Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory

Last Updated on August 28, 2013 by

(For explanations, etc., see main page)

Railroad stations are Waterbury, 10 miles south, on C. V. R. R. Stages connect with 5 P. M. and 9:30 A. M. trains; and Morrisville, 8 miles north on St. J. & L. C. R. R.

(For explanations, etc., see page 289.)

Adams Clark N., (Stowe) r i3, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 165.

Adams Edgar J., (Stowe) r 50, farm laborer, son of John.

Adams Erwin I., (Stowe) r 50, farm laborer, son of John.

ADAMS GEORGE W., (Stowe) r 29, farmer 75.

Adams James, (Stowe) r 54, farmer, leases of Wm. H. H. Bingham 80.

Adams John, (Stowe) r 50, farmer 25.

ADAMS LYNDA, (Stowe) r 60, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 150.

Adams William W., (Stowe) r 18, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 700 trees, and farmer, manager for E. C. Bailey.

Alger Isaac H., (Stowe) r 20, farmer 40.

Alger Oscar, (Stowe) r 20, sugar orchard 425 trees, and farmer 105.

ALGER WILMOT R., (Stowe) r 41, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, breeder of Morgan and Hambletonian horses, and farmer 165.

Anderson William L. Rev., (Stowe) Congregational minister, h Maple.

ANDREWS WILLIAM H., (Waterbury Center, Washington Co.,) r 44, prop. of shingle-mill, farmer 6, timber land 150, and in Waterbury 115.

ARMSTONG LYMAN E., (Stowe) r 49, farmer, with Geo. Howe 40.

Atkins Charles C., (Stowe) r 1, sugar orchard 250 trees, breeder of Jersey cattle, and farmer 130.

Atkins Harvey, (Stowe) r 29, clapboard sawyer.

Atkins Hial, (Stowe) r 46, laborer.

ATKINS HIRAM S., (Stowe) general merchant, deacon Congregational church, Main, h do.

Atkins James W., (Stowe) r 27, supt. of H. M. Bruce’s mill.

ATWOOD STEPHEN G., (Stowe) r 6, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 300 trees, farmer 100, and timber 60.

Ayers Jasper, (Stowe) r 70, carpenter and joiner, and farmer 32.

Ayers Jerome B., (Stowe) r 60, manuf. of lumber, and farmer 25.

Bailey Edwin C., (Stowe) (E. C. & Son) prop. of Waterbury and Morrisville stage line, Main.

Bailey Edwin C. & Son, (Stowe) (William P.,) props. of Mt. Mansfield Hotel, and Summit House.

Bailey William P., (Stowe) (E. C. & Son) Main.

Barnes George R., (Stowe) r 27, farmer 45.

Barnes George W. Rev., (Stowe) pastor of the Unity church, bds with A. Camp, Main St.

Barnes Kimber H., (Stowe) r 51, farmer, with Samuel 123.

Barnes Samuel, (Stowe) r 51, dairy 14 cows, sugar orchard 240 trees, and farmer 123.

Barnes Willis M., (Stowe) r 3, stock raiser, dairy to cows, and farmer 160.

Barrows Alvinzy E., (Stowe) r 19, cor 21, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer, leases of Joseph Newell, of Moretown 117.

Barrows Ansel L., (Stowe) r 63, with Henry, farmer.

Barrows Chauncey, (Stowe) r 53, farmer 75.

Barrows Chancy H., (Stowe) r 53, farmer 75.

BARROWS HENRY 0., (Stowe) r 63, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 100.

BARROWS LILLIAN A. Miss, (Stowe) r 5. daughter of Lysander A., teacher.

Barrows Lysander A., (Stowe) r 5, stock raiser, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy to cows, and farmer 150.

Barrows Nathan L., (Stowe) r 63, breeder of grade Durham cattle, and farmer 175

Barrows Orlando A., (Stowe) r 63, farmer 100.

Bashaw Joseph F., (Stowe) r 31, dairy 14 cows, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer, leases of George Wilkins 114.

BASSETT JOHN, (Stowe) blacksmith, horse shoeing a specialty, Main, h Maple.

Bassett Joseph, (Stowe) blacksmith, employee of John, Main

Bennett Betsey, (Stowe) widow of Jacob, h Main.

BENNETT CORA M. Miss, (Stowe) cor r 28 and 9, dressmaker, with Mrs. Henry Warren.

Benson Flotilla Miss, (Stowe) h Maple.

Benson Frank J., (Stowe) r 9 cor 10, dairy 20 cows, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer 200.

Benson Orlando J., (Stowe) r 20, dairy to cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 130.

Benson Mercy Miss, (Stowe) h. Maple.

Berry Fred W., (Stowe) r 70, farmer 32.

Bigelow Eliakim, (Stowe) r 32, dairy to cows, sugar orchard 540 trees, and farmer 100.

Bigelow George E., (Stowe) r 13, employee of Spaulding & Langdon.

Bigelow Newell, (Stowe) r 61. dairy 17 cows, and farmer 200.

Bigelow Brooks Mrs., (Stowe) r 63, farmer 12.

BINGHAM WM. H. H. HON., (Stowe) attorney at law, president Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company, owns 3,000 acres, h Main.

Black Susan Mrs., (Stowe) resident, h between School and Pleasant sts.

Black Susan A. Miss, (Stowe) grower of and dealer in cut flowers, Pleasant.

Blair Augustine, (Stowe) tanner, h Main.

Blodgett Vernon L.. (Stowe) r 38, farmer 65.

Boyce Andrew J., (Stowe) r 23, sugar orchard 110 trees, and farmer 50.

Boyce George, (Stowe) r 23, farmer.

Brannan Michael, (Stowe) r 50, laborer.

Brinnan Thomas, (Stowe) r 52, farmer, works on shares for Thomas Downer 1 acre.

Brown Christopher P., (Stowe) r 41, prop. of Cheney saw-mill, farmer 12, and timber land 100.

Brown Christopher P., Jr., (Stowe) r 17, farmer, leases of Robert Scribner 85.

Brown Hollis, (Stowe) dairy 13 cows, and farmer 480.

Brown Rachel, (Stowe) widow of Manly H., h Pleasant.

BRUCE HORACE M., (Waterbury, Wash. Co.,) r 27, manuf. of lumber, clapboards and shingles, owns 3,000 acres of timber land.

