Harriet Julia Todd Butman of Ohio

BUTMAN, Harriet Julia Todd8, (Lorenzo D.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 9, 1848, in East Rodman, N. Y., married in Elyria, Ohio, Dec. 9, 1872, Samuel J. Butman, who was born in Florence, Ohio, April 7, 1848, died Aug. 10, 1919. They lived on a farm near Elyria, O., which is their post office address, R. F. D. No. 2. Children: I. Ralph L., b. Aug., 1881, d. Sept. 29, 1881. II. Harold O., b. April 7, 1891. He is living in Cal.

Marvin Mills Todd of Elyria OH

Marvin Mills Todd8, (Lorenzo D.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 8, 1847, in Rodman, N. Y., died Aug. 5, 1916, in Elyria, Ohio, he was married twice, first, Dec. 20, 1871, Elouise Lord, of Elyria, O., who was born Nov. 10, 1850, in Danbury, Conn., died Feb. 20, 1897, married second, July 4, 1898, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover Lewis. He spent his boyhood days in Elyria, O., and Rockford, Ill. He learned the painters and decorators trade in Elgin, Ill. He returned to Elyria, O., where he married and lived until 1909. He is now (1912) living with … Read more

Frank Edward Todd of Elyria OH

Frank Edward Todd9, (Lorenzo R.8, Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Elyria, O., Sept. 17, 1895, married Feb. 13, 1920, Loraine Norris, who was born April 26, 1895, a graduate of the Ohio State University. He is a graduate of the Elyria High School, class of 1914, also of the Ohio State University, class of 1920, receiving A. B. S. degree. He enlisted in the World War at Philadelphia, Pa. in the Jefferson Medical Unit 38, July 1917. Served in France as Entomologist of the Unit, from July 4, 1918 to May 1919. Received an honorable … Read more

Charles Orville Todd of Cleveland OH

Charles Orville Todd9, (Marvin M.8, Lorenzo D.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 23, 1887, in Elyria, O., married in May 1908, Emily Yeager, of Cleveland, O. He passed his boyhood days in Elyria, O., where he passed through the grammar grades at school, and then took a course in the Elyria Business College. He has been very suceessful since he entered the business world. In 1912, he was living at 7113 Linwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Children: 2743. Marie Elouise, b. June 29, 1909. 2743a. Bruce Orville, b. Jan. 19, 1917.

Lorenzo Russell Todd of Elyria OH

Lorenzo Russell Todd8, (Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 20, 1869, in Elyria, Ohio, married June 1, 1892, Nellie M., daughter of Charles B. Spring, in Elyria, Ohio, and where they also lived. He is a railway mail clerk. Children: *2263. Arthur Russell, b. Jan. 18, 1894. *2264. Frank Edward, b. Sept. 17, 1895. *2265. Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug. 27, 1899. 2266. Lorena Doris, b. July 1, 1903. 2266a. Lorenzo Spring, b. Nov. 22, 1911.

Biography of William Perry Horton

Horton, William Perry; dentist; born, Pittsfield, Vt., Oct. 23, 1832; son of Dennis and Nancy B. McClellan Horton; educated in Wallingford, Vt.; preparing for college at Castleton Seminary; taught district school for seven years; in October, 1844, came to Cleveland, and in 1845, entered Oberlin College; after a year’s literary course took dental course in study under Dr. George B. Minor and Dr. Ferris at Milwaukee, Wis.; married, Elyria, O., Oct. 28, 1851, Louisa Chase of Maine; issue, two sons, William P. Jr., and Milton Chase, both residents of Cleveland; married, second time, Oct. 21, 1897, Miss Margaret Stroup of … Read more

Amanda M. Todd Pendergast of Elyria OH

PENDERGAST, Amanda M. Todd7, (Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born May 25, 1826, at Sandy Creek, N. Y., married Oct. 2, 1845, John A. Pendergast. They lived most of their lives in Elyria, Ohio. Children: I. Augustus, b. March 19, 1848, m. Dec. 7, 1871, Catherine Christie. They reside in Elgin, Ill. II. Edwin R., b. July 17, 1854, m. Frances U. Day. III. Lydia, b. Sept. 23, 1856, m. May 13, 1879, John E. Bayles.

