Ancestors of Charles Presbery White of Taunton Massachusetts

There is nothing definite known concerning the birth of Nicholas White, but there is no doubt that he belonged to the yeomanry of England. He was a freeman in Dorchester, Mass., in 1643, and about the same time married Susanna, daughter of Jonas and Frances Humphrey, who had also settled in Dorchester. At this time he was about twenty-five years of age, and had won the confidence of the early settlers. The first book of Dorchester records was destroyed by fire in 1657, and there is reason to believe that it contained the record of Nicholas White’s marriage and the births of his children, as well as many facts relating to his life while in Dorchester. In 1647 he bought of Henry Woolcot a tract of land in that part of Dorchester then called Uncaty, over which there was much contention in the courts with a Mr. Hutchinson, who claimed a prior title. He, it seems, afterward obtained judgment, but the property was in some way restored to Mr. White, who in the meantime had moved to Taunton, the removal taking place some time between 1652 and October, 1655. At that time there was no settlement between Dorchester and Taunton, neither roads nor bridges. He was an early owner in the Taunton Iron Works, and was prominently connected with them for many years. Besides his interest in the iron works he became the owner of a quarter of a sawmill situated on Mill river, which gave the people of Taunton some annoyance by stopping the run of fish up the stream. On Oct. 31, 1666, complaint was made at the Plymouth court against the owners of the mill, the verdict being in favor of the people, this being, perhaps, the first of the many contests waged over the Taunton herring in the courts and Legislature of the State. In 1668 Nicholas White, his son Nicholas and his son-in-law Samuel Hall were members of a company which purchased a large tract of land lying north of Taunton, and extending to the boundary line between the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies. It was called the Taunton North Purchase, and embraced the present town of Easton, nearly all of Mansfield and a large part of Norton. In 1672 Nicholas White and his son and son-in-law, were among associates who bought a large tract of land lying south of Taunton, and comprising the town of Dighton and part of Berkley, which was called the Taunton South Purchase. Nicholas White was not a prominent figure in church or in public affairs, but an industrious and enterprising citizen, who in a quiet way did his full share in converting the forests and wild lands into fertile fields and laying the foundation for a city in the wilderness. He was an active promoter of the prosperity of Taunton, and a large owner in its industries. By energy, industry and frugality he acquired a large property. He died in 1697, and in 1698 his estate was divided among his three sons, Nicholas, John and Joseph, and daughter Elizabeth. One child died early.

Nicholas White (2) resided in Taunton, probably on Dean street. For four years he was a selectman of Taunton, and he held other positions of trust and responsibility. Like his father he was engaged in business and was a large land holder. He died in Norton Jan. 18, 1727-28. On Dec. 9, 1673, he married Ursula, daughter of William and Ursula (?) Macomber, of Marshfield. Their children, born in Taunton, were:

  1. Nicholas White, born Feb. 3, 1675
  2. Matthew White, born Oct. 25, 1676
  3. Ephraim White, born Feb. 8, 1678
  4. Dorcas White, born Dec. 24, 1680
  5. Benjamin White
  6. John White, born Jan. 10, 1685
  7. Thomas White

Thomas White resided in Taunton on the northerly side of Prospect Hill. He died near the end of the year 1730. His wife was Abigail, daughter of John and Joanna (Thayer) Crossman. She was born Oct. 7, 1690, and died Jan. 22, 1767. On Sept. 21, 1731, she was appointed guardian for their nine children, of whom three – Thomas, John and Sarah – were more than fourteen years of age. The dates of their birth or order in which they were born is not known. Their names were:

  1. Thomas White
  2. John White
  3. Sarah White
  4. Abraham White (born 1717)
  5. Nathaniel White
  6. Abigail White
  7. Mary White
  8. Ursula White
  9. Joanna White

Abraham White, son of Thomas, born in 1717, resided in Norton, near the Taunton line and on the Medfield road. He died Feb. 20, 1801, aged eighty-four years, and was buried in the White burial ground near the Medfield road. He was a representative to the General Court, a member of the Constitutional convention in 1779 and 1780, a State senator and a member of the convention of 1788 held for the purpose of adopting the Constitution of the United States. It is said that he was somewhat eccentric, but was possessed of much native talent, practical good sense and sound judgment. He was influential in all town affairs and was much employed in public life. He had energy and decision of character, a ready wit, keen satire and an ability to meet any emergency. He was a soldier in the company of Maj. Joseph Hodges in the expedition to Cape Breton in 1745, and was at Sheepscott, Maine, in 1749. He married (first) a daughter of John Holmes, of Taunton, and (second) Jan. 30, 1749, Hannah, daughter of Edward and Hannah White, of Easton. She died May 19, 1801. Nine children were born to the second marriage, all in Norton, but the dates of birth are unknown. Their names were:

  1. Edward White
  2. Saul White
  3. Susanna White
  4. Weltha White (who married Elijah Phillips, of Easton)
  5. Hannah White
  6. Abraham White
  7. Silence White
  8. Lydia White (who married John McDonald)
  9. Abigail White (who married Aug. 13, 1795, Abijah Wilbur, of Taunton).

