Biographical Sketch of Charles S. Parker

Last Updated on May 22, 2011 by

Charles S. Parker, born at Barre, Vt., November 2, 1820, moved to Elmore with his parents when young. He was educated at the common schools and academies. In early life he followed teaching in winter, working at farming in the summer. He was married October 17, 1842, to Eliza A. Town, and had a family of five children, three sons and two daughters. The sons, Carlos S. and Natt S., are in the mercantile business, in Montgomery, Franklin county, and C. S. is postmaster. Henry C. graduated at Eastman’s commercial college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and is a merchant and postmaster at Enosburgh, Vt. Of the daughters, Candace A. resides at home, a teacher, Ellen F. resides in Barre, Vt., the wife of J. H. Batchelder, an extensive dealer in Barre granite. C. S. Parker has been twice elected sheriff of Lamoille county, in 18J7 and ’58, and twice one of the assistant judges of this county, 1867 and ’68, and was elected county commissioner in March, 1867, has been one of the county bailiffs, also one of the justice of the peace, was elected town representative in 1863, also in 1864, has held nearly every town office, and many of them several years in succession, is at the present writing town grand juror, treasurer, and overseer of the poor. He resides on road 16, is a farmer, and was for two years president of the Lamoille county agricultural society. He keeps twenty-five cows, all jerseys, and mostly thoroughbred, and is supposed to be the pioneer breeder of Jersey stock in Lamoille county. For the past eleven years he has shipped butter every week in the dairy seasons to H. A. Hovey & Co., of Boston, for which the highest market price has always been received. He has also been a member of the M. E. church forty-five years, and is the oldest steward, was one of the building committee, and paid liberally for the erection of the church a few years since at Elmore Pond. Mr. Parker has been breeding Jersey stock for the past fourteen years, having made his first purchase, a bull and heifer calf, of the late Charles Kinney, of Plainfield, Vt. The bull was said by Mr. Kenney, to have been dropped by a cow owned by the late Hon. Jacob Colamer, of Woodstock, and she was a present to him from the herd of judge Smalley, of Burlington, Vt. The heifer was from a cow owned by Mr. Kinney, for which he paid $zoo, and she from imported stock. He paid $75 for the bull, and $50 for the heifer. He afterwards bought a heifer calf of the estate of Carlos Pierce, of Stanstead, Canada, at a cost of $TOO, from stock imported by him from the Channel Island. About the same time he purchased a bull of the Alderney Club, of Claremont, N. H., a registered animal, for $100. Since then he has used one bull from the herd of Dr. Smith, of Stowe, Vt., and much of the time used sires of his own raising. He has not been to the trouble to keep his stock registered, but has taken much pains to produce purity. of blood.


Lamoille County VT,

Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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