Biographical Sketch of Horatio D. Calkins
Horatio D. Calkins, a native of Hyde Park, came to Stowe in 1864, and now resides near Moscow, on road 49.
Horatio D. Calkins, a native of Hyde Park, came to Stowe in 1864, and now resides near Moscow, on road 49.
George S. Wade, born in Sharon, Vt., came to Stowe in 1848, and located where he still resides, on road 31.
Lemuel Thomas, born in Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe in 1818, and located at the lower village, where he engaged in farming, in connection with the business of wool-carding and cloth-dressing. After several years, however, he devoted his whole attention to farming, until seventy-nine years of age, when he took up his residence with his son, Weston L., and died in his house at the age of eighty-nine years. Weston L. and Isaac are the only children of Lemuel now living.
The progenitor of this family in Norwich was Samuel Dutton, a lineal descendant of Thomas Dutton of Washington, Connecticut. Samuel Dutton was born March 1, 1707, and married Abigail Merriam, May 6, 1729. He died in Royalton, Vermont, in 1802, and his wife April 6, 1799. Mr. Dutton came from Washington, Connecticut, to Hartford, Vermont, and from the latter place to Norwich, locating on what is called Dutton hill, a little west of Norwich village. The original farm, with later additions, is now occupied by Otis Metcalf, son-in-law of the late Deacon John Dutton. Mr. Samuel Dutton married (first) Johanna … Read more
Benjamin Alger, born in Strafford, Vt., came to Stowe at an early day, and died here at the age of seventy-eight years. His son, Oscar, now resides on road 20.
B. O. Shaw, a son of Benoni Shaw, an early settler in Morristown, came to Stowe in 1853, and located where he still resides, on road 22.
Samuel Scribner, a native of Maine, brought his family to Stowe at an early day, the fifth to locate in the town, and settled upon the farm now owed by George Harris. His family was large, consisting of nine sons and three daughters, whose support lie with difficulty sustained. Mr. Scribner remained here about fourteen years, then removed to what was at that time the “far West,” near the present city of Rochester, N. Y., where he subsequently died, aged ninety-one years. Noah, his third son, was eight years of age when the family came here, and about six months … Read more
Dexter Parker came to Stowe from Pelham, Mass., at an early day, and remained here until his death, which occurred on the farm now occupied by his grandson, Charles B., with his mother and sister. Dexter A. L. Parker, son of Dexter, born in Stowe, died here in 1871, aged fifty-two years.
John McAllister, of Scotch descent, was born at Sharon, N. H., in 1772, came to Stowe in 1804, and located on West Branch. His youngest son, D. J. McAllister, now owns most of the old homestead, though the residence is owned by Mrs. Jane Sanborn. He was twice married, first to Mrs. Priscilla, Smith, May 17, 1796, and second to Miss Mary McKinney, who was the mother of all his children. Mr. McAllister was at the battle of Plattsburgh, and served his townsmen in many positions of trust. He was the father of thirteen children, most of whom arrived at … Read more
Simeon Burke, from Westminster, Vt., came to Stowe in March, 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Abisha, on road 8, where he resided until his death, at the age of eighty-two years. He married Miss Lucy Petty and reared a family of six children, only two of whom, Abisha and Alanson C., are living.
Heman Story was born in this town, near Moscow. His father died when he was a year and a half old, and his mother died when he was five years of age. In 1861, he located on road 17, corner of 18, where he still resides.
F. T, George was born in Stowe, Vt., February 6, 1811, a son of Caleb, who was one of the early settlers of that town. In 1832, he came to this town, where he has since resided. He married Mary Atherton, and has been blessed with a family of three children, Josiah A., Harriet E., wife of Harrison B. George, and Mary E., wife of C. A. Davis.
Hiram S. Atkins, born in Waterbury, Vt., came to Stowe in 1845. He is now engaged in mercantile pursuits at Stowe.
William Morrill, born in Alton, N. H., came to Stowe in 1829, at the age of seven years. In 1844, he located upon a farm on road 45, where he remained until 1862, when he removed to the Lower village, where he now resides.
Name Page Alden, Ada 63 Alger, Benjamin 58 Alger, Isaac S. 64 Allen, David T. 56 Atwood, Luke 58 Atwood, Stephen 58 Badee, Charles 56 Baneasy, Ebenezer, Jr. 59 Barns, Henry E. 64 Bart, Allen 59 Bayham, Lot 59 Bazsend, Jonathan 61 Bearnard, Daniel 56 Bennett, Jacob 59 Bennett, Joseph H. 64 Bennett, Zeben H. 56 Benson, Joseph 56 Benson, Joseph, Jr. 56 Benson, Samuel 64 Bent, Jonathan 57 Beyant, C. S. 57 Bicknell, John 59 Bigford, Abraham 58 Bigford, John 63 Bigford, Thomas 61 Bigsbey, Danile 56 Bingham, Samuel H. D. 64 Bingham, William H. H. 60 Black, Jacob … Read more
Daniel Moody, a native of Maine, came to Stowe in 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Gilman. He died here February 8, 1878, aged seventy-eight years.
Orlo Cady, born in Stowe, December 17, 1822, came to this town in 1839, and has resided here since. He represented the town in 1866-’67, has been a justice of the peace about ten years, and sheriff of the county two years.
Abial H. Slayton, from Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe about the year 1821, and located on road 48, where his son, Abial H., now lives. He died here in 1831, aged thirty-five years. Three of his sons, Jerome B., Azro C., and Abial H., are residents of the town.
Richard R. Waite, a native of Windsor, Vt., came to Stowe August 15, 1842, and located upon the farm now owned by Luke Town. April 12, 1862, he removed ‘to the farm he now occupies, on road 40. Mr. Waite held the office of constable and deputy sheriff in 1857-’58 , was selectman in 1871 , chairman of the board of selectmen in 1879, ’80, and ’81 , and represented the town in 1878-’79. He has also been president of the Lamoille Valley Fair Ground Company six years, taught school ten winters, and led the choirs in the Methodist and … Read more
Daniel Watts, born in Warwick, Mass., came to Stowe about the year 1800. He had a family of nine children, Charles R., Caroline, widow of C. S. Hodge, and Chandler, reside in Stowe, and Fanny, the wife of Charles Conant, resides in the State of Michigan. Chandler Watts, 2d, born here March 1, 1839, enlisted in the Union army, Co. E, 11th Vt., or 1st Heavy Artillery, August 7, 1862, was promoted corporal, then sergeant, and finally regimental commissary sergeant, which office he retained until the close of the war, when he returned to his farm, on road 46. He … Read more