Sumner E. Todd of Wakeman OH

Sumner E. Todd9, (Millard L.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) married in Sept. 1905, Edna M. Hurst. He graduated from the Wakeman High School, then took the academy course at Oberlin College. He taught in the summer schools but later located on a farm near Wakeman, O. Children: 2524. Marden Anna. 2525. Werner.

Edwin Dennis Todd of Wakeman OH

Edwin Dennis Todd8, (George7, Joel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 20, 1841, in Wakeman, O., married Nov. 25, 1869, Amelia Arabella, daughter of Hiram and Sarah (Knowls) Bates, who died Jan. 18, 1903. The early part of his life was spent on part of the old homestead, but later moved into Wakeman village where he is now (1920) living. They did not have children of their own, but adopted two, a boy and a girl. Children: (adopted) *1902. George Ammonds, b. July 21, 1876. *1903. Amie Templeton, b. Aug. 7, 1880.

Biographical Sketch of George Humphrey Burrows

Burrows, George Humphrey; lawyer; born, Wakeman, O., May 18, 1863; son of Asa W. and Nancy Ann Humphrey Burrows; educated in Cleveland public schools and Riverside Seminary, Wellsville, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, April 5, 1885, Ida Bell Folliett; issue, Ethel Ida, G. Howard; sec’y Cleveland Coal Exchange, 1885-1886; sec’y Merchant’s and Manufacturer’s Exchange, 1887-1897; practiced law from 1893; sec’y and gen’l mgr. Cleveland Farm Development Co.; sec’y and director Chagrin River Land & Investment Co.; pres. and director the Geo. H. Burrows Development Co.; member firm of Burrows, Kraus & McMasters.

Albert Strong Todd of Wakeman OH

Albert Strong Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 11, 1868, in Wakeman, O., married Oct. 17, 1893, Clara Belle Rippon, who was born Feb. 4, 1874, in Wakeman, O. Children: 2515. Seth Leroy, b. Jan. 5, 1895, d. Feb. 25, 1899. 2516. Lauriston Amos, b. April 19, 1897. 2517. Alertra Grace, b. June 21, 1899. 2518. Upson Marian, b. Aug. 21, 1901. 2519. Oriel Mable, b. July 20, 1903. 2520. Albert Curtis, b. Feb. 22, 1906. 2521. S. Herman, b. May 9, 1907. 2522. Royce Charles, b. Sept. 22, 1909. 2523. Clarie Gilbert, b. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dudley S. Humphrey

Humphrey, Dudley S.; pros. The Humphrey Co.; born; Townsend, O., May 19, 1852; son of Dudley Sherman and Mabel Truman Fay Humphrey; educated, district schools and Buchtel College; married, Wakeman, 0., Sept. 3, 1879, Effie D. Shannon; issue, Mabel Elizabeth, born June 12, 1880, Harvey John, born Jan. 7, 1884, and H. Louise, born June 9, 1898; after leaving school worked on his father’s farm and engaged in other business interests until his father died in 1876, when with his brothers assumed the management of the estate; in 1884, was engaged with his brothers under the firm name of Humphrey … Read more

Edgar Merritt Todd of Wakeman OH

Edgar Merritt Todd8, (George7, Joel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 14, 1838, died July 27, 1907, at the old homestead in Wakeman, O., married March 3, 1870, Julia, daughter of Edwin and Emeline Augusta (Hervey) Hanford. He was a veteran of the civil war, having enlisted and served in the body of men which were mobilized as the result of President Lincoln’s first call for volunteers and later became known as the hundred day men. He was a volunteer from Ohio. He was a farmer and lived all his life in Wakeman, Ohio. They did not have any … Read more

Isaac Todd of Wakeman OH

Isaac Todd7, (Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 18, 1808, possibly in Newtown, Conn., died July 17, 1890, in Wakeman, Ohio, married June 13, 1830, Fanny Booth, who was born Oct. 26, 1805, died Sept. 28, 1887, in Wakeman, Ohio. The following sketch is taken from a History of Huron County, Ohio. “In the year 1827 Isaac Todd, then a young man of 18 came into the township and the year following bought the farm where he now lives. There was no improvement east of him at that time. In 1830 he married Fanny Booth. Mr. Todd seems … Read more

Mary A. Todd Harrison of Grass Lake MI

HARRISON, Mary A. Todd8, (Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Jan. 9, 1836, in Wakeman, O., died Feb. 11, 1910, at her home in Grass Lake, Mich., married March 18, 1860,(???)Harrison. They lived in Grass Lake, Mich., where he was a farmer. Children: I. Ivy. II. Fanny. III. Elizabeth, m.(???)Bunker. They live in Winnetka, Ill.

Woodward Hezekiah Todd of Florence OH

Woodward Hezekiah Todd8, (Kneeland7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born May 28, 1837, died Jan. 18, 1900, married May 17, 1877, Sophia C. Kline, who was born March 4, 1855, died Dec. 25, 1905. Mr. Todd was born in Wakeman, O., and died at his home in Florence, Erie County, O. Below is Mr. Todd’s obituary: At the age of eight years he moved with his parents to the home he occupied. This farm has been his residence over 54 years. In his younger days, he was a student in Oberlin College, and about that time he taught school … Read more

Mary Grace Todd Spiers of Wakeman OH

SPIERS, Mary Grace Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 23, 1876, in Wakeman, O., married Sept. 26, 1906, Edward Bruce Spiers, who was born Nov. 4, 1871, died Oct. 18, 1914. She attended Oberlin College. After her marriage they went to live in Valdez, Alaska. She is now (1916) living with her mother in Wakeman, O. Children: I. Wallace Bruce, b. Oct. 31, 1908. II. Katherine Elizabeth, b. April 18, 1912, d. July 8, 1913.

