Biography of Charles F. Osborn

Charles F. Osborn. While the continued residence of Mr. Osborn at Howard for thirty-five years is a noteworthy fact, still more important is the service he had rendered during this long period of citizenship. Everywhere in that section of Kansas he is esteemed as one of the foremost men, and if he had done nothing else, his connection with permanent improvements and good roads in Elk County would entitle him to mention among the representative men of Kansas. He came to Howard in March, 1881. He was associated with his brother Frank Osborn in the loan business, and they also … Read more

William Alonzo Todd of East Townsend OH

William Alonzo Todd7, (Elnathan6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Sept. 16, 1807, died Nov. 11, 1864, at East Townsend, Ohio, where he was buried. He married first, April 1, 1832, Abigail Hait, who was born Jan. 21, 1809, at Bedford, N. Y., died Oct. 29, 1837. Married second, May 9, 1839, Angeline Delia Mead, who was born Feb. 24, 1810, died Sept. 29, 1850. Mr. Todd lived in East Townsend, Ohio. Children by Abigail Hait: 1130. Ann Augusta Todd, b. Nov. 11, 1833, at Bedford, N. Y., d. Jan. 17, 1906, at East Townsend, O., and was buried by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Shadrack Reed

Reed, Charles Shadrack; lawyer; born, North Fairfield, O., Sept. 17, 1862; son of David H. and Caroline Long Reed; attended school at Oberlin College, and Delaware; Law Course at University of Michigan; married, Fredonia, Kas., Nov. 16, 1887, Nellie B. Baughman; issue, three sons and two daughters; prosecuting attorney of Wilson County, Kas., three terms; judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1st Sub-division of 4th Judicial District of Ohio, from September 1899, to September, 1911; elected three times; served twice under appointment of Gov. Bushnell; from law school went West to Fredonia, Kas., practiced law there until 1897; moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James D. Williamson

Williamson, James D.; clergyman; born, Cleveland, March 12, 1849; son of Samuel and Mary E. Tirdale Williamson; educated, Cleveland public schools, Western Reserve College, A. B., Andover and Union Theological Seminaries; honorary degree of D. D. from Western Reserve University; married, Elyria, Aug. 4, 1875, Edith Day Ely; issue, four children; 1875-1884, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Norwalk, 0.; 1885-1888, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Warren, O.; 1888-1901, pastor Beckwith Memorial Presbyterian Church, Cleveland; trustee and pres. Pro Tem Society for Savings; trustee Western Reserve University, Lake Erie College, Hiram House, Goodrich House; member Union, University and Mayfield Country Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Elva Lorena Todd Burhams of Dunbar PA

BURHAMS, Elva Lorena Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 21, 1861, in Wakeman, Ohio, married Aug 28, 1881, James Mott Burhams, who was born Aug. 31, 1855, in Wakeman, O. She attended Oberlin College. They are now (1916) living in Dunbar, Penn., where he is engaged in the undertaking business. Child: I. James Todd, b. June 26, 1885, in Wakeman, O., m. June 11, 1910, Effie A. Bernhardt, of Uniontown, Penn., where she was b. March 29, 1885; they are now (1916) living in Van Nuyes, Cal., on a chicken ranch. They had issue: … Read more

Millard I. Todd of Wakeman OH

Millard I. Todd8, (Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 29, 1847, in Wakeman, O., married in 1876, Anna E. Washburn. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1873, taught school for several terms, was a lecturer on the farmer’s institute force of Ohio. He owns and operates a farm in Wakeman, O. Children: *1885. Sumner E. 1886. Louis U.; graduated from Wakeman, High School, also from Oberlin College; taught four years in Graded schools and Yankton College; then he qualified himself for his chosen profession by taking a course in law at the Harvard Law School, from which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Mountain Edmondson