Brunell John, (Stowe) laborer, h Maple.

BRUSH SALMON M.,. r 16, dairy 20 cows, sugar orchard 150 trees, and farmer 203.

Buren Lewis, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 50.

Burke Abishai, (Stowe) r 8, sugar orchard 100 trees, and farmer 100.

Burke Alanson C., (Stowe) attorney at law, owns saw-mill and 45 acres timber land in Morristown, h Main.

Burnett Abram, (Stowe) r 38, farmer s acre.

Burnett Charles, (Stowe) invalid, h School.

Burnett Charles, (Stowe) on pent road, laborer.

Burnett Charles, Jr., (Stowe) on pent road from O. L. Judson’s to H. D. Brown’s, laborer.

Burnett Joseph, (Stowe) blacksmith, h School St.

Butler Orion W., (Stowe) retired lawyer, h Main cor School.

Butler Orion W., Jr., (Stowe) capitalist, h Main cor School.

Butts Howard, (Stowe) r 65, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy so cows, and farmer 75.

BURT CHARLES E, (Stowe) deputy sheriff, dealer in clapboards, lumber and shingles, Main St., h do.

Burt George, (Stowe) r 36, laborer, owns house and 1 acre.

BUZZELL LYMAN W., (Stowe) manuf. and dealer in boots, shoes and rubbers, Main St., h do.

CADY DAN, (Stowe) livery stable, and farmer 100, Maple St., h do.

CADY MORRIS H., (Stowe) farmer 18.

Calkins Horatio D., (Stowe) r 49, farmer 31.

Camp Albert, (Stowe) farmer 12, h Main St.

Camp Gould W., (Stowe) r 49, farmer 25,

Camp Lewis C., (Stowe) hostler, h Main St.

Campbell Fred, (Stowe) r 3, farmer 67 1/2.

Campbell George, (Stowe) r 4 cor 5, farmer, leases of W. H. H. Bingham 1118.

Campbell Henry J., (Stowe) r 19, sugar orchard 400 trees, dairy 13 cows, and farmer, works on shares for S. S. Thompson s so.

Carey Hudson, (Stowe) r 22, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer, leases of Isaac Carey, of Waterbury, 120.

Carey Joseph, (Stowe) r 25, farmer, leases of Thomas Downer 100.

Chaffee Andrew J., (Stowe) r 31, breeder of Jersey cattle, dairy 10 cows, farmer, leases of Vernon Wilkins 87.

Chaffee Hiram, (Stowe) r 24, farmer 4 1/2.

Chaffee Mark, (Stowe) off r 27, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer, with Nathan R. Chaffee 76.

Chaffee Nathan R., (Stowe) r 27, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer, with Mark 76.

Chapin Charles, (Stowe) r 20, laborer.

Chapman Allen, (Stowe) barber and billiard saloon, Main St., bds Bridge.

Chapman Benjamin, (Stowe) dealer in poultry, sheep pelts, hides, and skins, and farmer 4, h Bridge St.

Chase Samuel B., (Stowe) r 10, lumberman, owns timber lot 25 acres.

CHENEY ALBERT H., (Stowe) r 41, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 250.

Churchill Charles R., (Stowe) town collector, and farmer 5, and with Venon Wilkins 200, h Maple St.

Churchill Joseph, (Stowe) pensioner, h Main St.

CHURCHILL LYMAN A., (Stowe) hostler at Mt. Mansfield Hotel, newsdealer and horse trainer, h Main St.

Churchill Walter F., (Stowe) son of Charles R., h Maple St.

Clara Joseph, (Stowe) r 66, sugar orchard 350 trees, and farmer 160.

Clark Carlos S., (Stowe) r 8, sugar orchard 750 trees, dairy to cows, farmer 135.

Clark Lyman G., (Stowe) r 8, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, and farmer 50.

Cleveland Edwin F., (Stowe) r 62, farmer 40.

Clough Oramel C., (Waterbury Center, Wash. Co.,) on pent road near r 44, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy to cows, and farmer 100.

COBB ENOS B., (Stowe) r 37, farms for the Butler estate, dairy 33 cows and farm 500.

Cobb J. Charles, (Stowe) r 17, teamster, owns 7 acres.

Cobb Susan, (Stowe) r 17, widow of James B, owns 4 acres.

Colburn Susan Mrs., (Stowe) r 50, widow of Henry H., h and 3 acres.

CONANT BEN F., (Stowe) r 65, eclectic physician and surgeon, and owns farm 30.

COOK HIRAM L., (Stowe) r 50, shoemaker, house painter.

Cooley Frank, (Stowe) r 62, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 113.

Corse Rodney N., (Stowe) r 36, sawyer.

Crandall E. R. Mrs., (Stowe) h Maple St.

Crane Charles H., (Stowe) employee of Pike & Robinson, bds Main St.

Culver George M., (Stowe) cooper, h Main St.

CULVER GEORGE W., (Stowe) carpenter and joiner, cabinet-maker, and dealer in groceries and notions, Main St., h do.

Culver Herbert F., (Stowe) r 56, farmer, leases of Daniel Russell 70.

Culver Randall A., (Stowe) r 56, farmer 150.

Culver Willis W., (Stowe) r 60, manufacturer of lumber, and farmer 175.

Cutler Charles, (Stowe) r 37, laborer.

Cutler Charles E., (Stowe) r 9, farmer, employee of Frank J. Benson.

Cutler Edward C., (Stowe) r 50, laborer, h and lot.

Cutler John B., (Stowe) r 9, laborer, owns 1 acre.

Damon John A., (Stowe) carpenter and joiner, bds Main St.

Davis David, (Stowe) r 21, dairy 13 cows, farmer 200.

Davis Hira, (Stowe) off r 41, farmer 50.

Davis Hira, Jr., (Stowe) r 41 cor 42, farmer 25 1/2.

Davis Joseph, (Stowe) r 41, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer 100.

Davis Lyman, (Stowe) r 41, laborer, owns 50 acres mountain land.

Davis Lyman, (Stowe) r 38, farmer 50.

Decelle Frank, (Stowe) r 46, laborer.

Decelle Moses, (Stowe) blacksmith, bds Branch St.

Demas Edward, (Stowe) pent road, farmer, leases of Hollis Brown 3 1/2 acres.

Demois Lewis, (Stowe) r 24, cook at Mt. Mansfield House.

