Clark, Chauncey – Obituary

Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Cline, in Union, July 31st, 1927, Chauncey H. Clark, age 78 years, 9 months and 23 days.

Chauncey Clark was born September 8, 1849, at Peoria, Ills. He was married to Harriet Hepner in Pacific City, Iowa, August 16, 1872, moved to the Oregon country in 1878, where he has since made his home. To this union seven children were born-three preceding him to the great beyond. He is survived by two sons and two daughters-James H. Clark of San Diego, Calif.; George I. Clark, of Union, Ore.; Mrs. Maude Cartright, of Baker, Ore.; Mrs. Myrtle Cline, of Union; one sister-Mrs. Cora Stoker, of Union. All of whom were present at the service.

Mr. Clark had been in poor health for several years but most of the time was able to be at the plumbing shop of his son George. He was always kind and pleasant and enjoyed the friendship of old time friends. He was well looked after and cared for in his declining years by his children, and many friends regret his passing and extend sympathy to the bereaved family.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, July 3, at 2 o’clock, at Cock Bros. Chapel, Rev. Lee of the Methodist church conducting the services. Special songs and solos by the choir. A large attendance of old-time neighbors and friends paid their last respects to this old and respected citizen, and he was laid to rest in the Union cemetery by the side of his three children who preceded him to the great unknown.

The pall brearers were J. M. Jones, James Webb, E. B. Cline, W. W. Langford, C. S. Miller and J. E. Allen.

Contributed by: Larry Rader


White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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