Biographical Sketch of James Arthur Loughry

Loughry, James Arthur; dentist; born, Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 30, 1881; son of Clark Hawkins and Emma Louise Cooper Loughry; educated, Elyria, O., public school, and graduate of High School, 1899; Ohio State University dental education; received degree of D. D. S., 1904; married, Marion, Ind., Dec. 25, 1906, Edith Johnson; one son, James Richard Loughry; member National Dental Ass’n, Ohio State Dental Society, Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n, and Cleveland Dental Society; member Psi Omega Dental Fraternity, and Euclid Club.

Arthur Russell Todd of Elyria OH

Arthur Russell Todd9, (Lorenzo R.8, Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Elyria, O., Jan. 18, 1894, graduated from the Elyria High School, June, 1913. He enlisted in the World War, Oct. 1917. Left for Camp Pike, Ark. Nov. 11, 1917, where he attained the rank of Sergeant. In June 1918 he was transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor, where he remained until the Armistice was signed, acquiring the rank of Sergeant Major. He received an honorable discharge, Dec. 31, 1918.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Ernest Borton

Borton, Thomas Ernest; broker; born, Plymouth, Ind., Dec. 14, 1868; son of Dr. Amos 0. and Mary Cooper Borton; educated, high school; graduated in 1887; went to Wabash College, graduating in 1893; married, Elyria, O., Miss Elizabeth Lewis; issue, three children, Marion Frances, Jean Lewis and Robert Ernest; entered the employ of the American Steel & Wire Co.; worked for Dime Savings and Trust Co.; then became sec’y of the Reserve Trust Co.; then sec’y and treas. of the Prudential Trust Co.; resigned and went to California; after two years there returned to Cleveland as asst. cashier of the Cleveland … Read more

Biography Of Wilder S. Metcalf, Gen.

Gen. Wilder S. Metcalf has been a resident of Kansas since 1887, and developed and is now sole owner of the business known as the Wilder S. Metcalf Farm Mortgage Agency at Lawrence. It is one of the oldest and best known agencies of the kind in the state and its business operations cover twenty-five or thirty counties in Kansas and Oklahoma. He is the only man who held the office of United States pension agent at Topeka for two successive terms. The Topeka agency was the largest in the United States, covering five states, and through it were distributed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen E. Brooks

Brooks, Stephen E.; pres. The Brooks Co., mfg. stationers and printers; born, Elyria, O., Dec. 13, 1850; son of Henry J. and Abagail Hart Brooks; grandfather, Samuel Brooks, one of Lorain County’s early settlers, driving ox team from Connecticut; family moved to Cleveland in 1861; public school education; 1871, founded present house of the Brooks Co., which was incorporated in 1878, with himself as president, the position he still holds; pres. of the Forest City Savings & Trust Co., of which he was an incorporator; director Peoples’ Savings Bank Co.; director W. S. Gilkey Printing Co.; stockholder of many banks … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George M. Pinkett

Pinkett, George M.; mgr. Cleveland Branch, Armour & Co.; born, Elyria, O., Sept. 6, 1857; son of Samuel and Maria Pinkett; left school at the age of 14, and went to work; married, Cleveland, Jan. 1, 1883, Miss M. Caloo; issue, two sons, George and Joseph; with Jas. Gibbon & Co., meat and provision dealers, from 1874 until 1891, sec’y and mgr. of the Company; in 1903, Mr. Armour bought their wholesale dept.; became mgr. of Cleveland Branch; also opened branch houses in Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Sandusky, Findlay, and Lorain, 0.; director the Gibbon & Pinkett Co.; member Elks, and … Read more

Helen Elizabeth Todd Ballinger of Elyria OH

BALLINGER, Helen Elizabeth Todd9, (Lorenzo R.8, Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Elyria, O., Aug. 27, 1899, graduated from the Elyria High School, class of 1917, married July 13, 1919, Walter J. Ballinger, of Chicago, Ill., who was born July 19, 1896.

