Shelton, Ray – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon Former Resident killed in Logging Accident Word was received in Elgin Wednesday afternoon of the death of Ray Shelton, 63, of Seaside. Shelton was killed in a logging accident near Seaside. Shelton was born in Elgin and completed high school here. He is survived by his wife Carlene; a daughter, Sharon Campbell who is in Germany; a son John, of Seaside; one brother, Lucian; three sisters: Mrs. Alice Nolan of San Francisco, Mrs. Ethel Chandler and Mrs. Mary Miller of Elgin; and three grandchildren. Funeral arrangements were not completed as of Thursday morning. The Recorder August … Read more

Eddy, Jennie Webb – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Jennie Webb Eddy, formerly of Union, recently of Yakima, Washington, died at the latter place, Tuesday, September 14, of uraemic poisoning, and was buried from the L. D. S. Church, Union, Sunday, September 17, at 1 p. m. Jennie Webb was born at Payson, Utah, December 23, 1896, and at the age of five years moved to Oregon with her parents, locating at Union, where she lived continuously until last spring. She was married June 29, 1915, to Ernest Eddy, and then moved to North Yakima, Washington, where she lived until Thursday, September 14th, when she … Read more

Bailes, William Keithly – Obituary

Grandpa Bailes Pioneer Pastor of City is dead aged couple celebrated their 68th Wedding Anniversary here, Wife is seriously ill now confined to her bed with Pneumonia – leaves 100 living descendants The death of Grandpa Keathly Bailes at the home of his daughter, Mr. F. C. Barnhart, on North Ruby Street, occurred at 1:45 p.m. Wednesday [March 17, 1915]. The funeral will take place at the Christian Church Sunday morning next, Rev. Mr. Escherman of Tacoma officiating. Death was a result of a complication of diseases, coupled with extreme age Grandpa Bailes leaves his aged wife, who is now … Read more

Stubblefield, Jay – Obituary

Jay, the seven-year old son of Omar J. Stubblefield, died Saturday, April 14th of pneumonia following an attack of influenza last fall. Funeral services were held from the Christian church Monday at 2:30 p.m. Wallowa County Reporter, Thursday April 17, 1919

Daniels, Martha Ann – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Daniels Services Held Mrs. Martha Ann Daniels of Kennewick, Wash., passed away at the Lady of the Lourdes Hospital in Pasco on Saturday, March 18, 1972, She was in failing health for sometime and was a residentof a Kennewick nursing home. Mrs. Daniels was the daughter of William and Emily Anderson and was born May 23, 1888 in St. Paul, Ark., coming to Wallowa County while young. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Daniels are survived by two sons, Virgil E. of Portland and George P. (Lary) of Kennewick; one daughter, Virginia Schmidt … Read more

Brewer, Fern Letha Jordan Anderson – Obituary

Fern L. Brewer, 79, Greeley, died Tuesday, Nov. 2, at North Colorado Medical Center. She was born April 21, 1914, in Macon County, Mo., to Doc Martin and Lizzi (Lockard) Jordan. Mrs. Brewer moved to Colorado when she was 13 and lived with her family in the Kersey and LaSalle areas. On Dec. 8, 1931, she married Emery James Anderson. He died July 14, 1973. She married Harry Brewer on April 18, 1978. He died Dec. 19, 1987. She worked in the nursing profession from 1947-70. She worked for Medical Lake State Hospital I Washington State and for the Weld … Read more

Spencer, Jess W. – Obituary

Jess W. Spencer Funeral To Be Held at Union Jess W. Spencer, of Emmett, Ida., but formerly a business man at Union, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eva Hess [Hessemer], Montesano, Wash., yesterday morning, it was learned here today. Funeral services for Mr. Spencer will be held at the Methodist church at Union Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mr. Spencer was the son of pioneer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spencer, who came to this valley in the year 1863. Full details of his obituary were not available today. La Grande Evening Observer Saturday November 20, 1937 Page … Read more

Millering, Carl Eugene – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Carl Eugene Millering, 94, La Grande, died Wednesday, April 11 at the Mountain Vista Care Center. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 14 at Daniels Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Scott Pricer of the First Christian Church will officiate. Masonic services will be handled by the La Grande Masonic Lodge. Concluding services and vault interment will follow at the Island City Cemetery. Those who wish may make contributions in the memory of Mr. Millering to the Shriner’s Hospital for Crippled Children or the Memorial Fund of the First Christian Church in care … Read more

Kiddle, Earl – Obituary

In Union, Oct. 27th, Earl, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kiddle; aged three months and two weeks. The funeral took place from their residence in North Union, Friday afternoon. The little body was laid to rest by loving hands in the Union cemetery. Eastern Oregon Republican Thursday, November 3, 1892

Odell, Mabel Esther Wheelock – Obituary

Mabel E. of Beaverton; mother of Charles and Ralph; 3 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren. No services will be held at the request of the deceased. Private inurnment Portland Memorial Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers, contributions maybe made to the Tucker-Maxon School for the Deaf. Portland Memorial Funeral Home. Oregonian, September 4, 1978 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Somppi, Mamie Jemima Molstrom – Obituary

Funeral services have been announced for Mamie Somppi, 87, of Pendleton, who died Saturday afternoon [August 19, 1967] in Hiersche’s Nursing Home. The funeral will be Tuesday, Burns Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Somppi is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Dudley Moss, Greenwich, Conn., and Mrs. Floyd McDonald, Pendleton; brother Henry Molstrom, Pendleton; sister Mrs. David H. Nelson, Pendleton and five grandchildren. She was born in Centerville, Wash., and had lived in Pendleton since 1895. She married Alfred Somppi October 22, 1910 in Pendleton. He died in 1958. Mr. and Mrs. Somppi farmed in the Missouri Gulch area. … Read more

Draper, Kelso M.

