Baxter, Ida Gertrude Loney – Obituary

October 3 at 1321 Isaacs, Mrs. Ida Gertrude Baxter of 59 South Palouse aged 60. Wife of John A. Baxter of Walla Walla; mother of C. Richard Baxter of Walla Walla; sister of Sam Loney, W. D. Loney, Charles C. Loney and Mrs. C. L. Ramp all of Walla Walla; Mrs. Robert Potts of Sprague and Mrs. Katie Paul of Everett. Born April 21, 1878 at Ontario, Wellington County, Canada. Member of Christian Science Church. Member of Christian Science Church. Remains at Marshall, Calloway & Hennessey. Funeral notice later. [Interment Mountain View Cemetery] Walla Walla Union Bulletin, October 4, 1938 … Read more

Loney, Aletha C. – Obituary

Aletha C. Loney, aged four months, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loney, who lives at Dry Creek died yesterday morning [July 31, 1902] at 8 o’clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter, 329 Craig Street. Death resulted from stomach trouble. The little child was brought to this city Sunday for medical treatment. The funeral will occur this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, Rev. Mr. Armsfield, of Dixie, officiating. Walla Walla Union, July 31, 1902 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Singer, Madge Frances Brown Mrs.

Madge Frances Singer, 84, a former Baker County resident, died Feb. 15, 2005, at a College Place, Wash., nursing home. Her funeral was today at Herring Groseclose Funeral Home at Walla Walla. Pastor Robin Peterson of the Presbyterian Church officiated. Burial was at Mountain View Cemetery in Walla Walla. Mrs. Singer was born on March 5, 1920, at Unity to James and Isabel Brown. She was a Baker High School graduate. She married Carl H. Singer on Sept. 1, 1940, at Baker City. They traveled to Wallowa Lake for their honeymoon in a Model A Ford. Madge was employed by … Read more

Horstman, Dolores Rose – Obituary

Dolores (Dode) Rose Horstman, 77, of La Grande died Feb. 22 at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Walla Walla. At her request there will be no public services. Those who wish may sign the guest book on-line at Dolores was born Oct. 20, 1930, to Charles and Velma (Weidman) Marra in Red Oak, Iowa. She was the only child. The family moved to La Grande when she was a teenager. She attended school in Baker City and La Grande, graduating from La Grande High School with the Class of 1947. In 1950 she married Norman Bud Horstman in La … Read more

Foersterling, Willis Emil – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Willis Emil Foersterling, 78, a longtime Baker City resident, died March 2, 2004, at his home. His funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Private interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. The Rev. Susan Barnes of the First Presbyterian Church will officiate. Masonic Ritualistic Rites and military honors also will be conducted. Visitations will be from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Willis was born on July 30, 1925, at Baker City, to Willis Herbert and Zelda Mae Sparks Foersterling. He was educated at Sisley … Read more

Dishman, W. S. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Another Old Settler Passes To Eternal Home W.S. Dishman, an early settler of this county, well remembered by all the older residents, and father of Mrs. George S. Craig of this city, died at Whittier, Cal., Tuesday night, September 12, of illness due to old age, for he was in his 89th year. The body was brought to Portland for burial, the funeral being held Sunday afternoon from the home of William I. Dishman, a son of the deceased. Mr. Dishman was born in Kentucky, Dec. 6, 1821, and came west in the early eighties, settling … Read more

Clemens, Edward J. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Edward J. Clemens of Wallowa died Feb. 25, 1982, at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Walla Walla, where he had been a patient for a short time. Born in Wallowa on January 25, 1916, he was the son of James and Pearl Lee (Williams) Clemens. He was a Worls War II veteran having served in the Army. A mill worker for the U.S. Forest Service, he was also a member of the American Legion, Kruse Post #72 of Wallowa Clemens loved fishing and all sports, and as a youth had been offered two college scholarships in … Read more

Hearing, Myrtle I. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Enterprise Native Succumbs At Hospital. Myrtle I. Hearing of Enterprise passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1975 at Wallowa Memorial Hospital following several months of ill health. She was the daughter of pioneer parents, Nicholas and Mary Ownbey and was born in Enterprise on Aug. 25, 1890. She lived here until 1928 when she moved to Walla Walla, Wash., to live with a sister, Mrs. Ora Bookout. Later Mrs. Hearing, with her sister, moved to Portland where they made their home. After the death of her sister, she lived with a nephew, Don Bookout of Portland. … Read more

Biography of Burrell W. Griffin

BURRELL W. GRIFFIN. – Mr. Griffin, who has been long and favorably known throughout the Inland Empire, was born in Missouri in 1840, and since his arrival in Oregon in 1848 has seen as much of our Northwestern life in Indian wars, in the mines, and in our distinctive old-time traveling system by stage, as any one of us. His first residence was in the “Forks” of the Santiam with his father, B.B. Griffin, who moved to the Rogue river valley in 1852, and was a farmer and fancier of horses; who in 1852 was with Captain John F. Miller … Read more

Biography of Walter A. Woods

Walter A. Woods was elected sheriff of Greenwood County in 1914. That his record during the first term was thoroughly appreciated by his fellow citizens is amply vouched for in the fact that on November 7, 1916, he was re-elected for another term by the significant majority of 1,826. Mr. Woods is as capable in public office as he had been in his private business affairs, and is one of the most thoroughly trusted and popular citizens of the county. Though most of his life had been spent in Kansas Mr. Woods was born in Barton County, Missouri, July 3, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Davis

