Biographical Sketch of Francis J. Peck

Peck, Francis J.; engineer; born, West Farmington, O., Sept. 7, 1866; son of Dr. Allen Francis and Cordelia A. Fuller Peck; educated, public schools, Cleveland and Warren, O., Hudson Academy, Hudson, O., University of Michigan, Ph. C., B. S., E. M.; married, Elyria, O., Nov. 20, 1901, Caroline Margaret Cramer; one daughter, Helen Dorothy Peck; city chemist, Cleveland; chief engineer and mngr. Francis J. Peck & Co.; mining, chemical and mechanical engineers; director The Universal Community Mausoleum Co., and the Standard Reduction Co.; member American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The National Geographical Society; member Elks, B. P. O. E., No. 18, Commercial Travelers Ass’n, American Institute of Mining Engineers, Canadian Mining Institute, American Society for Testing Materials, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Athletic Club, Fraternity Alphi Chi Sigma; father with surgeon with Kit Carson all through the Civil War, with title of major general.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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