Edmondson, George Mountain; photographer; born, Norwalk, O., Aug. 23, 1866; son of George W. Edmondson; educated, public schools of Norwalk, O.; at the age of 14, took up the study of photography; worked in his father’s gallery till 1887; came to Cleveland, at the request of James F. Ryder, to become asst. operator for him; learned the knowledge of enlarging on the then new bromide paper, and won several prizes for work done; after six years, went to the Decker & Wilbur Studio, and in six years succeeded to the business, and soon established a studio on Euclid Ave.; specialties, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Humphrey Burrows

Burrows, George Humphrey; lawyer; born, Wakeman, O., May 18, 1863; son of Asa W. and Nancy Ann Humphrey Burrows; educated in Cleveland public schools and Riverside Seminary, Wellsville, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, April 5, 1885, Ida Bell Folliett; issue, Ethel Ida, G. Howard; sec’y Cleveland Coal Exchange, 1885-1886; sec’y Merchant’s and Manufacturer’s Exchange, 1887-1897; practiced law from 1893; sec’y and gen’l mgr. Cleveland Farm Development Co.; sec’y and director Chagrin River Land & Investment Co.; pres. and director the Geo. H. Burrows Development Co.; member firm of Burrows, Kraus & McMasters.

Sumner E. Todd of Wakeman OH

Sumner E. Todd9, (Millard L.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) married in Sept. 1905, Edna M. Hurst. He graduated from the Wakeman High School, then took the academy course at Oberlin College. He taught in the summer schools but later located on a farm near Wakeman, O. Children: 2524. Marden Anna. 2525. Werner.

Charles Henry Todd of Wakeman OH

Charles Henry Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 13, 1866, in Wakeman, O., married Dec. 24, 1890, Mary Elizabeth Shelton, who was born Oct. 7, 1864, in Wakeman, O. He graduated from the Michigan Agricultural College at Lansing, Mich. After his graduation, he went onto a farm near Wakeman, O. They had no children, but adopted a girl and boy. Adopted children: 2513. Ethel Florence, b. Jan. 9, 1891; graduated from Oberlin, College in 1912. 2514. John Fletcher, b. Jan. 16, 1906.

Biographical Sketch of Herbert David Palmer

Palmer, Herbert David; lawyer; born, Iowa, 1877; son of David P. and Almira Lakin Palmer; educated, Southern Iowa Normal and Scientific Institute, B. S.; Yale University, L. B., 1900, “Magna Magna Cum Laude”, married, Norwalk, O., 1905, Elizabeth Flinn; one daughter; exmember Troop A, O. N. G.; has practiced law in Cleveland since 1900; with Wm. E. Cushing, John H. Clark and J. T. Siddall; member firm Cushing, Siddall & Palmer, 1910-1912, when appointed asst. gen. counsel for the New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. Co.; member Second Presbyterian Church, Chamber of Commerce, Chi Tau Kappa, Law Fraternity, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roger C. Enwright

Enwright, Roger C.; broker; born, Bellevue, O., and educated in the public schools, formerly connected with the McIntosh-Huntington Co., wholesale hardware as treas. and credit man; after several years spent in New York City and Reading, Pa., as manufacturer’s agents, returned to Cleveland, in 1900, and engaged in the brokerage business with Borton & Borton; member Cleveland Stock Exchange and member Board of Governors; Chamber of Commerce, Euclid, Century, and Hermit Clubs; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Willis Vickery

Vickery, Willis Hon.; lawyer; born, Bellevue, O., Nov. 26, 1857; son of William and Sarah Perkins Vickery; no schooling until the age of 19, excepting three months in the winter; then entered the Clyde, O., High School, graduating in 1880, valedictorian of class; studied law in the office of Everett & Fowler, at Fremont, O.; continued law studies combined with teaching in the schools of Clyde and Castalia, O., in 1882, entered the law dept. of Boston University; graduated in 1884; admitted to the Ohio bar in 1885; married three times; three children by first wife, who was Anna L. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred J. Woodworth

