Biography of Henry Wickenburg

Henry Wickenburg was a native of Austria, born in that empire in 1820. In 1847 he came to New York. He went to San Francisco in 1853, and came to Arizona in 1862. He remained at Fort Yuma for a time, then went up the river to La Paz. At La Paz, he learned that a party of explorers had left there a few days before* to go through the country to Tucson. Henry took their trail and overtook them at what is now known as Peeples’ Valley, having travelled nearly two hundred miles alone through the Apache country. After … Read more

Biography of Capt. James M. Gilman

CAPT. JAMES M. GILMAN. – The Oregon Steam Navigation Company, now known as the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, which is the great company of river and ocean steamers, and of the Northwestern railway system centering at Portland, has been one of the most distinctively Oregon organizations ever established. It has made Portland; and through it the great fortunes of the state have been built up. The steps in the life of this company are full of interest; and it is instructive to discover the qualities of its individual members, and what led them to the enterprise. They were worthy … Read more

Chandler, Herberta G. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Herberta G. Chandler, 91, of Baker City, died Oct. 25, 2004, at her home in Baker City. Her graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Jack Bynum of the United Methodist Church will officiate. Herberta was born on Jan. 27, 1913, at Baker City to Herbert and Linda Bodmer Chandler. She attended Baker City schools. After completing her college education, she worked as a clinical social worker with a master of social work degree. She pursued her career in the San Francisco Bay area helping many families. Upon retirement she moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul Pinckney

Under the head of “The Press” comes the name of Paul Pinckney, one of the foremost newspaper men of the county, and editor and proprietor of the San Mateo Times. Mr. Pinckney was born in South Carolina on March 24, 1869. His early education was accomplished in the common-schools and supplemented by a course under private tutors. At fifteen, instead of going to college he decided to see the world as both his parents had passed away. Ever since this he has “been seeing the world” through the eyes of a newspaper man, serving in the capacity of both reporter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sebastian Lombardi

Successful dairyman, farmer and cattleman. Thus in a few words we can outline the interesting career in San Mateo county of Sebastian Lombardi. Nevertheless success did not come without effort and a hard struggle. When Mr. Lombardi first came to San Francisco to go into the dairying business he was without money, but he soon had established a paying business. With the capital he realized in his San Francisco venture he again entered the dairying business in San Bruno upon a larger scale in 1900. He rented a place here in the beginning. Today he owns this place together with … Read more

Biography of John M. Silcott

Almost forty years have passed since John M. Silcott took up his residence in Idaho, and he is therefore one of the oldest and most widely known pioneers of the state. He came in the spring of 1860 to establish the government Indian agency at Lapwai, and has since been identified with the growth and development of this section. He is a Virginian, his birth having occurred in Loudoun County, of the Old Dominion, January 14, 1824. His French and Scotch ancestors were early settlers there, and during the Revolution and the war of 18 12 representatives of the family … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilhelm Otto Roesch

WILHELM OTTO ROESCH. – The brewery of Pendleton, Oregon, is operated by Mr. Roesch, a man who has had long experience in all the processes of manufacturing the beverage. Born in Germany in 1855, he came to America in1870, working in a brewery. He followed the same business in San Francisco in 1874; at Steilacoom in 1886; at Portland until 1888. At Port Townsend he built a brewery for himself, running it two years. At Heppner, in 1880, he operated his own brewery one year. In 1882 he returned to Germany, marrying Miss Anna Rapps. Returning to Oregon, he is … Read more

Biography of Terence Masterson

Terence Masterson, street commissioner, capitalist, and proprietor of the Wisnom Hotel, has been a resident of San Mateo for twenty-five years. He came here a total stranger; but his fair dealings, enterprise and confidence in San Mateo’s future, have made him one of the leading citizens of the community. As city trustee and street commissioner Mr. Masterson has been devoting the greater part of his time to the welfare of San Mateo. His keen business ability is reflected throughout the work of the city trustees. The streets of San Mateo were never cleaner and in a better state of repair … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reginald E. Mcdonald, M. D.

Reginald E. Mcdonald, M. D., has been in the active practice of medicine in San Bernardino since 1884. He is a native of the city of Toronto, Canada, born in 1856, and obtained his literary education in Victoria University and Upper Canada College. He spent one year studying for his profession in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Toronto, and three years in the California Medical College at San Francisco, and was graduated at the latter in 1883. Before coming to California, Dr. McDonald spent a year and a half, 1881-’82, on North Georgian Bay, as surgeon for a … Read more

Burwell, Walter J. – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Died-At his home in South Union, October 9, 1926, at 12:30 a. m., W. J. C. Burwell, age 72 years, 3 months and 8 days. The funeral took place from the Episcopalian church October 10, 1926. The services were conducted by Rev. Bradner of the Episcopalian church. W. J. C. Burwell was born, June 30, 1854, in Placerville, Calif., where he lived until young manhood, when he did governmental work in Alaska, Canada and South America. He then came to Oregon remaining but a few years, after which he moved to San Francisco, Calif., where he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred A. Cunningham

South San Francisco has a reputation of getting almost everything it goes after for the reason that most of its big men are unselfishly imbued with civic pride and interest, or in the language of the streets are “live ones.” Among these “live ones” is Fred A. Cunningham, real estate dealer and trustee and formerly mayor of South San Francisco. Mr. Cunningham is a worker for South San Francisco and the county at large. He was one of the organizers and is at present a member of the Board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Association. He was … Read more

Biography of Marcellus Marcus Pietrzycki, M.D.