DILLINGHAM ISAIAH M., (Stowe) r 68, sugar orchard 600 trees, dairy 12 cows, stock raiser and farmer 200.

Dodge C. Edward, (Stowe) off r 30, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, farmer so, and leases of O. W. Butler 100.

Dodge James M., (Stowe) r 50, farmer, leases of Miss M. C. Foster 24.

Douglass Almon E., (Stowe) r 65, meat peddler.

DOUGLASS CHARLES, (Stowe) employee of J. E. Houston, and farmer with Stephen A. Douglass 100.

DOUGLASS FRED, (Stowe) r 24, employee of George G. Foster. Douglass Joseph, (Stowe) r 27, laborer.

Douglass Moses, (Stowe) r 22 1/2, sugar orchard 225 trees, and farmer 75.

DOUGLASS STEPHEN A., Stowe) off r 22, farmer, with Charles 100.

Downer Thomas, (Stowe) cattle broker, h Pleasant St.

Drugg John, (Stowe) r 40, dairy 12 cows, and farmer, works on shares for Daniel Hodge 100.

Dwinnell Sylvester, (Stowe) r 63, farmer 15.

Edgerton Erastus, (Stowe) r 48, farmer 5.

Edson Sylvester, (Stowe) r 22, farmer 120.

Ennis James, (Stowe) r 67, dairy 14 cows, sugar orchard 35 trees, farmer 150.

Faunce H. Bertram, (Stowe) stage driver from Waterbury to Morrisville employee of E. C. Bailey & Son, h School St.

FAUNCE HORACE C., (Stowe) r 37, (Smith & Faunce,) sexton, owns 4 acres.

Fay Emmett, (Stowe) laborer, h Main St.

Ferry John, (Stowe) r 27, employee of H. M. Bruce.

Fisher Abraham, (Stowe) farrier, h Maple St.

Fitzgerald Edward, (Stowe) laborer, bds Maple St.

Fitzgerald Patrick, (Stowe) r 38 cor. 40, laborer, h and lot.

Flanders Daniel P., (Stowe) r 31, farmer 150.

Flanders Obed C., (Stowe) r r, farmer 40.

Foley Matthew, (Stowe) book-keeper for Mt. Mansfield House,

Foster George G., (Stowe) r 24, manufacturer of butter tubs.

French Aaron, (Stowe) r38 cor 40, invalid.

French Frank F., (Stowe) r 42, thresher and farmer, leases of Whitney estate , 55 acres.

French Martin E., (Stowe) r 48, laborer.

French Susanna, (Stowe) r 38 cor 40, widow of Daniel N.

FULLER HIRAM S., (Orange, Mass.,) r 64, farmer 63, and employee of the New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass.

FULLER HIRAM S. MRS., (Stowe) r 64, dairy 6 cows, and manages, farm of 63.

Fuller Ira, (Stowe) r 65, farmer.

Fuller Ira H., (Stowe) r 64, son of Hiram S.

Fuller Samuel T., (Stowe) r 46, sugar orchard 900 trees, farmer 85.

GALE BOWMAN T., (Stowe) r 3, dairy 10 cows, stock raiser, cattle broker, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 67 1/2.

Gale Frank, (Stowe) off r 62, farmer 100.

Gale Presson R., (Stowe) r 67, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 200.

Gale Presson, Jr., (Stowe) r 61, dairy 30 cows, sugar orchard 1,650 trees, and farmer 200.

George Allen P., (Stowe) r 1, farmer 64.

GERRY ORLANDO F., (Stowe) r 9, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 134. Soldier in the war for the Union nearly 3 years.

Gibbs Deliza Miss, (Stowe) r 46, 11 and 1/2 acre.

Gibbs Edward A., (Stowe) r 38, farmer 118.

Gibbs George, (Stowe) r 41, farmer 51.

Gibbs Henry, (Stowe) r 42, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer 148.

Gibbs William, (Stowe) r 38, farmer, with Edward A.

Gibbs William, Jr., (Stowe) r 45, farmer 5, and mountain land 50.

Gile Liscomb, (Waterbury Center, Washington Co.,) r 43, farmer 25.

Gile Stephen, (Stowe) off r 4, farmer 6z.

Gillett Willis, (Stowe) manuf. of head stones and monuments, Maple, h do.

GODFREY ALMON W., (Stowe) r 49, farmer 80.

Godfrey Jacob J., (Stowe) r 47, farmer, leases of Oscar May, of Waterbury, 70.

Godfrey Lorenzo, (Stowe) off r 30, leases of estate of Simon J. 140.

Green Monroe, (Stowe) r 8, farmer, leases of Carlos S. Clark 200.

Gregg Ezra, (Stowe) r 3, manuf. of lumber, and farmer 15.

Griffin Joel, (Stowe) laborer, h Main.

GRIFFIN JOEL L., (Stowe) tanner, employee of E. W. Webster.

Grout Don D., (Stowe) physician and surgeon, Maple, h do.

Hale Charles F., (Stowe) retired farmer, h Maple.

Hale Edward K., (Stowe) r 70, dairy 20 cows, and farmer, leases of Joseph Newhouse, of Morristown, 300.

HALE GEORGE A., (Stowe) r 38, dairy so cows, and farmer 80.

Hammond Azro A., (Stowe) r 31, invalid.

Hapgood Cordelia A. Mrs., (Stowe) h Pleasant.

Harlow Almon T., (Stowe) r 27, farmer 100.

Harlow George W., (Stowe) r 27, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 75. Soldier in the Union army.

Harris Charles B., (Stowe) r 8, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer too.

HARRIS GEORGE A., (Stowe) r 8, dairy to cows, breeder of Blackhawk and Lambert horses, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 18.

Harris Henry J., (Stowe) r 9, 1st selectman, breeder of Cotswold sheep, dairy 21 cows, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer 220. Harris Horace, (Stowe) r 26, farmer 60, aged 80.

Harris John G., (Stowe) r 25, farmer 200.

Harris Lucia, (Stowe) r 9, widow of Joel, Jr., resides with Henry J.

Harris Oscar G., (Stowe) assistant postmaster, and dealer in groceries, Main, cor Bridge.

Harris William H., (Stowe) r 25, farmer 25.

Hart Andrew J., (Stowe) r 21, dairy 11 cows, sugar orchard 850 trees, farmer 160, and in Elmore too.