Kelso M. Draper Dies Suddenly Mrs. Frances Draper and her daughter, Mrs. James (Vera) Fisher were called to Saint Paul, Oregon, Friday, August 26, by the sudden illness of their son and brother, Kelso Mills Draper, who passed away that day before they could reach his bedside. Son of Judson and Frances Draper, he was born in the Grande Ronde Valley near La Grande 56 years ago. He attended schools in Grande Ronde valley and at Lostine and for many years lived in and near Enterprise, where he farmed. On Sept. 28, 1929 he married at Enterprise to Miss Frances … Read more

McDaniel, Clifford Charles

Clifford Charles McDaniel, 92, of Elgin, died Monday, December 14, 1992, at Grande Ronde Hospital. A service will be held at 1 P.M. Thursday at the Elgin Nazarene Church with the Rev. Marshall Vaughn of the La Grande First Church of the Nazarene officiating. Private interment will be at the Summerville Cemetery. Mr. McDaniel was born on Feb. 3, 1900, to S.P. and Viola (Donley) McDaniel in Eifort, Ohio. On July 30, 1927, he married Margaret May McDonald in La Grande. She died on November 30, 1982. He worked as a lumber grader for Boise Cascade until his retirement in … Read more

Roop, Charlton French – Obituary

Charlton French Roop, 92, of Enterprise, died at Wallowa Memorial Hospital on Friday, March 7, 1997. Mr. Roop was born July 5, 1904, to Franklin Monroe and Ida (Hawley) Roop at Middlepoint near Promise. He was a lumber grader by trade, both at Bowman-Hicks and Bates lumber companies in Wallowa. He was a kind and gentle man, family members said. He spent much of his life in service to his family, they said. Survivors include two sisters, Mae Schriver of Gladstone and Hattie Paulson of Seaside; nieces, Susan Schriver of Gladstone, Judy Stewart of Seaside, Helen Berry of Hagerman, Idaho, … Read more

Gray, Mary Alma – Obituary

Mary Alma (Miller) Gray of Woodburn, a former resident of the Lower Cove area, died in Woodburn Jan. 4 following an extended illness. She was 89. Funeral services will be held at Dempsey’s Funeral Chapel in La Grande at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 7, the Rev. Cyril A. Stevens officiating. Burial will follow at the Summerville Cemetery. Mrs. Gray was born in Union County Feb. 3, 1884, the daughter of George and Matilda (Conley) Miller. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, Ernest of Woodburn, and Hugh of Vancouver, Wash.; two daughters, Mrs. E. C. … Read more

Rees, R. R. Major – Obituary

On last Thursday morning Dr. C.H. Day received a telegram from Walla Walla announcing the death of Major Raymond R. Rees at that place. Deceased was an uncle of Mrs. Dr. Day and well known by many in this vicinity. Mr. Rees came to Walla Walla in 1861 and was one of the original owners of the Statesman published in that city. He leaves a wife and three children. The Walla Walla Journal says of him: He was always called major, from his boyhood up and the title stuck to him all through life with becoming modesty. Politically, he was … Read more

Robinson, L. Irl – Obituary

Nov. 2, 1904 – Oct. 6, 1988 L. Irl Robinson, 83, of Salem died Thursday in Salem. He was born in Gordon, Texas. He lived in Cove from 1905 to 1919. He served in the Army from 1923 to 1924 and was middleweight boxing champion in the armed services. He married Iola Childers, June 8, 1928, in La Grande. He lived in Montana, Washington and California before coming to Salem in 1950. He moved to Union in 1976 and returned to Salem in 1978. He was a member of the First Baptist Church, Salem, and was on the original board … Read more

Somppi, Alfred – Obituary

The funeral for Alfred Somppi, 76, late of 321 NW 6th, who died Friday afternoon [May 23, 1958] at his home here, will be Tuesday. He was born in Lathia, Finland and has resided in Umatilla County for 58 years. He was affiliated with the Odd Fellows, Canton Encampment, Rebekahs and was a member of the First Christian Church. Among survivors are his wife, Mamie Somppi, Pendleton; daughters, Mrs. Dudley Moss, Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. Floyd McDonald, Hillsboro; brother, Efram Somppi, New Ipswich, N.H., and five grandchildren. [Interment at the Olney Cemetery] Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Conley, Mary Eliza Wood Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. J. M. Conley Dies, Early Settler Here Mrs. J. M. Conley, resident of the Flora district for many years, passed away at a nursing home at Milton, Monday, February 26. She had been in poor health for some years and had been cared for in a private institution. Funeral services were held yesterday at Milton, and were attended by her daughters who live in Wallowa county, and by Mrs. J. C. Conley and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Strickler. Mary Eliza Wood was born December 6, 1859, and was married to Jesse Monroe Conley at Mulberry, Missouri December 25, … Read more

Von Winkler, Weimer – Obituary

Union Station Agent Dies  Weimer Von Winkler, station agent at Union, died Wednesday morning at the Grande Ronde hospital, following a short illness. It is reported that typhoid was the cause of death. Mr. Von Winkler was brought into La Grande last Saturday. He was aged 34 years and was employed at Union only about a week before his illness. Previous to that time, he was at the Bohnenkamp chapel, awaiting instructions from the father and mother who lived at Bellingham, Washington. La Grande Observer. North Powder News Saturday, November 29, 1919