Woodworth, Fred J.; banker; born, New Haven, O., Sept. 22, 1871; son of Jonathan and Martha Welch Woodworth; public and High School education; married, Cleveland, Nov. 22, 1905, Nellie F. Patton; issue, two daughters, Muriell, born Aug. 19, 1895, Marjorie, born Oct. 27, 1898; bookkeeper and teller First National Bank, Plymouth, O., March, 1886 to February, 1889; February, 1889, entered Euclid Avenue National Bank, employed as discount clerk, teller and in various capacities; July 1, 1895, began as asst. cashier of Park National Bank and continuously associated with it until consolidation with Euclid Ave. National Bank in 1903; continued as … Read more

Ellen Georgiana Todd Irvine of Wakeman OH

IRVINE, Ellen Georgiana Todd8, (George7, Joel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 3, 1848, at the old homestead in Wakeman, O., married Rev. Edward Duncombe Irvine, who died Dec. 15, 1906. She is living now (1920) in Wakeman, O. Children: I. George Todd, b. Oct. 25, 1876, m. June 18, 1919, Mrs. Millie Gibson Mahon, a daughter of one of the early residents of Boonville, Mo. He is at the head of the department of mathematics in Kemper Military School in Boonville, Mo., and also a director in the corporation which conducts the school. II. Pierpont Edwards, b. Sept. … Read more

Seth Henry Todd of Wakeman OH

Seth Henry Todd8, (Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 23, 1833, in Wakeman, Ohio, died May 2, 1914, in Wakeman, O., married March 18, 1860, Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Cyrus and Mary Ann (Burrill) Strong, who was born Aug., 1836. He was a farmer and stock raiser all his life. He attended Oberlin College; was a lecturer at Farmer’s Institutes; was president of the Wakeman Bank from the time of its foundation in 1892, until his death. The following is Mr. Todd’s obituary: Seth Henry Todd was a pioneer child, born Nov. 22, 1833, in the early … Read more

Biography of Hon. Edwin N. Cooke

HON. EDWIN N. COOKE. – The subject of this sketch is a lineal descendant of the Puritans, who came to America in the ship Mayflower, and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, December 21, 1620. Among the passengers of that historical band were Francisco Cook and his son, John Cooke, who settled and the families of whom for many generations lived in that and other colonies, up to the time of the Revolutionary war. At the commencement of the Revolutionary war, Mr. Cooke’s great-grandfather, Asaph Cooke lived near Boston, Massachusetts, and had four sons who espoused the American cause and enlisted in … Read more

Biography of Theodore H. Terry

Theodore H. Terry. While his home for upwards of half a century had been in one of the quiet country towns of Saline County, the name of Theodore H. Terry is not unknown to the state at large. He had had the friendship and acquaintance of many prominent Kansans and his friendship and counsel have been valued and esteemed not only in his home town but elsewhere. Mr. Terry for many years was the genial village blacksmith of Bavaria, and had also become widely known as a breeder of Percheron horses and Spanish jacks. He is a native of the … Read more

Sarah Harriet Todd Bartholowmew of Chicago IL

BARTHOLOMEW, Sarah Harriet Todd9, (Seth H.8, Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 8, 1871, in Wakeman, O., married Oct. 20, 1896, James K. Bartholomew, who was born Jan. 11, 1862, in Mottville, Mich., died Dec. 1920. He is a physician and they reside in Chicago, Ill. Children: I. Maynard Todd, b. April 3, 1898. II. Martha Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1899. III. Charles Scott, b. May 25, 1901. IV. Sara Grace, b. Dec. 3, 1905. V. Janis Kathryn, b. April 27, 1916.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph A. Wickham

Joseph A. Wickham was born in Monroe, Michigan, November 14, 1844. When he arrived at the age of ten years his father died, and he left his native place and went to Brunswick, Chariton county, Missouri, to live with an uncle. There he lived for five years and attended the common schools of that place. In 1861 he served in the Missouri State Guards under General John B. Clark, and in 1862 went to Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, to finish the jeweler’s trade under James A. Wilkinson, with whom he worked a year before leaving Brunswick. In 1863 he enlisted … Read more