Hatch Otis, (Stowe) pent road, farmer 200.

Hayes Orrin Philander, (Stowe) off r 50, farmer 140.

Henderson Ira, (Stowe) r 51, farmer, with Josephus Munn.

Hodge Daniel W., (Stowe) cheese maker, and farmer 100, h Maple.

Hodge Ephraim T., (Stowe) r 36, shoemaker, and owns with his son, Holden S., 4 acres.

Hodge Holden S., (Stowe) r 36, carpenter and joiner, owns with his father, E. T., 4 acres.

Hodge Russell C., (Stowe) r 45, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, breeder of grade Jersey and Ayrshire cattle, and Chester white hogs, dairy 32 cows, and farmer 290.

Hoisington Carlos C., (Stowe) r 60, farmer 30.

Hoisington Carlos R., (Stowe) r 49, laborer.

Holmes Alvin P., (Stowe) shoemaker, Main St., h do.

HOUSTON HENRY, (Stowe) r 27, employee of James E. Houston.

HOUSTON JAMES E., (Stowe) r 29, manuf. of butter tubs and sawed shingles, and farmer 60, gives employment to 8 men.

Howe George, (Stowe) r 49, blacksmith, and farmer, with L. E. Armstrong 22.

Hutchings Charles, (Stowe) r 56, farmer 50.

Hutchings Eugene M., (Stowe) r 42, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 100.

IDE MARCUS, (Stowe) allo. physician and surgeon, Main St., h Main cor Bridge.

Isham Frances D. Mrs., (Stowe) prop. of Isham Hotel, Main St.

Isham Hotel, (Stowe) Mrs. F. D. Isham, prop., Main St.

Jackman Alfred I., (Stowe) r 5 cor 2, son of Thomas C.

JACKMAN THOMAS C., (Stowe) r 1 cor 2, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 535.

Jackson Walter, (Stowe) butcher, bds with A. C. Raymond.

JENNEY GEORGE W., (Stowe) town agent for the sale of school books, watchmaker and dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, sewing machines, millinery and fancy goods, toilet articles, etc., librarian of Stowe library, Main St., h do.

Jenney Henry E., (Stowe) r 18, farms for E. C. Bailey, dairy 52 cows, sugar orchard 725 trees, and 100 acres.

Jenney Kendrick, (Stowe) r 18, farmer 45.

Jewett Ralph P., (Stowe) r 49, farm hand, owns 12 acres.

JUDSON ORLO L., (Stowe) r 16, breeder of Jersey cattle and Cotswold sheep, sugar orchard 650 trees, and farmer 200.

Kaiser Ed, (Stowe) laborer, h Main.

KAISER SAMUEL H., (Stowe) general blacksmithing, h Branch St.

Kellogg Allen, (Stowe) r 36, farmer.

Kelly Betsy R. Mrs., (Stowe) laundry, h School St.

Kenyon Cyrus F., (Stowe) r 67, farmer 90.

Kidder Benjamin F., (Stowe) off r 12, sugar orchard 100 trees, dairy 11 cows, farmer 75, and timber land 500.

Kidder Hannah D., (Stowe) off r 12, (Mrs. B. T.,) owns pasture and woodland 75 acres.

Kidder Lucius L., (Stowe) off r 12, farmer, with his father Benjamin F., and owns timber lot 60 acres.

Kimball Luke, (Stowe) r 6, farmer 100.

Kimball Marshall P., (Stowe) house painter and whitewasher, h Main. Knight Asa, (Stowe) r 36, laborer.

Knowlton Eliza P. Mrs.. (Stowe) r 49, resident.

Lamson Augustus C., (Stowe) retired harness maker, owns 3 acres, h Pleasant St.

Lapelle Frank, (Stowe) r 20, farmer 24 1/2.

Lapelle Henry, (Stowe) r 53, laborer.

Lapoint Merrill, (Stowe) r 13, grain thresher, and farmer 50.

Laraway Albert, (Stowe) works at Mt. Mansfield Hotel, h School St.

Lathe Henry, (Stowe) carpenter and joiner and saw filer. School St.

Lathe Lucy, (Stowe) (Mrs. Henry) seamstress, School St.

Latouch John, (Stowe) teamster, 15 Pleasant St.

Ledoux Lewis, (Stowe) r 17, laborer.

Lewis Frank W., (Stowe) pastor M. E. church, h Main.

Litch Charles W., (Stowe) laborer, son of Samuel, h Maple.

Litch Samuel, (Stowe) laborer, h Maple.

Loomis Orlin, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 25.

Loomis Orlo, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 25.

Loomis Seth R., (Stowe) r z1, farmer 500.

Loomis William W., (Stowe) r 21, farmer, with Seth R.

Lovejoy Columbus, (Stowe) blacksmith, sugar orchard 300 trees, farmer 75, and 225 acres timber land.

LOVEJOY CORNELIUS, (Stowe) r 17, dairy so cows, and farmer 100.

Lovejoy Jennie, (Stowe) r 17, widow of Peter C., aged 90, pensioner.

LUCE ALBERT, (Stowe) r 53, cor $4, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 115.

Luce Asa, (Stowe) r 50, shoemaker.

LUCE BYRON H., (Stowe) r 42, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 20 cows, and farmer 195.

Luce Dan S., (Stowe) r 52, farms for E. C. Bailey 280.

Luce Edmond S., (Stowe) carpenter and joiner, h Main.

LUCE GEORGE, (Stowe) r 55, sugar orchard 450 trees, and farmer 100.

Luce John G., (Stowe) r 30, farmer 2 1/2.

Luce Joshua, (Stowe) r 49, farmer 25.

Luce Josiah A., (Stowe) r 36, works on shares for Allen S. Kellogg 100.

Luce Lucinda M., (Stowe) (Mrs Thomas S.,) breeder and dealer in Canary birds, and manuf. of floor rugs.

Luce Orlo E., (Stowe) clerk for Miles & McMahon, bds with George Raymond.

Luce Thomas S., (Stowe) r 29, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy so cows, and farmer 125.

Luce William B., (Stowe) r 54, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer 75.

Luce Zimri, (Stowe) r 36, farmer.

Lucia Charles, (Stowe) r 55, cooper, owns 1 acre.

Macutchan John W., (Stowe) r 23, cor 20, farmer 80.

