Directory of Sulphur Springs, Texas

Last Updated on March 31, 2012 by Dennis

The people whose names are listed in this directory are the substantial business men of the city, and merit the full confidence of the public. The professional men are those upon whom the people can rely with perfect safety.

J. A. Stevenson Implement Company.
Dealer in Moline Farm Implements, Peter Shuttler Wagons, Barb Wire and other staple hardware. Agent for McCormick Machinery, and J. I. Case Thresher.

C. L. Murrie & Company.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Furnishings. The only up-to-date Store of this kind in the city.

O. M. Pate.
Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Sash and Doors, Furniture, etc., in fact in everything to build and furnish a house.

Geo. A. Wilson.
Manufacturer of Compressed brick the most substantial Builder and Contractor in North East Texas.

Jno. D. Williams.
Dealer in Saddles, Harness, Buggies and Bicycles. Of twenty years standing.

B. F. Ashcroft & Sons.
Proprietors of Sulphur Springs Electric Light Plant and Big Four Gin. Thirty-two years standing.

W. W. Williamson.
Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries. The only up-to-date Grocery in the city.

W. A. Smith.
W. A. Smith, “The Land Man,” Buys and Sells More Land than any other man in Texas. He is Notary Public.

H. E. Henderson.
Dealer in Dry Goods and Fancy Groceries. Bargains in every line of Reliable Dry Goods, a first-class house for Planters’ Supplies.

Frank E. Yantis.
Dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Keeps in stock a full supply of the best that money will buy from manufacturer.

T. K. Proctor, M. D.
Specialist in Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Chronic diseases and all forms of the Drug habit.

V. M. Clark.
Attorney at Law, Kellogg Building.

Crosby & Dinsmore.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law.

J. C. Stafford.
The Meat Man.

J. M. Nelson.
Attorney at Law. Collecting Agent.

The First National Bank.
M. De Loach, President; E. E. Tomlinson, Vice-President; Phil H. Foscue, Cashier. Capital and Surplus, $150,000.00. Sulphur Springs, Texas.

J. F. Carter.
The old pioneer Grocer of Sulphur Springs. Come and see me for honest, reliable goods.

R. N. Sellers.
Dealer of Staple and Fancy Groceries. West of D. M. Smith & Co.

Paris Grocer Company
Wholesale Grocers. Sulphur Springs, Texas.

Shoe Talk
Are you satisfied with the shoes you have been buying? Are they what they should be? Good shoes cost less than poor ones. I guarantee every pair of my shoes T. P. Kirkpatrick, South Side Connally Street, Sulphur Springs, Texas.

The City National Bank
W. O. Womack, President; S. D. Greaves, Vice-President; J. F. Carter, Vice-President; W. F. Skillman, Cashier; W. W. Jones, Assistant Cashier. Capital and surplus, $150,000.00. Sulphur Springs, Texas.

R. D. Allen
District Attorney 8th Judicial District. General Practitioner.

T. S. Christian & Co.
Clothiers and Gents’ Furnishers, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc.

J. M. Pierson.
Dealer in Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Of more than twenty years standing, high grade goods and low prices.

Jno. D. Ray.
Manufacturer of Saddlery and Harness. Dealer in Buggies and Bicycles. Proprietor of the Sulphur Springs Tannery. Bring me your Hides and Bark.

Wilber Stanley.
Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes.

Geo. R. Yantis.
Feed stuff a specialty.

A. B. Ellis.
Merchant Tailor. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. South side of the Square, Johnson Building, Upstairs.

Perkins Dry Goods Company.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. One Price, Spot Cash, South side of the Square, Yesner Building.

W. H. Dickerson.
Tax Collector of Hopkins County.

J. M. Colquitt.
The Oldest Dry Goods Dealer in the city. Up-to-date Goods, Honest Values, and Low Prices. First-Class Grocery Department in rear of Building.

P. W. Templeton.
Dealer in Family Groceries. A First-Class House for the buyer. Honest, just dealings and satisfaction guaranteed.

J. B. Davis.
Leader in Groceries, Feed Stuff and Country Produce. Call me up when you want me.

Cargile Bros.
The Grocers are looking after the best city trade. We keep the freshest line of Groceries and the best quality at all times.

C. W. Higgins.
Dry Goods, Notions, Gents’ Furnishings; want your chickens and eggs.

Dental Parlors.
My methods are those practiced in the largest cities of to day. Plate, Crown and Bridge work a specialty, dentistry in all its branches, parlors in Robertson Building.

Miller & Miller.

W. C. Hurley.

M. Boyd.
Dealer in Drugs and Sundries.

J. A. Hurley.
Attorney at Law. Kellogg Building.

Askew & Buford.
Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc.

T. C. Mccorkle.
Manager of the Alliance Cotton Yard. This institution under his management has been a great success.

W. M. Walker.
Dealer in Drugs, Toilet Articles, Paints and Oils.

J. B. Askew & Co.
Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Famous New Harrison Wagon.

B. W. Foster.
Attorney at Law.

Thornton & Sweeton.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law.

Geo. A. Bergin.
Dealer in Fine Monuments.

W. I. Irwin.
Dealer in Meats and Cattle.

COTTER & Mcmullen.
Dealers in Family Groceries and Bakery. The oldest Grocery firm in the city.

Livery And Transfer Company.
P. Z. Littlefield Proprietor and Joe Littlefield Manager.

Raymond Dial Mercantile Company.
At the Famous Mississippi Store.

Frank E. Scott.
Attorney at Law. Land Bought and Sold.

Dial & Dial.
Physicians and Surgeons.

J. R. Ferguson.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. 1.

I. M. Dawson.
Dealer in Family and Fancy Groceries and all kinds of Produce, best equipped Wagon Yard in the city.

Theo Wiegers.
Dealer in Hardware.

Ben E. Smith.
Carries the largest line of Drugs, Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Silverware and Cut Glass. Our prices will interest the prospective buyer. Call and see us.

M. G. Miller.
Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries.

D. M. Smith & Co.
Dealers in Hardware.

Robert S. Blythe.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.

W. P. Leach.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.

O. James.
Attorney at Law.

R. B. Keasler.
County Judge and Attorney at Law.

W. C. Stirling, M. D.
Specialist of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Chronic diseases of all kinds treated.

B. Birthright.
Dealer in General Merchandise.

Frank A. White, B. Lit., M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.

King & Bird.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps; in fact in everything kept in a First-Class Store. Call and see us.

M. Moelk.
Established in 1880. Has sold honest Boots and Shoes for twenty-two years in the city of Sulphur Springs. Call and see me on North side of Main Street.

H. P. Acker.
Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Cotton and Country Produce a specialty. Northeast corner of Public Square.

W. T. Morehead
“The Jeweler.”


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