MARCELLUS MARCUS PIETRZYCKI, M.D. – Doctor Pietrzycki, the well-known surgeon, was born April 25, 1843, in Horodyszeze, Sambor District, Galicia, Austria, and was educated as an apothecary and chemist. He came to the United States in 1866, before the Austro-Prussian war. He engaged, soon after his arrival in the United States, as assistant and prescription clerk with Doctor Arnold of Hazelton, Pennsylvania, who had a very extensive coal-mining practice, and remained with him for one year studying medicine. He emigrated to California in the fall of 1867, and settled in San Francisco, receiving the appointment as an apothecary in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hugo Pinkney Frear

Mr. Hugo Pinkney Frear, after about thirty years of residence in various parts of California, finally decided, eleven years ago, to go to Burlingame, then a little village. He was one of the first to build here; and so well pleased that he is still residing in this place. Mr. Frear’s profession is that of Naval Architect at the Union Iron Works where he has been associated with Mr. Geo. Dickie in the building of some of the greatest battleships and cruisers of the American Navy. He is a graduate of Oahu College, Honolulu and Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Worcester, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of I. Lindeman

After twenty-five years of business experience in San Francisco, I. Lindeman sold out his interests there to enter what he considered a more productive field; and as a result we find him sole owner and proprietor of the Peninsula Creamery, and one of San Mateo’s most active and progressive business men. Mr. Lindeman’s house in San Francisco supplied many of the large wineries and liquor dealers in the state with corks, bottles, labels, and machinery. This brought him into intimate contact with conditions in many localities. With this general knowledge of the state he decided that the most advantageous move … Read more

Biography of George A. Frost

The horologe of time has marked off thirty-nine years since George A. Frost came to the Pacific coast, and thirty years have been added to the cycle of the centuries since his arrival in Lewiston. He is numbered among the esteemed and valued residents of this place, and as a representative citizen of northern Idaho well deserves mention in this volume. He was born in St. Auburns, Somerset county, Maine, November 14, 1836, and is of Scotch and English lineage. His parents were both natives of Kennebec County, Maine, and in 1852 the father came to the west, making the … Read more

Biography of George Jordan

George Jordan, proprietor of the largest jewelry house in San Bernardino County, has been in the business in California twenty-three years. Born in Germany forty-eight years ago, he immigrated to the United States when a youth of fifteen, and after stopping for a time in New York, went south into Georgia, where he remained during the late civil war. After the close of the conflict he returned to his native land and spent two years in business in Europe. Re-crossing the Atlantic, he came directly to the Pacific coast and opened a jewelry store in San Francisco, where he carried … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Barclay Meldrum

Meldrum, Andrew Barclay; Presbyterian minister; born, Scotland, Sept. 9, 1857; son of Capt. Robert and Agnes Ness (Grant) Meldrum; educated, professionally, at Knox College and University of Toronto, graduating in Theology at the Theological Seminary of San Francisco; (D. D. Hanover College); married, in 1885, to Laura R. Rison, of Oakland, Cal.; issue, two sons and two daughters; in 1907, married Ella Hoyt Herrick, of Cleveland; pastor in San Francisco, Cal., Evansville, Ind., St. Paul, Minn., and now Old Stone Church, Cleveland; Grand Chaplain, Masonic Grand Lodge of Ohio, 1913; member Robert Burns Society of Cleveland, and Rotary Club; Chaplain … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Arthur J. Belton

Dr. Arthur J. Belton, dentist of Burlingame, stands prominently among the large class of young professional men who have selected San Mateo County for their field of practice. When Dr. Belton took his degree at the University of California in 1910 he was confronted with the most important question of his career, where to locate and establish his practice. A painstaking and thorough investigation, which is characteristic of Dr. Belton, was made before he paid Burlingame the high compliment of deciding that it was the field of greatest opportunity for a young man starting out in a profession. Dr. Belton … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Curtis

Among the eminent men of the northwest whose life records form an integral part of the history of Idaho was numbered Hon. Edward J. Curtis. In his death the state lost one of its most distinguished lawyers, gifted statesmen and loyal citizens. As the day, with its morning of hope and promise, its noontide of activity, its evening of completed and successful efforts, ending in the grateful rest and quiet of the night, so was the life of this honored man. His career was a long, busy and useful one, marked by the utmost fidelity to the duties of public … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George N. Ifft

George N. Ifft, of the firm of Ifft & Wallin, proprietors and managers of the Pocatello Tribune, is a native of Butler County, Pennsylvania, born January 27, 1865. He began newspaper work, as a reporter, in Pittsburg, that state, and continued in that capacity and in various editorial relations in other cities, as Washington, D. C, Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, until January 1, 1893, when he came to Idaho, locating at Pocatello, and since that time he has been connected with the Pocatello Tribune, as more fully described in our sketch of that paper. Mr. Ifft … Read more