Macutchan Volney P., (Stowe) attorney at law, master in chancery, and insurance agent, Main, h Bridge.

Magoon Bradley, (Stowe) r 37, laborer.

Magoon Edwin, (Stowe) r 50, laborer, employee of H. M. Bruce.

Mansfield Seth A., (Stowe) r 66, dairy 8 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 160.

Marshall Benjamin G. W., (Stowe) r 70, farmer 35, and leases of Truman Moody 40.

Marshall Chester, (Stowe) r 13, aged 8r years.

Marshall Eldora Mrs., (Stowe) r 70, farm 12.

Marshall Eliza A. Miss, (Stowe) h Maple St.

Marshall Meriden, (Stowe) r 70, miller, employee of L. B. Smith, and farmer, works 12.

Marshall Parnel, (Stowe) widow of David A., aged 83, h Maple St.

Marston Cyrus B., (Stowe) r 3, farmer 100.

Marston Dean 0., (Stowe) r 14, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 85.

MARSTON JOHN A., (Stowe) r 21, farmer 100.

Matthews Jane E. Miss, (Stowe) r 31, farmer 64.

MATTHEWS ORAMEL D., (Stowe) dealer in hardware, tinware, stoves, groceries, flour, etc., Main St. cor Maple, h Maple St.

Matthews Vernon P., (Stowe) clerk for O. D. Matthews, bds Maple St.

May Alfred, (Stowe) r 26, farmer 18.

McALLISTER DANIEL J., (Stowe) r 50, breeder of grade Durham cattle, and farmer 280.

McALLISTER GEORGE L., (Stowe) r 50, dairy 29 cows, breeder of grade Durham cattle, farmer 140, and leases of D. J. McAllister 280.

McAllister Harvey, (Stowe) r 49, farmer 9.

McAllister James, (Stowe) r 62, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 130 trees, and farmer 83.

McLean John, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 50.

McLean Manning, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 50.

McLean Sidney, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 50.

McMahon Cornelius L., (Stowe) (Miles & McMahon) h Main.

McMahon Henry C., (Stowe) telegraph operator, fire, accident, and life ins. agent, and dealer in drugs, patent medicines, tobacco, cigars, etc., Main, h do.

McMahon Kate, (Stowe) r 70, widow of Patrick, farmer 80.

Melvin Arthur F., (Stowe) farm laborer.

Melvin Kate, (Stowe) widow of Benjamin F., h Branch.

Meritt Daniel, (Stowe) r 24, farmer 70.

Miller Joseph, (Stowe) r 54, farmer, leases of Nathaniel Robinson 50.

Miles James E., (Stowe) (Miles & McMahon) h Main.

Miles William H., (Stowe) clerk for Miles & McMahon, bds with James E.

Miles & McMahon, (Stowe) (Jas. E. Miles, Cornelius L. McMahon) dealers in dry and fancy goods, clothing, hats and caps, carpets, boots and shoes, hardware, groceries, etc., Main.

Mills William, (Stowe) r 66, sugar orchard 225 trees, and farmer 140.

Moody Alson S., (Stowe) r 69, wool grower, and farmer 120.

Moody Clement G., (Stowe) r 46, farmer, works on shares for Oscar May, of Waterbury, 60.

MOODY ELECTA A., (Stowe) r 64, widow of John, farmer 24.

Moody Gilman S.. (Stowe) r 48, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 250.

Moody Lewis C., (Stowe) law student, bds Main.

Moody Nathaniel R., (Stowe) r 7, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer 50.

Moody Orrin, (Stowe) r 50, farmer 100.

Moody Rebecca, Miss, (Stowe) r 69.

Moody Spencer S., (Stowe) r 69, with Alson H., owns farm in North Wolcott 65.

Moody Truman, (Stowe) r 70, farmer 40.

Moore Emery C., (Stowe) retired merchant, h Main.

Moore Flavius Josephus, (Stowe) r 21, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 570.

Moore George W., (Stowe) clerk Mansfield Mountain House, Main.

Morrill Lucius E., (Stowe) r 45, farmer 67.

Morrill William, (Stowe) lower village, Main St., owns dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 550 trees, on r 45 farmer 141, pasture, wood lot, and meadow land 396, on r 29.

Morrison Cabbot D., (Stowe) r 63, wool grower, and farmer 188.

Morrison James, (Stowe) r 29, laborer.

Morrison Lucy, (Stowe) r 48, widow of William, resident.

Moulton Dan S., (Stowe) r 46, farmer, works on shares farm for Abial Slayton.

Moulton Daniel S., (Stowe) r 49, cooper, and farmer 12.

MOULTON WILLIAM H. H., (Stowe) manuf. and dealer in harnesses, trunks, whips, robes, etc., and carriage trimmer, Main St., h School.

Mt. Mansfield Hotel, (Stowe) Edwin C. Bailey & Son, proprietors.

MT. MANSFIELD TANNERY. (Stowe) Edward W. Webster, proprietor.

Munn Carroll, (Stowe) r 22, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 170.

Munn Ira, (Stowe) r 66, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 137.

Munn Josephus, (Stowe) r 51, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 33, aged 83 years.

Muzzey Edward, (Stowe) laborer, bds Maple St.

MUZZEY FRANK, (Stowe) laborer, bds Maple St.

Muzzey Leo, (Stowe) retired farmer, h Maple St.

Muzzey Leo, Jr., (Stowe) r 48, tanner and currier.

Muzzey Martin, (Stowe) farmer 1 acre.

Newcomb Allen, (Waterbury Center, Wash. Co.,) r 43, farmer, leases of Isaac Merriam 250.

Newton Daniel S., (Stowe) r 7, farmer 113.

Newton Jacob W., (Stowe) r 7, farmer, with Daniel S.

Nutting Albert B., (Stowe) manuf. and dealer in harnesses, Main St., h do.

Nutting Harrison S., (Stowe) r 22, sugar orchard 350 trees, and farmer go.

Oakes Henry B., (Stowe) r 31, dairy 15 cows, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, farmer 150, and pasture land 60.

Owen Myron W., (Stowe) carpenter and joiner, h and 2 acres, soldier in the war for the Union, returned after the war as first lieutenant of Company E, 7th Regiment, h Bridge St.

Papineau Joseph, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 50.

Papineau William, (Stowe) r 15, laborer.

Parcher Sophronia, (Stowe) widow of Jonathan, h Main St.

