822 and 1823, they built the grist-mill now owned by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Bryant

Samuel Bryant, from Woodstock, Vt., came to Emore in 1824, and settled upon the farm owned by Benjamin Davis, on road 19. Here he resided for a few years, then removed to Morristown, where he cleared up the farm now the property of Alfred Dodge. In 1845, he returned to Elmore, remained here five years, then removed to Franklin county, N. Y., where he died, in April, 1882, aged about ninety-two years. His wife died five days later, aged over ninety-three years. Of their family of six children, three are now living, one, Joseph W., in this town. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abial H. Slayton

Abial H. Slayton, from Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe about the year 1821, and located on road 48, where his son, Abial H., now lives. He died here in 1831, aged thirty-five years. Three of his sons, Jerome B., Azro C., and Abial H., are residents of the town.

Biographical Sketch of James Cobb

James Cobb, born in Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe when a boy, where he learned the carpenter and joiner trade, and finally settled on road 17. He died May 8, 1871, aged fifty-five years. His widow,, and son Enos B., yet reside here.

Biographical Sketch of Jr. Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson, Jr., a native of Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe when eighteen years of age, and remained here until his death, in 1870, aged seventy_ seven years. His son, 0. J. Benson, now resides on road 18.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Bennett

Joseph Bennett was born in Middlebury, Mass., December 19, 1763. He married Susannah Simmons, and soon after his marriage settled in Woodstock, Vt., where he remained until December, 1810, when he came to this town and located upon the farm where Orlando F. Gerry, whose wife is a granddaughter of Joseph, now resides. Here, in a small log cabin they resided for ten years, when a more pretentious dwelling took its place, in which Mr. Bennett died, in 1825, aged sixty-two years. Mrs. Bennett survived his death until July, 1855, aged eighty-five years. Only one of their six children is … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Willis

Edward C. Willis, superintendent of the State Orphans Home at Atchison, is a graduate of Dartmouth College and came to kansas nearly forty years ago with the equipment and training of a oultured New Englander. His work in this state had been largely of an educational nature, and he had taught, had been superintendent of schools, and was finally appointed to his present post at Atchison, where he had served with the exception of two years since 1907. Nearly all of Mr. Willis’ ancestors were colonial families of New England. The Willis family came originally from the northern part of … Read more

Biography of Winslow P. Powers

Deceased. – While it is the province of our volume to give mention of the leading citizens of Wallowa county, it also comes within the purview of the work to grant to such as the noble and esteemed citizen, whose name appears above, a memoir, and it is with especial delight that we are privileged to do so at this time, since he was one of the builders of the county, and one who held in becoming manner the position of leader for many years, being eminently fitted for that capacity, both by marked capabilities, great energy and force of … Read more

Biography of Captain Harry C. Fay

Captain Harry C. Fay, editor-in-chief of the National Eagle, a bright and thoroughly up-to-date newspaper published in Claremont, was born in Richmond, Vt., November 30, 1830, son of Captain Nathan and Polly (Colby) Fay. Stephen Fay, his great-great-grandfather, was an early settler in Bennington, Vt., and was the father of eight children. His son John kept the Catamount Tavern, which during his day became a meeting-place for many great statesmen, who formed a legislative body, and held there meetings known as “Councils of Safety.” He, John, fell in the battle of Bennington. His son, Nathan Fay, served as a Colonel … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson, born at Middlebury, Mass., September 3, 1783, came to Stowe from Woodstock, Vt., in 1803, and located upon the farm now occupied by his son, Frank. About two years previous to his death, which occurred in 1870, he removed to Stowe village. Mr. Benson was a man of steady and industrious habits, and attained a comfortable competence, and the entire respect of his fellow citizens. He married Miss Eliza Benson, of his native town, who survived him until 1879. Five of their seven children reside in the town, viz.: Orlando J., Elmira A. (Mrs. G. S. Moody), Flotilla … Read more