Elva Lorena Todd Burhams of Dunbar PA

BURHAMS, Elva Lorena Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 21, 1861, in Wakeman, Ohio, married Aug 28, 1881, James Mott Burhams, who was born Aug. 31, 1855, in Wakeman, O. She attended Oberlin College. They are now (1916) living in Dunbar, Penn., where he is engaged in the undertaking business. Child: I. James Todd, b. June 26, 1885, in Wakeman, O., m. June 11, 1910, Effie A. Bernhardt, of Uniontown, Penn., where she was b. March 29, 1885; they are now (1916) living in Van Nuyes, Cal., on a chicken ranch. They had issue: … Read more

Charles Henry Todd of Wakeman OH

Charles Henry Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 13, 1866, in Wakeman, O., married Dec. 24, 1890, Mary Elizabeth Shelton, who was born Oct. 7, 1864, in Wakeman, O. He graduated from the Michigan Agricultural College at Lansing, Mich. After his graduation, he went onto a farm near Wakeman, O. They had no children, but adopted a girl and boy. Adopted children: 2513. Ethel Florence, b. Jan. 9, 1891; graduated from Oberlin, College in 1912. 2514. John Fletcher, b. Jan. 16, 1906.

Ellen Georgiana Todd Irvine of Wakeman OH

IRVINE, Ellen Georgiana Todd8, (George7, Joel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 3, 1848, at the old homestead in Wakeman, O., married Rev. Edward Duncombe Irvine, who died Dec. 15, 1906. She is living now (1920) in Wakeman, O. Children: I. George Todd, b. Oct. 25, 1876, m. June 18, 1919, Mrs. Millie Gibson Mahon, a daughter of one of the early residents of Boonville, Mo. He is at the head of the department of mathematics in Kemper Military School in Boonville, Mo., and also a director in the corporation which conducts the school. II. Pierpont Edwards, b. Sept. … Read more

Seth Henry Todd of Wakeman OH

Seth Henry Todd8, (Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 23, 1833, in Wakeman, Ohio, died May 2, 1914, in Wakeman, O., married March 18, 1860, Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Cyrus and Mary Ann (Burrill) Strong, who was born Aug., 1836. He was a farmer and stock raiser all his life. He attended Oberlin College; was a lecturer at Farmer’s Institutes; was president of the Wakeman Bank from the time of its foundation in 1892, until his death. The following is Mr. Todd’s obituary: Seth Henry Todd was a pioneer child, born Nov. 22, 1833, in the early … Read more

Millard I. Todd of Wakeman OH

Millard I. Todd8, (Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 29, 1847, in Wakeman, O., married in 1876, Anna E. Washburn. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1873, taught school for several terms, was a lecturer on the farmer’s institute force of Ohio. He owns and operates a farm in Wakeman, O. Children: *1885. Sumner E. 1886. Louis U.; graduated from Wakeman, High School, also from Oberlin College; taught four years in Graded schools and Yankton College; then he qualified himself for his chosen profession by taking a course in law at the Harvard Law School, from which … Read more

Sarah Harriet Todd Bartholowmew of Chicago IL

BARTHOLOMEW, Sarah Harriet Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 8, 1871, in Wakeman, O., married Oct. 20, 1896, James K. Bartholomew, who was born Jan. 11, 1862, in Mottville, Mich., died Dec. 1920. He is a physician and they reside in Chicago, Ill. Children: I. Maynard Todd, b. April 3, 1898. II. Martha Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1899. III. Charles Scott, b. May 25, 1901. IV. Sara Grace, b. Dec. 3, 1905. V. Janis Kathryn, b. April 27, 1916.

George Todd of Wakeman OH

George Todd7, (Joel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in North Haven, Conn., Sept. 25, 1810, died in Wakeman, Ohio, April 6, 1853, married Aug. 28, 1834, Betsey, daughter of Phillaman and Mehitabel (Sacket) Pierpont, died Jan. 2, 1894, in Wakeman, Ohio. Mr. Todd with his wife moved to Ohio, leaving North Haven, Conn., Oct. 26, 1837. He went by the way of Albany, Buffalo and Lake Erie, and landed at Huron, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1837. The following winter they spent with Moses Todd, who was his uncle, and who lived in Vermillion, Ohio. On April 30, 1838, they settled … Read more

Kneeland Todd of Florence OH

Kneeland Todd7, (Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 18, 1808, in Newtown, Conn., died April 24, 1883, married April 24, 1836, Julia Booth, a sister of his brother Isaac’s wife. She was born July 22, 1808, died March 11, 1895. Mr. Todd was one of the early pioneers of Wakeman, Ohio, where he arrived in 1833. He shared the privations of early pioneer life with his twin brother for three years, when he returned to Conn. and there married Julia Booth, of Woodbury, Conn. It is a singular coincident that his marriage and death, also the death of … Read more