Parish Elisha L., (Stowe) retired, aged 78, h Main St.

Parish Maria, (Stowe) (Mrs, E. L.,) glove maker, Main St., h do.

Parish Sarah Miss., (Stowe) seamstress, Main St., h do.

PARISH WILLIAM B., (Stowe) farmer 14, h Maple.

Parker Charles B., (Stowe) r 18, dairy 30 cows, sugar orchard 450 trees, farmer 160, and pasture land 50.

Parsons Ira, (Stowe) off r 1, sugar orchard 450 trees, and farmer 140.

Patch Wilson, (Stowe) r 15, farmer 50.

Perkins Rowena, (Stowe) r 17, widow of Hiram.

Peterson Fred, (Stowe) off r 30, dairy so cows, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 196.

Phillips Henry C., (Stowe) r 27, head sawyer for H. M. Bruce.

Pike Arba A., (Stowe) butter tub maker, with P. D. Pike, Main St.

Pike Henry A., (Stowe) r 4, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 95.

PIKE PAPHRO D., (Stowe) (Pike & Robinson) manuf. of hoop lock ma

chines, and farmer, leases of Nancy Pike 30, Main St. Pike Samuel F., (Stowe) r 4, farmer, with Henry A.

PIKE & ROBINSON, (Stowe) (P. D. Pike and W. W. Robinson,) manufacturer of butter tubs and lumber.

PIXLEY EDGAR A., (Stowe) r 27, manufacturer of butter tub staves.

Poor Seneca Z., (Stowe) r 20, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, and farmer 100.

Poor Sylvander C., (Stowe) r 42, overseer of the poor, dairy 30 cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 200.

Porter James C., (Stowe) r 49, dealer in hides and leather, owns the stock of Mt. Mansfield tannery, farmer 25.

Pottle Eunice, (Stowe) (Mrs. A. D.,) millinery, fancy goods, and notions, Main cor Maple and Pleasant, h do.

Pratt Maria Mrs., (Stowe) r 60, farmer 50.

Pratt Nelson, (Stowe) r 57, farmer 100.

Pratt Trefley C., (Stowe) r 39, dairy 12 cows, and farmer, leases of George Wilkins 75.

Pratt William D., (Stowe) r 58, farmer 50.

Preston Emery B., (Stowe) r 50, laborer.

Preston Sophia L., (Stowe) r 22, widow of John, farmer 82.

QUINN PETER, (Stowe) house, sign, carriage and ornamental painter, Main St., h School.

RAYMOND ALBERT C., (Stowe) town clerk, and dealer in country produce, Main St., h Maple.

Raymond Asa, (Stowe) r 35, retired farmer.

RAYMOND GEORGE, (Stowe) r 36, agent for grange grocery and feed store, Main St.

Raymond Joseph C., (Stowe) r 10, farmer 95.

Raymond Lewis C., (Stowe) r 35, farm laborer.

Raymond Mary C., (Stowe) widow of Thomas J., tailoress, Main St., h do.

Raymond Nathan R., (Stowe) farmer 23, h Maple St.

Raymond William, (Stowe) resident, h Main St.

Reed Henry B., (Stowe) r 37, laborer.

REED SAMUEL, (Stowe) carpenter and joiner, machinist and general mechanic, h Main St.

Reed VanNess, (Stowe) r 48, farmer 5.

Ricker Zaccheus, (Stowe, r 56, farmer, with Randall Culver.

Robinson Albert J., (Stowe) machinist and blacksmith, Main St., h do.

Robinson Charles C., (Stowe) off r 34, dairy 15 cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 240.

ROBINSON CHARLES I., (Stowe) employee of Pike & Robinson, bds Main St.

Robinson Frank M., (Stowe) r 29, farmer, son of George D.

Robinson George D., (Stowe) r 29, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 100.

ROBINSON JOHN, (Stowe) r 50, dairy so cows, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 175.

Robinson Nathaniel, (Stowe) postmaster, and farmer 63, h Maple St.

Robinson Thomas J., (Stowe) r 58, farmer 400.

ROBINSON WILL W., (Stowe) (Pike & Robinson,) h Main St.

Rollins Ezra J., (Stowe) r 70, laborer.

Royce Allen A., (Stowe) r 60, farmer, leases of George Culver 30.

Russell Byron, (Stowe) r 55, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 72.

RUSSELL DANIEL, (Stowe) r 6r, dairy 15 cows, sugar orchard 100 trees, and farmer 228.

Russell Joseph R., (Stowe) r 55, farmer 70.

Russell Lorenzo, (Stowe) r 27, fanner 35.

Russell Morillo, (Stowe) r 56, farmer, leases of Louisa 30.

Russell Thomas H., (Stowe) r 60, farmer, leases of Daniel Cady 100.

Sallies Daniel, (Stowe) r 17, laborer, employee of Frank V. Smith.

Sallies Ellen Miss, (Stowe) r 36, owns house and lot.

Sallies Eva Miss, (Stowe) r 36, with Ellen.

Sallies George, (Stowe) r 24, farmer 50.

Sallies Lucius, (Stowe) r 63, carpenter and joiner, stone mason, farmer 16, and in Waterbury 50.

Sallies Lincoln, (Stowe) r 36, laborer.

Sanborn Frank C., M. D., (Stowe) homeo. physician and surgeon, Main St., h do.

Sanborn Jane, (Stowe) r 50, widow of Christopher L., farmer 37, and owns interest in 80.

Sargent Charles, (Stowe) r 5, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 350 trees, and farmer, leases of Henry T. Raymond, of Rochester, Vt., 113 acres.

SARGENT HENRY, (Stowe) r 6, dairy 10 cows, farmer 80, and on r 10, 40 acres.

Sargent Horatio, (Stowe) r 54, painter, and farmer 75.

Sargent Jackson, (Stowe) r 8, sugar orchard 600 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 125.

Sargent Jeremiah, (Stowe) r 6, farmer 65.

Sargent Norris I., (Stowe) crayon artist, painter and grainer, bds Pleasant St.

Savage Reuben A., (Stowe) assistant judge of Lamoille Co., town treasurer, and farmer 58, h Maple St.

Sawyer George R., (Stowe) r 46, farmer 15.

Scribner Cassius P., (Stowe) r 17, farmer, with Noah.

Scribner Clark, (Stowe) r 17, farmer, with Noah.

