Biography of Nels K. Jensen

Nels K. Jensen, farmer and dairyman, makes his home on section 11, Norway Township, where he has a well improved property, everything about the place indicating his progressive spirit, which is fraught with substantial results as manifest in excellent crops and in the fine appearance of his place. Mr. Jensen was born in Denmark, January 3, 1854, a son of Jans P. Larsen and Christina Petersen, who were also natives of Denmark, the former born in 1809 and the latter in 1812. They were married in that country and spent their entire lives there, the father successfully carrying on the occupation of farming. He died in the year 1884, having long survived his wife, who passed away in 1868. They had a family of ten children, of whom six are living, of which number Nels K. is the youngest. The others are: Carl C., a resident of Racine; Peter S., who is engaged in the real estate business in Racine; Dorothy, the wife of J. Nelson. of Denmark; Stina, the wife of E. Poison, of Denmark, and Bolette, who is the widow of B. Knutsen, and is engaged in dressmaking in Evanston, Illinois. The religious faith of the family is that of the Lutheran church, to which the parents belonged.

Nels K. Jensen pursued his education in the schools of his native country and was a young man of twenty-eight years when, in 1882, he came to Racine. For three years thereafter he was employed in wagon works of the city, but on the expiration of that period turned his attention to the occupation to which he had been reared and for a few years cultivated a rented farm. In 1906 he purchased his present property-a tract of one hundred and sixty acres of fine land situated on section 11, Norway Township. The methods which he employs in developing and caring for his property are most practical and are attended with excellent results. In connection with general farming he does considerable dairying and for this purpose keeps full blooded Holstein cows. Upon his place are substantial and commodious buildings, furnishing ample shelter to grain and stock, and he has recently erected a silo himself.

In 18S3 Mr. Jensen was married to Miss Anna Jensen, who was born in Denmark, and they have become the parents of seven children who are yet Irving: Jennie, at home; Louie, who is employed in a factory in Racine; Walter, who is working upon the farm; and Willie, Robert, Roy and Emma, all yet under the parental roof.

In politics Mr. Jensen is an independent republican, usually voting for the candidates of the party, yet not regarding as bound by party ties. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and their influence is always on the side of those forces which work for righteousness and truth. He has never had occasion to regret his determination to come to the new world, for here he has found the business opportunities which he sought and by reason of his indefatigable effort and persistent energy he has gained a place among the substantial and well-to-do residents of Norway Township.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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