Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory

(For explanations, etc., see main page) Railroad stations are Waterbury, 10 miles south, on C. V. R. R. Stages connect with 5 P. M. and 9:30 A. M. trains; and Morrisville, 8 miles north on St. J. & L. C. R. R. (For explanations, etc., see page 289.) Adams Clark N., (Stowe) r i3, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 165. Adams Edgar J., (Stowe) r 50, farm laborer, son of John. Adams Erwin I., (Stowe) r 50, farm laborer, son of John. ADAMS GEORGE W., (Stowe) r 29, farmer 75. Adams James, (Stowe) r 54, farmer, leases of Wm. H. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Poor

John Poor, born in Montpelier, came to Stowe about thirty-five years ago, and resided here until his death, in 1868, aged sixty years. Sylvander C., born in Morristown, came to Stowe with his father, and now resides on road 42.

Biographical Sketch of Ivory Luce

Ivory Luce, born in Hartland, Vt., came to Stowe in 1806, locating on road 53, where he resided until his death, in 1870, aged eighty-eight years and fourteen days. He reared a family of ten children, as follows : Peltiah R., Joshua, Luther, Almon D., Albert, William B., George, Lucinda, Betsey, and Harriet, all of whom live in the town except Peltiah, Luther, and Almon, deceased.

Biographical Sketch of James Cobb

James Cobb, born in Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe when a boy, where he learned the carpenter and joiner trade, and finally settled on road 17. He died May 8, 1871, aged fifty-five years. His widow,, and son Enos B., yet reside here.

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Burke

Simeon Burke, from Westminster, Vt., came to Stowe in March, 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Abisha, on road 8, where he resided until his death, at the age of eighty-two years. He married Miss Lucy Petty and reared a family of six children, only two of whom, Abisha and Alanson C., are living.

Biographic Sketch of Benjamin Alger

Benjamin Alger, born in Strafford, Vt., came to Stowe at an early day, and died here at the age of seventy-eight years. His son, Oscar, now resides on road 20.

Biographical Sketch of Zebina Luce

Zebina Luce came to Stowe at an early day, and located near where O. J. Benson now lives, and afterwards moved to the farm owned by Lysander Barrows, where he resided until his death. His son, Byron, born here, resides on road 42.

Biographical Sketch of B. O. Shaw

B. O. Shaw, a son of Benoni Shaw, an early settler in Morristown, came to Stowe in 1853, and located where he still resides, on road 22.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Samuel Holmes

Rev. Samuel Holmes, a Baptist clergyman from southern Vermont, came to Stowe about 1800, and located on road 37. He reared eight children, none of whom are now living. His grandson, Orlando, resides on road 27.

Biographical Sketch of Moses H. Cady

Moses H. Cady came to Stowe from Randolph, Vt., in 1830, and commenced a mercantile business under the firm name of T. B. Downer & Co. This firm did a successful business for about two years, after which Mr. Cady continued the same alone two years, then formed a co-partnership with Elisha Cady, continuing this connection about three years. He then took Thomas Emerson, of Windsor, Vt., into partnership. Mr. Emerson was a banker, and supposed to. be wealthy , but after about three years some of his speculations proved disastrous and he retired from the firm. This disaster also … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi Hodge

Levi Hodge, a native of Warwick, Mass., came to Stowe and located where his son, Russell C., now resides, and where he died in 1862, aged about seventy-five years. Russell C. is superintendent of the town poor farm, which is owned in union by the towns of Stowe, Morristown, and Johnson.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson, born at Middlebury, Mass., September 3, 1783, came to Stowe from Woodstock, Vt., in 1803, and located upon the farm now occupied by his son, Frank. About two years previous to his death, which occurred in 1870, he removed to Stowe village. Mr. Benson was a man of steady and industrious habits, and attained a comfortable competence, and the entire respect of his fellow citizens. He married Miss Eliza Benson, of his native town, who survived him until 1879. Five of their seven children reside in the town, viz.: Orlando J., Elmira A. (Mrs. G. S. Moody), Flotilla … Read more

History of Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont

STOWE is situated in the southern part of the county, in lat. 44° 28′, and long. 4° 20,’ bounded northeasterly by Morristown, southeasterly by Worcester, southwesterly by Waterbury, and northwesterly by Cambridge and Underhill. The town originally contained an area of 23,040 acres, chartered by Benning Wentworth, governor of New Hampshire, June 8, 1763, to Joshua Simmons and sixty-three associates, in seventy shares. It was named after a town in England, and originally spelled S-t-o-w, the a having been annexed during the last forty years. In 1848, the legislature passed an act annexing to its territory the town of Mansfield, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Morrill

William Morrill, born in Alton, N. H., came to Stowe in 1829, at the age of seven years. In 1844, he located upon a farm on road 45, where he remained until 1862, when he removed to the Lower village, where he now resides.

Biographical Sketch of Col. Asahel Raymond

Col. Asahel Raymond was born in Middlebury, Mass., April 7, 1781. His parents moved to Woodstock in the following September, where he resided until September, 1807, when he came to Stowe. Here he immediately purchased a farm, where Noah Scribner now resides, and commenced the manufacture of salts and pearl ashes from the ashes obtained in clearing his land, and also purchased by exchange for dry goods and groceries, of the surrounding settlers. He formed a copartnership with Dea. Asa Raymond, which continued until the death of Dea. Raymond. In 1822 and 1823, they built the grist-mill now owned by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard R. Waite

Richard R. Waite, a native of Windsor, Vt., came to Stowe August 15, 1842, and located upon the farm now owned by Luke Town. April 12, 1862, he removed ‘to the farm he now occupies, on road 40. Mr. Waite held the office of constable and deputy sheriff in 1857-’58 , was selectman in 1871 , chairman of the board of selectmen in 1879, ’80, and ’81 , and represented the town in 1878-’79. He has also been president of the Lamoille Valley Fair Ground Company six years, taught school ten winters, and led the choirs in the Methodist and … Read more