The founders of a state are not merely the men who handle the reins of government and control the public policy, but are also those who carry civilization into hitherto wild regions and develop the natural resources of the state: Such an one is Mr. Davis, who came to Idaho in pioneer days and was the first to establish the fact that this is an excellent fruit-producing region. Thus he introduced a new industry and thereby largely promoted the material welfare of the region. His business interests have ever been energetically and successfully managed and his reputation in commercial circles … Read more

Svetich, Corinne Josephine – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Corinne Josephine Svetich, 78, of Walla Walla, died June 29 at her home. A graveside service will begin at 11 a.m. Friday at Skyview Memorial Park in Pendleton. Burns Mortuary of Pendleton is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Svetich was born Jan. 4, 1928, to Charles and Francis Butler in Sacramento, Calif. She grew up in North Port, Wash., and graduated from La Grande High School in 1946. She took business courses at Eastern Oregon Normal School for two years. On March 10, 1950, she married Matthew Svetich in Pendleton. She worked as a teller at U.S. … Read more

Johnson, James “Mike” – Obituary

Wallowa native, James “Mike” Johnson, 69, died October 2, 1988 at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Walla Walla, Washington. He had been a patient there since May. He was born September 12, 1919 at Wallowa, the son of Charles and Mabel (Fields) Johnson. Johnson attended schools in Wallowa, graduating in 1937. He attended Abilene Christian College in Texas for one year. He served in World War II as a flight navigator on a B-29 in the Army Air Corps. He married Helen Moffit in Wallowa, They divorced. He married Vesta Tippett. They later divorced. Johnson was a logger and … Read more

Biography of Michael J. Shields

The life of Michael Joseph Shields affords an illustration of the vicissitudes of business under modern conditions; it emphasizes the importance of doing the right thing at the right time, and it teaches a lesson of patience under difficulties and perseverance against obstacles, a lesson that should not be lost upon all of the many who need it. It is suggestive in another way, too, because it affords an example, in addition to many others that have been given in the past, of the excellent quality of the sturdy Irish-American character. Mr. Shields, who is one of the most enterprising … Read more

Givens, Walter – Obituary

Walter Edward Givens, 82, of 215 Oak died in a local hospital Monday [July 31, 1972], he was a retired grocery man. Givens was born June 24, 1890, in Galax, Va. In 1917 he married Amy A. Kent in Walla Walla; they lived here many years and moved back to make their home in 1967. Givens was a veteran of WWI and a member of the Marcus Whitman Barracks No. 135, Veterans of WWI. Survivors include his widow, Amy at the home; three sisters, Mrs. J. C. Spurlin of Rural Retreat, Va., Mrs. Harris Riley of Staunton, Va., and Mrs. … Read more

Ensminger, George – Obituary

George Ensminger Dies, March 5 George Ensminger 69, of Walla Walla, a former longtime Haines resident died Sunday at local hospital in Walla Walla. Graveside services for Mr. Ensminger were conducted at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 8 at the family plot in the Haines Cemetery. The Reverend Gerald C. Nelson of the United Methodist Church in Haines and Baker officiated. Mr. Ensminger was born Feb. 10, 1909 in Haines, the son of Frank and Ethel Payne Ensminger. He received his education in Haines and worked in heavy construction for a number of years. After his retirement he has been a … Read more

Biography of Albert Small

Albert Small, the senior member of the firm of Small & Emery, prominent wholesale dealers in and manufacturers of lumber, and proprietors of the Lewiston Lumber Mills, is a native of the province of New Brunswick, born September 30, 1841, and is of English and Scotch ancestry. His great-grandfather Small was a sea captain who emigrated to the state of Maine, where for many years he made his home and headquarters. He attained the advanced age of eighty-seven years, while his wife, who bore the maiden name of Mitchell, reached the remarkable age of ninety-seven. They were the parents of … Read more

Gregory, Helen Elizabeth – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Helen Elizabeth Gregory, 78, of La Grande died Dec. 7 at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Walla Walla. A celebration of life is planned for 2 p.m. Wednesday at Daniels Chapel of the Valley. Mrs. Gregory was born March 17, 1928, to Henry Walter and Florence Hazel Wellington McDonald in Ketchikan, Alaska. At the age of 8 she moved with her family to Washington and later to Union and Elgin. She graduated from Elgin High School. On April 27, 1951, she married Robert Gregory in La Grande. She was employed as an educational secretary for many years … Read more

Baker, Neal – Obituary

Former Resident Answers Call Word was received here this week that Neal Baker, former resident of Wallowa county has passed away at Walla Walla. Mr. Baker lived for several years on the farm now owned by Lloyd Houser between Lostine and Wallowa. Funeral services will be held this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 o’clock at the Christian church in Wallowa. Wallowa County Chieftain , Front Page – Thursday , February 24, 1949

Burnap, Ocie Vaun – Obituary

This was copied from page 44 of the private published book titled, “My Burnap Family” by Zola Burnap Irwin. Published in 1980. William and Mary Burnap were in both Wallowa and Union County. The family moved to Touchet in Walla Walla County in 1892. Eugene and Asel returned to Joseph in 1887. Ocie Vaun Frakes was born in Lamar, Mo., April 11, 1885 and died in Walla Walla, Wn. September 21, 1912. She was married to James H. Frakes April 26, 1904. She leaves to mourn in deepest sorrow a faithful and devoted husband, two small children, a widowed mother, … Read more