Scribner Noah, (Stowe) r 17, sugar orchard 1,500 trees, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 225.

Scribner Robert, (Stowe) r 17, sugar orchard 550 trees, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 85.

SEARS FRED M., (Stowe) r 32, sugar orchard 500 trees, breeder of full blood Durham cattle, pure Chester white hogs, Plymouth Rock and brown Leghorn fowls, dairy 13 cows, and farmer r65.

Seaver Cornelia, (Stowe) Widow of Lysander, h Main St.

Seaver Elizabeth W. Mrs., (Stowe) widow of John B., h School St.

SEAVER EUGENE K., (Stowe) manuf. of broom handles, h Main St.

Seaver Warren J., (Stowe) house, carriage and sign painter, Main St., h do.

Shaw Boardman 0., (Stowe) farmer, School St.

Shaw Frank, (Stowe) r 70, carpenter and joiner, and laborer.

Shaw Frank B., (Stowe) r 70, laborer.

Shaw Leonard A., (Stowe) r 64, dairy 24 cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, fruit

grower, and farmer 100, leases of George Wilkins 130.

Shaw Mark L., (Stowe) r 64, farmer, employee of his father, Leonard A.

Shedd Sabrina S., (Stowe) widow of H. 0., washing and ironing, h School.

Shepard Charles J., (Stowe) r 16, laborer.

Sherbut Edward H., (Stowe) tanner, bds Main.

SHERMAN LEWIS, (Stowe) night watchman at Mt. Mansfield tannery, soldier in the war for the Union, h Main St.

SHERWIN HENRY C. M., (Stowe) r 12, dairy 7 cows, and farmer 55, soldier in the Union army.

SIMMONS LYDIA A., (Stowe) widow of George A., h Main.

SIMMONS MARY L. Miss, (Stowe) daughter of Mrs. Lydia A., teacher.

Slayton Abial H., (Stowe) r 48, sugar orchard 800 trees, dairy 18 cows, and farmer 400.

Slayton Azro C., (Stowe) r 48, 2d selectman, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 120.

Slayton George C., (Stowe) r 37, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 200.

Slayton Jerome B., (Stowe) r 36, farmer 40.

Slayton Reuben D., (Stowe) r 50, dairy 13 cows, farmer 64, pasture and timber land 400.

Smalley Eugene J., (Stowe) miller employee of T. A. Straw.

Smalley Nelson, (Waterbury Center, Wash. Co.,) r 43, farmer 8.

Smith Abel P., (Stowe) r 65, millwright, carpenter and joiner, farmer 21, pasture and timber 120.

Smith Allen C., (Stowe) r 45, (Smith Bros. & Sisters.)

Smith Alva P., (Stowe) r 45, (Smith Bros. & Sisters.)

Smith Bros. & Sisters, (Stowe) Orrin M., Alva P., Allen C., and Lovisa A.) sugar orchard 900 trees, breeders of Durham cattle, wool growers 40
sheep, dairy 16 cows, and farmers 150, and of pasture land 75.

Smith Daniel, (Stowe) r 12, farmer 100.

Smith Daniel M., (Stowe) r 49, miller and head sawyer, and with Lemuel B. and Orson S. Smith, manuf. of lumber.

SMITH FRANK A., (Stowe) r 46, farmer, son of Harrison W.

SMITH FRANK V., (Stowe) r 17, breeder of Jersey cattle and Southdown sheep, dairy 30 cows, and farmer 650.

SMITH FREEMAN, (Stowe) r 36, (Smith & Faunce.)

Smith Harrison W., (Stowe) r 46, house painter.

SMITH JOHN W., (Stowe) r 65, jeweler, surveyor, farmer 15, and of timber land 30.

SMITH LEMUEL B., (Stowe) r 65, cor 49, prop. of starch factory, grist, saw and planing-mill, farmer 74, and timber in Waterbury and Bolton 600.

Smith Lovisa A. Miss, (Stowe) r 45, (Smith Bros. & Sisters.)

Smith Orrin M., (Stowe) r 45, (Smith Bros. & Sisters.)

SMITH ORSON S., (Stowe) r 49, carpenter and joiner, brick mason and farmer 75, also manuf. of lumber with L. B. and Daniel Smith.

Smith Truman B., (Stowe) r 44, dairy 13 cows, sugar orchard 750 trees, and farmer 157.

Smith William H., Stowe) farm laborer, h Maple.

Smith William M., (Stowe) r 22 1/2, dairy 13 cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer, leases of GeO. Wilkins 180.

SMITH & FAUNCE, (Stowe) (Freeman Smith and Horace C. Faunce) manufs. and repairers of carriages, sleighs, and wagons, Main.

SPALDING MARTIN, (Stowe) r 13, (Spalding & Langdon)

SPALDING & LANGDON, (Martin Spalding, and James K. Langdon, of Montpelier) manufs. of lumber, also planing-mill, and clapboard-mill, own of timber land 100.

Sparks Henry A., (Stowe) laborer, employee of C. W. Webster.

Spaulding John, (Stowe) r 49, farmer, leases on shares of Geo. Howe 22.

Spaulding Stella, (Stowe) r 12, widow of Franklin, resident.

Sprought George W., (Stowe) employee of C. E. Burt.

St. Jock Peter, (Stowe) r 29, stone mason.

St. Jock William, (Stowe) r 63, laborer.

Stafford Charles H. A., (Stowe) prop. of Stowe meat market, and dealer in and hides pelts, Main, h Maple.

Stafford John A., (Stowe) tinsmith, h Sunset.

Stearns Homer L., (Stowe) carpenter and joiner, bds Bridge St.

STEARNS HORACE, (Stowe) manufacturer of carriages, wagons and sleighs, and repairer, Bridge St., h do.

Stiles James W., (Stowe) shoemakar, h Maple St.

Stockwell Sullivan, (Stowe) laborer, h between School and Pleasant sts.

Stone Fremont J., (Stowe) r 24, employee of George G. Foster.

Stone Josiah L., (Stowe) off r 28, farmer 50.

STONE WHEELOCK 0., (Stowe) off r 28, laborer.

Story Heman, (Stowe) r 17 cor 18, breeder of Jersey cattle, sugar orchard 770 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 105.

Straw George E., (Stowe) r 13, farmer 160.

