1742 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

John, son of Aaron Dresser, Mar. 28. Ann, dau. of William Longfellow, May 2, 1742 Joseph, son of Joseph Carr, May 2, 1742 Benjamin, son of John Noyes, May 2, 1742. Phebe, dau. of Bartholomew Pearson, May, __1742. Hannah, dau. of John Stewartt, May __. Enoch, son of Enoch Noyes, June 13 A child of Abia Sawyer, June __, 1742. Ednah, dau. of Benj. Plumer, July 11. Abraham, son of Joseph Sweat, July 25. Edward, son of Jonathan Pearson, jr., Aug. 1, 1742 Abner, son of Moses Woodman, Aug. 1, 1742. William, son of Andrew Duty, Aug. 15. Abigail, dau. … Read more

1742-3 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Mark, son of Jonathan Thurlo, Jan. 2. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Layton, Jan. 16, 1742-3 Samll, son of David Boynton, Feb. 6 Abigail, dau. of Jer. Adams, Feb. 6. David, son of Caleb Burbank, Feb. 13, 1742-3 Mary, dau. of Jeremiah Poor, Feb. 13, 1742-3 Mary, dau. of Edmund Cheney, jr., Mar. 6, 1742-3

1737-8 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Daniel, son of Joseph Noyes, Feb. 5. Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Poor, Feb. 12, 1737-8. Benj., son of Richard Stewartt, Mar. 12. Jane, dau. of Bartholomew Pearson, Mar. 19 Samuell, son of Jno. Danford, jr., Mar. 19

1738 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Hephzibah, dau. of Jonathan Burpe, Apr. 2, 1738. Ruth, dau. of Joseph Swett, May 31 Moses, son of Jonathan Stickney, May 31. Moses, son of Josiah Smith, July 16. Solomon, son of David Pearson, Aug. 6. Ann, dau. of Jonathn Pearson, Aug. 27. Paul, son of Dea. Samll Moody, Sept. 17. William, son of William Turner, Oct. 22. Ann, dau. of Enoch Dole, Nov. 5, 1738 Joseph, son of Samll Danforth, Nov. 5, 1738. Ebenezer, son of _______Clough, Dec. 10. Daniel, son of Daniel Chapman, Dec-31

1719 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Phebe, dau. of Thomas Colman, Mar. __. Benjamin and Ellanour, children of Jonathn Boynton, Apr. 12, 1719. Samll, son of Samuell Goodridge, Apr. 26, 1719 Mary, dau. of Joshua Boynton, Apr. 26, 1719. Eunice, dau. of Matthew Adams, Apr. 26, 1719. Joseph and Benjamin, sons of Abraham Adams, May 10, 1719. Edmund, son of Edmund Cheney, May 17, 1719. Mehitabel, dau. of Daniell Jewett, June 21, 1719. Mehitabel, dau. of John Adams, June 21, 1719. Samuell, son of Josiah Smith, June 21, 1719. Maximilian, son of John Tenney of Bradford, July 26, 1719. Joseph, son of Philip Goodridge, Sept. 16. … Read more

1719-20 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Samuel, son of John Brocklebank, Jan. 3. Abner, son of Jonathan W]ieeler, Jan. 10. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Broadstreet, Feb. 21. Martha, dau. of Thomas Look, Feb. 21. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Gerrish, Mar. 13

1720 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Mehitabel, dau. of Nathll Dumer, Mar. 27. A child of Jonathan Mores, May 1. Josiah, son of Samuel Brown, May 8. Ezekll and John, sons of Richard Layton, May 29, 1720. Abigail, dau. of Benjamin Poor, June 12. David, son of Isaac Adams, June 19, 1720 John, son of Lionel Chute, June 19, 1720 A son of Ebenezer Boynton, July 17. Sarah, dau. of Jno. Boynton, July 24. Joseph, son of Jonathan Spafford, Aug. 7. Jane, dau. of Ebenezer Stewartt, Aug. 24. Mary, dau. of Jonathan Boynton, Aug. 28, 1720 Ruth, dau. of James Chute, Aug. 28, 1720 Joanna, dau. … Read more

1715 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Ann, dau. of Jonathn Wheeler, May 8. Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Boynton, May 22, 1715. Joseph, son of Benjamin Woodman, June 5, 1715. William, son of Stephen Longfellow, June 12, 1715. Rachel, dau. of Elias Whitten, June 19. Ann, dau. of Maximilian Jewett, July 17. Abraham, son of Abraham Adams, Aug. 28, 1715. James, son of Andrew Stickney, Oct. 9. Jonathan, son of Richard Layton, Oct. 23 Moses, son of Edmund Cheney, Nov. 27. Dorothy, dau. of William Boynton, Dec. 18, 1715

1715-6 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Joseph Brown, adult person, Jan. 8, 1715-6. my daughter Martha Hale, Jan. 8, 1715-6. John, son of Richard Boynton, Jan. 8, 1715-6. Susanna, dau. of Samuell Ayers, Feb. 5,1715-6. Mehitabel, dau. of Joseph Brown, Feb. 5,1715-6. Joseph, son of Jonathn Mores, Feb. 5,1715-6. Joshua, son of James Wheeler, Feb. 12.