Caroline Elizabeth Todd Lyndon of Elyria OH

LYNDON, Caroline Elizabeth Todd8, (Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 24, 1865, in Elyria, O., where she married June 29, 1892, Clarence Lyndon, also of Elyria, O., where they now (1912) reside. Children: I. Rex Everett, b. May 27, 1894, m. Oct. 28, 1916, Ruby Wilson, issue: (1) Rodney Alan, b. July, 1919. II. Max Alan, b. Nov. 5, 1896, m. Elizabeth Hoffman, b. Aug. 1896, issue: (1) Evelyn, b. June, 1918.

Biography of William Elliott Barnhart

William Elliott Barnhart, who has lived in Kansas City, Kansas, since 1887, has held many large responsibilities in connection with transportation lines, both urban and general railway companies, and has also regulated his private affairs so as to give time for much public service to his home city. His personal career has been one of many interesting experiences and achievements and his ancestry is also an appropriate matter of record. Mr. Barnhart was born at Cedar Valley in Wayne County, Ohio, December 8, 1857, a son of Frederick William and Clarisas (Gooding) Barnhart. The paternal ancestry goes back to his … Read more

Lorenzo D. Todd of Elyria OH

Lorenzo D. Todd7, (Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 29, 1820, in Lowville, N. Y., died April 8, 1895, in Elyria, Ohio, where he was buried, married, Nov. 9, 1845, in Watertown, N. Y., by Rev. Isaac Brayton, Harriet S. daughter of David W. Mills, who was born Sept. 13, 1826, in Watertown, N. Y., died May 25, 1900, in Elyria, Ohio, where she too was buried. Mr. Todd was a shoemaker by trade and worked at the business most of the time, though farming at intervals. He and family moved to Elyria, Ohio, about 1850, and lived … Read more

Caroline C. Todd Cunningham of Elyria OH

CUNNINGHAM, Caroline C. Todd7, (Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 2, 1824, in Martins-burgh, N. Y., died Sept. 3, 1907, married Sept. 18, 1850, Myron H. Cunningham, who was born Sept. 20, 1823, in Lancaster, Erie County, N. Y., he is now (1912) living in Elyria, Ohio. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sept. 18, 1900. They lived on a farm most of their lives. He is still (1912) very active for a person of his age, being in his ninetieth year. Children: I. Frank I., b. Aug. 4, 1851, m. Nov. 13, 1873, Louise Rutson, they had … Read more

Frank Leonard Todd of Elyria OH

Frank Leonard Todd8 , (Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 8, 1873, in Elyria, Ohio, married Nov., 1898, Minnie, daughter of Garrett Reublin, of Elyria, Ohio, who was born May 28, 1877. After having arrived at young manhood, Mr. Todd decided to take up mechanical engineering. Accordingly, he studied persistently after having done his days work and persevered until he finished the course. He is now working at his chosen trade. Child: 2267. Florence, b. Nov. 22, 1899. Graduated from Elyria High School 1919.

Fred Herman Todd of Elyria OH

Fred Herman Todd9, (Marvin. M.8, Lorenzo D.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 23, 1879, in Elyria, O., married in 1904, Dorothy Maude Walters, of Medina, O. He graduated from the Elyria High School, in 1897. Later he secured a position at Warner and Swaseys, in Cleveland, O., where he learned the machinists trade. Since his marriage he has lived in Elyria, O., where he works at his trade of machinist and tool-maker. Children: 2741. Marvin Eugene, b. July 17, 1905. 2742. Richard Allen, b. May 2, 1911.