Saul White, son of Abraham, bought a farm at Stoughton and lived there several years, then sold it and moved to Taunton. He was a deputy sheriff, and was prominent in business matters. He died in Taunton Dec. 3, 1812. On June 12, 1776, he married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Catherine (Withington) Smith, of Stoughton. She was born Sept. 20, 1756, and died Nov. 18, 1823. Their children were:

  1. Stephen White, born Sept. 14, 1777, in Stoughton
  2. Elizabeth W. White, born Oct. 8, 1779, who died in Taunton March 30, 1830
  3. Lucinda White, born Oct. 19, 1781
  4. Nancy Hawes White, born July 26, 1784
  5. Saul White, born Aug. 29, 1789
  6. Hannah White, born Oct. 5, 1791
  7. Lemuel Smith White, born Feb. 23, 1794
  8. Wealthy White, born Aug. 8, 1796, who died Oct, 8, 1821

Capt. Stephen White, son of Saul, born Sept. 14, 1777, was a farmer by occupation, served in the militia as captain, and died in Taunton Dec. 14, 1835. On Dec. 19, 1805, he married Polly, daughter of Joseph and Mary (King) Hall, of Raynham. She was born Jan. 23, 1785, and died Oct. 4, 1867. Their children, all born in Taunton, were:

  1. Stephen Lloyd White, born Aug. 9, 1807
  2. James M. White, born in January, 1810, who died March 18, 1865
  3. Polly White, born Nov. 17, 1811
  4. Mary K. White, born in 1813, who died July 12, 1832
  5. Elizabeth S. White, born in 1816, who died Dec. 18, 1836
  6. Hannah White
  7. Carmi C. White, born in 1821, who died Aug. 22, 1835
  8. Saul White, born Nov. 21, 1823, who died June 28, 1860
  9. Baylies S. White, born Oct. 2, 1827

Stephen Lloyd White, son of Capt. Stephen, born Aug. 9, 1807, lived at Taunton. He was a colonel in the militia and held many town offices, was deputy collector in the customs house at Boston, and, was public-spirited and influential in public affairs. His death occurred in Taunton June 1, 1863. On May 15, 1837, he married Polly, daughter of Daniel and Polly (Field) Eddy. She was born in Taunton Feb. 15, 1814, and died May 23, 1888. Their children were:

  1. Lloyd White, born May 27, 1838
  2. Alexander White, Aug. 30, 1843
  3. Charles Presbery White, March 28, 1845
White, Warner and Company, Taunton, Massachusetts
Tradecard for White, Warner and Company, Taunton, Massachusetts

Charles Presbery White, son of Stephen Lloyd, was born in Taunton March 28, 1845. After receiving his education in the public schools he entered the Dean iron foundry at Whittenton to learn the molder’s trade, and thoroughly mastered it. He worked at that trade and at other things in connection with the foundry work, and for about ten years was foreman for Sampson Perkins and Oscar G. Thomas. In 1882 he began business for himself as a member of the firm of White, Walker & Co., and this was continued until 1885, when Mr. Walker retired, and Mr. Richard E. Warner was admitted, the firm name changing to White, Warner & Co. This remained unchanged until Jan. 1, 1897, when Mr. Howard A. Tinkham was admitted, and they incorporated under the name of the White, Warner Company, of which Mr. White was made president, The company manufactures stoves of all kinds.

Mr. White was a strong Republican and was a member of the common council of Taunton in 1875-76. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served during 1862 in Company G, 4th Mass. V. I. He was a member of Alfred Baylies Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and one of the oldest members of the Bristol Club. In religious faith he was a Baptist. Starting life empty-handed, he became the architect of his own fortune, and was one of the leading citizens of his native city. He was a most benevolent, charitable man, and was esteemed by all, but more especially was he beloved by the men in the foundry who worked with him. He died May 25, 1904, leaving behind him the record of a highly honorable life.

On Nov. 10, 1870, Mr. White married Mrs. Lucretia J. Skinner, who was born in Easton Jan. 23, 1847, daughter of James and Ardelia Adams. She died in Norton Dec. 30, 1898. No children were born to this union. On Jan. 19, 1901, Mr. White married (second) Margaret Theresa (Trimble) Gormley, daughter of William Trimble, of Ireland. She survives him.

Nicholas White’s descendants are covered extensively in the large genealogical manuscript, The Nicholas White family: 1643-1900, written by Thomas J Lothrop in 1902.

Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts: containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families. 3 Volumes. Beers & Chicago. 1912.

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