Biographical Sketch of Dudley S. Humphrey

Humphrey, Dudley S.; pros. The Humphrey Co.; born; Townsend, O., May 19, 1852; son of Dudley Sherman and Mabel Truman Fay Humphrey; educated, district schools and Buchtel College; married, Wakeman, 0., Sept. 3, 1879, Effie D. Shannon; issue, Mabel Elizabeth, born June 12, 1880, Harvey John, born Jan. 7, 1884, and H. Louise, born June 9, 1898; after leaving school worked on his father’s farm and engaged in other business interests until his father died in 1876, when with his brothers assumed the management of the estate; in 1884, was engaged with his brothers under the firm name of Humphrey Bros., seed growers, Wakeman, O.; in June, 1893, came to Cleveland and began the popping and retailing of popcorn without any capital; later engaged in making pull candy; in 1901, secured Euclid Beach Park which firm has operated ever since, making it the largest, cleanest, best patronized, and best paying summer resort in the country; in the autumn of 1907, firm built and opened the Elysium Rink, at University Circle; this is the largest and finest ice rink in the United States; pres. The Humphrey Co.; Mabel Elizabeth Humphrey is second vice pres.; Mrs. D. S. Humphrey is see ‘v and treas. of the company; Harvey John is asst. treas., and H. Louise, is the youngest member of the firm; treas. Ohio Good Roads Ass’n; good roads are his hobby; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic and Automobile Clubs.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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