Biography of Laurits Walse Therkelsen

Laurits Walse Therkelsen was born in Denmark, twelve miles east of Copenhagen, in 1842. He had limited educational advantages and early in life became apprenticed to the carpenter’s trade, at which he worked in his native town until he arrived at the age of eighteen years when he came to America, and, in 1861, landed in San Francisco. Here for the next ten years he followed his trade with the exception of one year at San Jose, when he engaged in contracting. In 1871, he came to Portland and for ten years following was largely engaged in contracting and building … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert C. Hill

HON. ROBERT C. HILL. – Mr. Hill, one of the most responsible men of Washington, and a pioneer of an early day, was born in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, September 14, 1829, the son of Doctor John Hill, his mother’s maiden name having been Eliza L. Davis. At the age of seven he moved with his parents to Philadelphia, and received his education at the excellent grammar and high schools of that city. He entered upon a business career as clerk in a wholesale dry-goods store in the city, and followed that occupation four years. In 1848 he removed with his parents … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michael Sheehan

Few police officers in California can boast of the record of Michael Sheehan, sheriff of San Mateo county. A list of the important captures made by Sheriff Sheehan in the sixteen years he has been a peace officer, would include some of the most desperate men who are in the State Prisons today serving for daring crimes not only committed in this county but in every county of the state. Sheriff Sheehan was constable of the Second Township for twelve years and refused to again become a candidate although urged by the residents to enter the race for Sheriff. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roy W. Cloud

As head of the San Mateo County school system, Roy W. Cloud, Superintendent of schools, is known in almost every household in the county, and he is known to be fully competent and capable to discharge the responsibility that falls upon one in charge of the county’s future citizens. This is Mr. Cloud’s ninth year of office, having been elected for a third term in 1914. During his incumbency the San Mateo County schools have expanded to one of the finest systems in the state with a teaching corps and a set of buildings that should be a pride to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Herbert Seth Anderton

One of the most successful physicians and surgeons on the peninsula is Dr. Herbert S. Anderton of Burlingame, who although only established in this county two years, has a large and growing practice. Dr. Anderton was located in San Francisco when he saw the field of opportunities that waited at the door of the metropolis and quickly recognized this county as the land of advancement. After finishing medical school Dr. Anderton specialized on different subjects in several large eastern institutions. He then studied at the Marine Hospital in San Francisco and later was a surgeon in the emergency service in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Albert Crowell

William Albert Crowell, manager and proprietor of the James Crowe Co., of Redwood City, the oldest undertaking establishment of the county, has made a host of friends since his arrival in Redwood City three years ago. Mr. Crowell has made the interests of his new place of residence his interests and few newcomers have taken a more prominent place in the community than that held by Mr. Crowell. . When Mr. Crowell took over the establishment that was founded in 1868 by the late James Crowe, a pioneer undertaker of San Mateo county, Redwood City gained a man of wide … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis T. Rapp

One of San Mateo’s hustling young men who stands high in the business circles of the county is Francis T. Rapp. insurance broker and chief probation officer of San Mateo County. Mr. Rapp was born in San Mateo and has spent the twenty-six years of his life in the county. After graduating from the San Mateo schools he attended Santa Clara University where he took a leading part in athletics and student activities. He played right field on the famous Santa Clara team of 1908 which won the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate championship. Since finishing college Mr. Rapp has been prominent … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Martens

Mr. Henry Martens has been a resident of California for thirty-five years, during all but five years of which period he has devoted himself to the steel industry in San Mateo County. In 1886, after an exhaustive search for the best location for a foundry, Mr. Henry Martens together with Mr. J. W. Heney, selected South San Francisco and founded the Enterprise Foundry. In 1892 the firm was incorporated. Mr. Martens is one of South City’s strongest boosters. In a recent interview he stated that the Enterprise Foundry of which he is president owes much of its prosperity to its … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank O’Neill

The sturdy pioneer, capable gentleman and patriotic citizen whose, name heads this article is one of the leading agriculturists and stockmen of his section of Malheur County, being a man who has wrought with great energy and commendable wisdom in his efforts to assist in the up building and advancement of this section of the country. Our subject was born in the County of Antrim, Ulster province, Ireland, on May 10, 1846, being the son of John and Elizabeth O’Neill. He was reared on a farm and remained in his native place until 1866, when he went to Scotland, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Dickie

One of San Mateo County’s most distinguished citizens is George W. Dickie of San Mateo, marine architect and naval designer who drew the plans for the famous old battleship Oregon and a score of other vessels of the United States Navy. Mr. Dickie is known the world over as a designer of fighting craft. Perhaps his most famous work was the Oregon, “the bulldog of the American navy,” which at the time it was commissioned, was the most notable warship afloat. Other vessels that were designed by Mr. Dickie are the battleships Wisconsin and Ohio, the armored cruisers Colorado, South … Read more