1716 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Richard, son of Daniell Tenney, Apr. 1. Judith, dau. of Matthew Adams, Apr. 15. Jonathan, son of Leonard Herreman, Apr. 8, 1716. Israel, son of Isaac Adams, Apr. 26. Ann, dau. of Stephen Longfellow. Apr. 29. Judith and John, children of Jno. Robinson, , May 6, 1716. Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Davis, May 6, 1716. Mary, dau. of Stephen Thurston, June 10. Ann, dau. of Edmund Goodridge, June 17. Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Jewett, June 24. Mary, dau. of Abraham Thurlo, Aug. 5. James, son of Robert Cole, Aug. 19. Dorothy, dau. of David Woodman, Sept. 2, 1716. Rebecca, dau. … Read more

1717 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Jonathan, son of Jonathan Boynton, Apr. 1. Stephen, son of Thomas Plumer, Apr. 1. John, son of Samuel Brown, Apr. 8,1717. Mary, dau. of Thomas Colman, Apr. 24. Abigail, dau. of Richard Layton, Apr. 28. Ruth, dau. of Andrew Stickney, May 12. Samuel, son of Abraham Adams, and Thomas, son of Josiah Smith, June 9. Elizabeth, dau. of John Adams, June 23. Lucy, dau. of Samuel Dickinson, July 21. Ann, dau. of Pror. Joseph Hale, Aug. 11. Thomas and Moses, sons of Daniel Ritter, Sept. 5, 1717. Ann, dau. of Thomas Look, Aug., 1717. Mary, dau. of Thomas Lull, Sept. … Read more

1712 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Ann, dau. of Ebenezer Stewart, Apr. 6, 1712. Jane, dau. of Thomas Colman, Apr. 6, 1712. Margarett, dau. of Jonathan Boynton, Apr. 6, 1712. Stephen, son of Abraham Adams, Apr. 20, 1712. Mehitabel, dau. of Thomas Plumer, April 27. Lydia, dau. of Judah Colman, April 27. Jonathan, son of Ephrahim Brown, May 4, 1712. Amos, son of Daniel Jewett, May 4, 1712 Hannah, dau. of Eldad Cheney, May 25. Samuel, son of James Wheeler, Aug. 24 Nathaniel, son of Richd Boynton, Aug. 24. Abigail, Alice, Benjamin and Dorothy, children of Benjamin Rawlins, Oct. 26. Hephzibah, dau. of Maximilian Jewett, Nov. … Read more

1712-3 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Abigail, dau. of Edmund Goodridge, Jan. 11. Sarah, dau. of John Homes, Jan. 11. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Stickney, Jan. 25, 1712-3 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Goodridge, Feb. 1. Jonathan, son of Elias Whitten, Feb. 1. Jacob, son of John Dresser, Feb. 8. Robert, son of Stephen Thurston, Mar, 8

1713 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Judith, dau. of John Noyes, Apr. 12. Jonathan, son of Francis Nelson, Apr. 19, 1713. Sarah, dau. of Abraham Adams, Oct. 11, 1713. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Woodman, Oct. 11, 1713. Jedidiah, son of Judah Colman, Oct. 11, 1713. Sam’ll, son of Samuell Ayers, Nov. 29. My daughter Mary Hale, Dec. 6, 1713. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Dummer, Dec. 20, 1723.

1714 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Martha, dau. of Richard Layton, Apr. 12. Mary, dau. of Andrew Stickney, Apr. 18, 1714. Joseph, son of Benjamin Wood, Apr. 18, 1714. Abner, Sarah and Mary, children of Jno. Spafford, May 9, 1714. Elizabeth Rawlins, young woman, May 9, 1714. Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer Stewartt, May 23. Abigail, dau. of Daniel Jewett, May 23. Mary, dau. of Jonathan Broadstreet, June 6, 1714. Sarah, dau. of Lionel Chute, June 27. Philip, son of Philip Goodridge, July 11 Josiah, son of Benjamin Rawlins, July 11. Priscilla, dau. of Danl Tenney, Aug. 8. Martha, dau. of Benjamin Stickney, Aug. 15, 1 714. … Read more

1723 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Rebecca, dau. of Philip Goodridge, Apr. 2, 1723. John, son of Jonathan Boynton, Apr. 28. Edmund, son of Jonathan Mores, Apr. 28. Stephen, son of Nathaniel Clark, July 14. Ann, dau. of Dea. Daniel Jewett, July 21. Ednah, dau. of Ens. Benjamin Plumer, July 21. Mary, dau. of Richard Woodberry, July 21. Abigail, dau. of Joseph Goodridge ,jr., July 28. Jane, dau. of Benjamin Pearson, jr., July 28. John, son of Jonathan Thurston, Sept. 1, 1723. Joseph, Benjamin and Mehitable, children of Joseph Russell, Sept. 1, 1723. Jane, dau. of Jonathan Boynton, Oct. 6. Josiah, son of Josiah Smith, Nov. … Read more

1723-4 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Mehitabel, dau. of Samll Moodey, Feb. 2. Nathaniel, son of Daniel Tenney, Feb. 2. William, son of William Stone, Feb. 2. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Dumer, Feb. 16, 1723-4. Gershom and Eldad, sons of Nicholas Cheney, Feb. 16, 1723-4. Jemima, dau. of John Boynton, Feb. 23. Oliver, son of William Tenney, Mar. 22

1724 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

John, son of Samuell Brown, Mar. 29. Jonathan, son of Jno. Plumer, Apr. 19. Jonathan, son of Joseph Nelson, May 17. Caleb, son of Ebenezer Boynton, May 24. Stephen, son of Thomas Plumer, May 31, 1724. Joseph, son of Joseph Brown, May 31, 1724. Jeremy, son of William Searl, May 31, 1724. Edward, son of Samuel Hazzen, June 1. Jane, dau. of David Pearson, June 1. Hannah, dau. of Lyonel Chute, July 12. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Wheeler, June 14, 1724. A child of Richard Woodberry, Aug. 16. Ann, dau. of Thomas Wicom, Sept. 53. Mary, dau. of Isaac Adams, … Read more