Biographical Sketch of Nathan Brown

The worthy pioneer and capable business man of whom we now have the privilege of speaking is one of the leaders in the business realm of Burns, being senior member of the firm of N. Brown & Sons, general merchants, who have one of the largest stocks in the county and do a mammoth business, being well established and highly esteemed by all.

Mr. Brown was born in Germany, in January, 1835, and at the age of thirteen years came to America. In 1852 he came via Cape Horn to San Francisco, and thence to Oregon City, where he engaged in business for a few years. We next see him in Walla Walla, where he took up the business of general merchandising, and in 1866 he returned to San Francisco and there operated at the clothing business until 1883, at which time he sold out his entire business there and came to Burns. It was 1884 when he entered into business here, taking his two sons, Benjamin and Leon M., as partners. They began in a small way and by careful attention to business and deferential treatment of the patrons have increased their trade until it is at present of far reaching and generous proportions, and success in a very brilliant form is theirs to enjoy. In 1896 they erected a large two-story structure, which they occupy at this time, the upper story being rented to the I. O. O. F. lodge of Burns, and the United States land office. They carry a large stock of merchandise and are
favorably known all through the country. In addition to the merchandise the firm owns several tracts of land in the county, mostly improved hay and grain land, which is rented. Mr. Brown has a wife and two married daughters and the two sons mentioned, all of whom reside in San Francisco. Mr. Brown is a man of excellent capabilities and has won success, while he is highly esteemed by all, and is a man of unswerving integrity and intrinsic worth of character.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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