Gage, Orange L., Ferrisburgh, V ergennes p. o., was born in Ferri sburgh, Vt., in 1828. He now owns and occupies the old homestead of seventy acres, which was purchased by his father over seventy years ago, and on which he has erected a fine brick mansion. He was married in January, 1858, to Sarah Hitchcock. They had a family of three children born to them — Hattie M., aged six years, died on August 7, 1877, and also their baby, aged one and a half years; his wife died on August 7, 1877, and also their daughter Clara, on August 11 of the same year, all of whom died of diphtheria, which left him his home blighted, as it were, in a day. He was a son of William M. and Abigail (Higbee) Gage. She was a native of Chittenden county, Vt., where she was born. They had a family of four children born to them — Abigail (born in 1820); Walter (born in 1826); Orange L. (born in 1828) ; and Salome (born in 1832,, died in 1864). William Gage was born in 1780, and died on October 1, 1856. He had by his first wife, Salome Nobles, ten children, two of whom are now living — Whitney C. and Harriet N. Salome Gage died on April 9, 1825, and Abigail Gage died on February 14, 1879.