Biography of Foster, Randolph

“Uncle Ran.” Foster, as he was familiarly known in his old days, was among the first settlers of Fort Bend County, coming with Stephen F. Austin in the first installment. “Uncle Ran.,” however, had been to Texas and camped within the present limits of Fort Bend County prior to the advent of the colonist. He was a native of Mississippi, and married there Miss Lucy Hunter. His league of land was located in. Fort Bend County, nine miles above Richmond, on the east side of the Brazos River.

During the time that Austin was with the colonists on the Brazos, he often went with Randolph Foster to hunt game, but was not successful as a hunter. Mr. Foster used to tell him he was too impatient, that he walked too fast, made too much noise, and scared the game, and would say, shaking his head, “Ah, Mr. Austin, you will never make a hunter.” Uncle Randolph loved the woods, and was often away weeks at a time, roaming about, killing game and looking at the country. He built a good home, and had plenty around him, and never knew what it was to want for the necessities of life.

During the Mexican invasion of 1836 he was very active in the cause of the colonists, helping to keep the army of General Houston in supplies, furnishing a great deal of wild meat brought down in the bottoms and on the prairies with his long rifle-such game as bear, deer, and turkeys (they being very plentiful). When the final retreat was made from the Brazos, Mr. Foster went with his family and others and helped to take care of them and keep them in something to eat, and when the famous victory was gained at San Jacinto went back on a short visit to Mississippi, but soon returned to the old home in Fort Bend County. They were fortunate in not having their home burned, as many others had, and soon recuperated from the horrors and desolation of war. Mr. Foster lived to be 89 years of age, dying in Fort Bend County, near the old home, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary L. Blakely. His mind was clear and unimpaired to the last, retaining a most remarkable memory of scenes and incidents of the long ago. His wife preceded him many years to the tomb, but both now rest side by side in the family burying ground at the old home. They had seven children, six of whom lived to be married.
Isaac married Miss Ann Eliza Ewell.
Nancy died in infancy.
Mary L. married Thomas Blakely, who served Fort Bend County as sheriff during his time, and died in 1885.
Lucretia was married twice, her first husband being Tucker Wade, son of one of the early settlers. Her second husband was John Mays, both still living.
Caroline married Dr. James A. Gibson, both now dead.
Matilda married Monroe Sillimore; she survived him, and married David McElwee.
Randolph married Miss Sallie Jones, daughter of Captain Randall Jones, now lives at Patterson.



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