Biographical Sketch of August D. Jenevein

There is no man in San Mateo County who is better or more favorably known than August D. Jenevein. For many years Mr. Jenevein was the genial host at the most popular resort in the county, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and during the fourteen years that he occupied this position as proprietor since 1878, he met and entertained all the notable characters who passed through the county. Mr. Jenevein was born in Lorraine, France in the year 1851, on February 15. He lived his early years in the old country and received his education there before he came to America to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge George H. Buck

Few names stand out more prominently in the history of California jurisprudence than that of George H. Buck, Superior Judge of San Mateo County, who is completing his twenty-fifth year on the bench and his thirty-third year in public office. As a jurist Judge Buck is one of the most eminent in the State. In addition to sitting on the San Mateo County bench, Judge Buck has been called many times to preside for other judges, and three years ago Governor Johnson appointed him to fill Judge Dooling’s unexpired term when he left the San Benito county court to become … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ezra Durand

Ezra Durand was born in Seneca Falls, New York, on March 8, 1833, and is the youngest of a family of thirteen sons and daughters of David and Betsey (Crowell), Durand. His father was a farmer and his early boyhood was passed on a farm. His opportunities for gaining an education were limited to a few winters at the district school. At an early age he left home and went to Worcester, Massachusetts, where he obtained employment in a musical instrument factory. This was followed by similar work in a factory at Norwich, Connecticut. He seemed to have a natural … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel P. Flynn

Daniel P. Flynn was born and raised in San Mateo County, and has spent his busy and useful life in activities which have had the county of his birth for a setting. His recent appointment, on February 7, 1916 to fill the unexpired term of C. D. Hayward (deceased), the former County Assessor, was a signal mark of recognition of the ability which has characterized all his business career. Mr. Flynn was born in Redwood City on November 23, 1875. He attended the public schools of this city, and later embarked in a business career, in which he has successfully … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Calvin Robb

One of the progressive and influential citizens of the first township is Jesse Robb of Millbrae, manager of the Millbrae Dairy and superintendent of the D O. Mills estate for the past twenty-seven years. Mr. Robb was born at Bonaparte, Iowa, on September 9, 1885 and came to California thirty-nine years ago. After passing ten years in San Francisco he became connected with the country estate of D. O. Mills at Millbrae. Under his supervision this has become one of the show places of California. Although busily engaged looking after this large tract of land, Mr. Robb found time to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rufus H. Hatch

When the discovery of gold made in California the Mecca of the hopes of so many thousand people flocking from all parts of the world, to share in the treasures proclaimed, there were some who saw at once what had escaped the eyes of those looking below the surface of the land, the rich valleys and verdant hills and sunlight as bright as the glitter of gold. With almost every day of his life, spent in tilling the soil, it was little wonder that Rufus H. Hatch felt his eyes gladdened by the sight of such productive farming land, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Leo J. Flanagan

Dr. Leo J. Flanagan, one of the county’s well-known physicians and surgeons, is located in South San Francisco where he has been practicing for the past year. Before moving into this county Dr. Flanagan had a large practice in San Francisco. Dr. Flanagan is another of the young professional men who has been attracted to San Mateo County by the wonderful opportunities that the future holds. He sees a great period of growth and prosperity ahead for South San Francisco and his confidence in this era of development was such that he gave up a flourishing practice in San Francisco … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Archie Leonard Offield

From years of practice in this county Dr. A. L. Offield of Burlingame is one of its oldest physicians. He gave up a large practice in San Francisco to come to Burlingame nine years ago. At that time Burlingame was one of the smallest towns on the peninsula but its growth bears out the predictions that Dr. Offield made for it at that time. Dr. Offield is a member of the Burlingame Board of Health which has given Burlingame one of the best health departments of any municipality on the peninsula. The activity of the health board is apparent in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Arthur J. Belton

Dr. Arthur J. Belton, dentist of Burlingame, stands prominently among the large class of young professional men who have selected San Mateo County for their field of practice. When Dr. Belton took his degree at the University of California in 1910 he was confronted with the most important question of his career, where to locate and establish his practice. A painstaking and thorough investigation, which is characteristic of Dr. Belton, was made before he paid Burlingame the high compliment of deciding that it was the field of greatest opportunity for a young man starting out in a profession. Dr. Belton … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Shields

San Mateo county is to be congratulated that the office of auditor, one of the most important functions in the county government is in the hands of such a competent person as John J. Shields who was elected by a handsome majority. When Mr. Shields began his duties he revolutionized the auditor’s office. The latest and most up-to-date systems of bookkeeping were installed and sweeping changes and improvements made, with the result that Mr. Shield’s office has been paid many flattering compliments by expert accountants. Before being elected county auditor, Mr. Shields was under sheriff for Sheriff J. H. Mansfield. … Read more