Straw Henry T., (Stowe) undertaker, and dealer in furniture, Bridge St., h do.

Straw Herbert E., (Stowe) miller, h Main St.

STRAW JOHN, (Stowe) employee of Thomas A. Straw, cabinet and chair maker, doors, sash, and all kinds of job work, and farmer 15, h Bridge St.

STRAW THOMAS A., (Stowe) proprietor of grist-mill, shingle-mill, planingmill, and cider-mill, manufacturer of sash and doors, general jobber, and farmer 24 1/2.

Stygles Nelson, (Stowe) r 3, farmer 230.

Sulham George C., (Stowe) r 30, resident, owns 3 acres.

Summit House, (Stowe) top of Mount Mansfield, Edwin C. Bailey & Son, proprietors.

Sylvester Frederick, (Stowe) r 17, laborer.

Thomas Aurelia, (Stowe) widow of Dr. N. H., h Main St.

Thomas Carlos N., (Stowe) town agent for sale of liquor, h Maple St.

Thomas Harriet R., (Stowe) widow of Henry, h Maple St.

Thomas Henry, (Stowe) farmer 30. (Died Oct. 5, 1882,) h Maple St.

Thomas Henry A., (Stowe) r 51, dairy 15 cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 223.

Thomas Isaac J., (Stowe) farmer 75, h Main St.

Thomas Weston L., (Stowe) retired cloth manufacturer, and farmer 220, h Main St.

Thompson Leonard S., (Stowe) attorney at law, notary public, owns farm 120, Main St., h do.

Thompson Truman, (Stowe) r 17, farmer 2.

Town Amos W., (Stowe) r 17, laborer.

Town Hiram J., (Stowe) dealer in groceries and provisions, Main St., h do.

Town Jesse, (Stowe) retired shoemaker, h Pleasant St.

Town Mary, (Stowe) r 20, widow of Horatio F., resident.

Town Orlo B., (Stowe) r 42, sugar orchard 325 trees, farmer 65.

Town Wilbur G., (Stowe) r 65, laborer.

Towne George A., (Stowe) r 50, farmer, with Mrs. Jane.

Towne Jane, (Stowe) r 50, widow of Luke J., dairy 15 cows, and farmer 112.

Turner Orlando S., (Stowe) r 24, manuf. of lumber, owns 600 acres timber land, was soldier in the Union army 4 years.

Vaughan Henry J., (Stowe) (Vaughan & Warren) farmer, h Main.

Vaughan & Warren, (Stowe) (H. J. Vaughan and P. J. Warren) sugar orchard 1,000 trees, dairy 15 cows, and farmers 140.

Vearen Jerry, (Stowe) farmer 50, h School.

Wade Elmer E., (Stowe) farmer, son of George S.

Wade George S., (Stowe) r 33, sugar orchard 300 trees, breeder of Cotswold sheep and Plymouth Rock fowls, and farmer, owns with John Wade 85.

Wade John, (Stowe) r 33, farmer, aged go, with his son, George S., 85 acres.

Wade John F., (Stowe) r 33, 3d selectman, sugar orchard 400 trees, breeder of Durham cattle, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 400.

Wait Daniel, (Stowe) r 20, laborer.

Wait Daniel, (Stowe) r 18, retired farmer 10, aged 80 years.

Waite Richard C., (Stowe) r 40, farmer, with R. R. 135.

WAITE RICHARD R, (Stowe) r 40, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, breeder of short horn and Jersey cattle, Cotswold sheep, Chester white hogs, dairy 18 cows, farmer 135, and pasture land 50.

Walker Almon, (Stowe) r 17, laborer.

Walker William A., (Stowe) r 17, laborer.

Warner Noah S., (Stowe) r 41, farmer 200.

Warren Charles, (Stowe) laborer.

WARREN HENRY, (Stowe) r 9 cor 8, laborer.

WARREN JENNIE, (Stowe) r 9 cor 8, (Mrs. Henry) dressmaker.

Warren Philo J., (Stowe) (Vaughan & Warren) farmer, h Main.

Warren Roelzo S., (Stowe) farmer 200.

Warren William, (Stowe) r 14, farmer 85.

Watts Chandler, (Stowe) r 70, sugar orchard 1,500 trees, dairy 38 cows, and farmer 275.

WATTS CHANDLER, ad, (Stowe) r 46, 2d selectman, sugar orchard 500 trees, breeder of grade Jersey cattle and Chester white hogs, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 70.

Watts Charles M., (Stowe) r 70, dealer in butter and cheese, and farmer, with Chandler.

Watts Charles R., (Stowe) r 70, farmer 10.

Watts Dan C., (Stowe) r 70, farmer, with Chandler.

Watts George H., (Stowe) r 41, lister, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 94.

Webster Edward, (Stowe) tanner and currier, h Main.

WEBSTER EDWARD W., (Stowe) prop. Mt. Mansfield tannery, h Main.

Weeks Salmon K., (Stowe) carpenter and joiner, h Maple. Wells Amasa, (Stowe) r 41, farmer 65.

WELLS FELIX L., (Stowe) blacksmith, Bridge St., h Maple. White George W., (Stowe) r 56, farmer 65.

WILCOX SERVETUS, (Stowe) dealer in dry and fancy goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, crockery, etc., Main St., h do.

Wilkins Alvin, (Stowe) r 18, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, dairy 30 cows, and farmer 170.

Wilkins Charles V., (Stowe) r 33, laborer.

Wilkins Edward S., (Stowe) r 64, carpenter and joiner, inventor of sap-bucket cover and bucket stay, farmer 30, and 25 acres timber land.

WILKINS GEORGE HON., (Stowe) attorney at law, and daries of over 200 cows, 30 horses, owner of real estate, mainly improved farms, in a dozen surrounding towns, and manuf. of 3,000,000 feet of lumber annually.

Wilkins John D., (Stowe) agent for Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, and farmer 40, h Main.

WILKINS M. N. MRS., (Stowe) town superintendent of schools.

Wilkins Uriah, (Stowe) retired farmer, h Maple.

Wilkins Vernon, (Stowe) farmer 80, and with Charles R. Churchill 240, h Maple.

Woodworth Carleton, (Stowe) r 54, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer 80.

Wrisley Jacob W., (Waterbury Center, Wash. Co.,) r 44 cor 43, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer, leases of Columbus F. Clough, of Waterbury, 150 acres.


Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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