Nelson, David Henry – Obituary

David H. Nelson, 67, long prominent wheat grower of Umatilla County, and one of the first four in this county to use caterpillar-and-combine, died at 8 o’clock this morning [May 22, 1939] at his farm home. Death came without warning, his passing being due to a sudden attack of heart disease. Mr. Nelson was born in Finland, Nov. 30, 1872, and came to America in 1881 with his parents who settled in Duluth. He came westward in 1889 to Clatsop County and with the industry which was characteristic of him, worked as a life guard and fisherman at Astoria, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John P. Nelson

President of the Fannin College, was born in Virginia in 1860, and educated at the university of that state. He came to this state and county in 1883, just after the college of which he is` president was incorporated. He was at once chosen by the board of directors as principal and entered upon his duties as such. The two years he has had charge of this institution have proven beyond question, his thorough qualifications for the responsible position. The session of 1883-4 gave such satisfaction among his patrons as to increase the number of matriculations from 99 to 140, … Read more

Ancestors of Charles W. Milliken of Barnstable, MA

CHARLES WARREN MILLIKEN, M. D., of Barnstable, Barnstable Co., Mass., engaged as a general practitioner of medicine, has high professional and social connections which have brought him a wide acquaintance. The Millikens, though not one of the oldest Colonial families, have become allied with the posterity of the most distinguished early settlers, and the Doctor traces his line back to many whose names are suggestive of the interesting and important events of the ancient history of this region. There follows in chronological order from the first known American ancestor the genealogical and family history of his branch of the Milliken family.

Ancestors of Nelson Sherman of Carver and Brockton, Massachusetts

Nelson Sherman

Nelson Sherman, who was for many years extensively engaged in agricultural pursuits in the town of Carver, Mass., and is now making his home in the city of Brockton, is regarded as one of the substantial men of Plymouth county. He is a descendant of several of this Commonwealth’s earliest settled and most prominent families, and was born March 14, 1841, in North Carver, son of Henry and Christinai (Crocker) Sherman.

Staples Family of Taunton, MA

Herbert M Staples

STAPLES (Taunton family). The Staples name is one of long and honorable standing in New England and the country. The family has been a continuous one in the Bay State for two hundred and seventy and more years, and at Taunton, in this Commonwealth, have lived generation after generation of the name down to the present – a worthy race, one representative of the best type of citizenship. Such men in more recent generations as the two Sylvanus Staples, father and son, and the latter’s son Sylvanus Nelson Staples, and the two Ebenezer Staples and Abiel B. Staples – all … Read more

Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

Title Page for Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

The full manuscript contains a condensed history of the state of Iowa, a number of biographies of distinguished citizens of the state of Iowa, a descriptive history of Story county and 229 selected biographical sketches of the citizens of Story County, Iowa.

1921 Farmers’ Directory of Exira Iowa

1921 Farm Map of Exira Township, Audubon County, Iowa

Abbreviations: Sec., section; ac., acres; Wf., wife; ch., children; ( ), years in county; O., owner; H., renter.   Akers, Lincoln. Wf. Mary; ch. Otto, Laura, Cleo, Bryon, Trilby, Lincoln, Lilly, Vinona, Frank,Alvia, Lewis, Robert and Carol. P. O. Brayton,R. 1. O. 25 ac., sec. 21. (52.) Albertson, Lars. Wf. Hannah; ch. Harry P., Mabel C. and ArnoldN. P. O. Brayton, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 32; O. 80 ac., sec. 29. (11.) Anderson, A. F. Wf. Otilla; ch. Arthur, Vera, Edith, Max and Raymond. P. O. Brayton, R. I. O. 40 ac., sec. 29; O. 119.50 ac., sec. … Read more

Biography of John H. Nelson

John H. Nelson. A man of strength, force and character is John H, Nelson, president of the Bennington State Bank and mayor of Bennington, having been thrlce elected to this highest municipal office. He comes of sturdy pioneer ancestry and belongs to a family that had become prominent and honorably influential in Kansas in less than a half century. John H. Nelson was born at Placerville, California, January 9, 1856. His parents were Christian and Nancy Jane (Hereford) Nelson. The father was born on a farm near Bergen, Norway, in 1823, and died at Bennington, Kansas, September 17, 1897. The … Read more

Biography of Alfred Nelson

Alfred Nelson came to Georgia from Virginia in 1825 and settled near Perry. He married Pauline Jenkins of Houston County. She was a refined, educated woman, and very wealthy. Alfred Nelson raised cattle and was a large land and slave owner. He was uneducated, but was intensely interested in education and all worthy causes. The people of Houston County admired and respected him. Twelve children were born to them, eight of whom were boys, who served in the War Between the States. One was killed. They received the best education Houston County offered, and the four girls attended Wesleyan College. … Read more

Biography of Lewis C. Nelson .

Lewis C. Nelson. The large industries in and about Coffeyville have naturally drawn to that city many of the expert technical men as well as business executives, and one of these is Lewis C. Nelson, superintendent of the Ludowici-Celadon Company, manufacturers of hollow roofing tile. Mr. Nelson as a young man became an expert wood worker, later developed a proficiency and familiarity with the pottery industry and for a number of years has been one of the trusted officials of the present company. His birth occurred in Glasgow, Scotland, July 15, 1871. His father Charles W. Nelson, who was born … Read more

Biography of John M. Nelson

John M. Nelson is one of the oldest business men of McPherson County, and had continuously been dealing in hardware and implements at Lindsborg for thirty-four years. One of the oldest merchants, he is also one of the oldest settlers, having come as a boy with his parents to McPherson County almost fifty years ago. From pioneer times to the present his family have been an important factor in the material development and general well being of this section of Kansas. Mr. Nelson was born November 1, 1852, on Boberg farm, Sunne Wormland, Sweden, a son of Jan and Stena … Read more

1921 Farmers’ Directory of Leroy Iowa

1921 Farm Map of Leroy Township, Audubon County, Iowa

Abbreviations: Sec., section; ac., acres; Wf., wife; ch., children; ( ), years in county; O., owner; H., renter.   Albertsen, Albert. P. O. Audubon, R. 2. R. 274.63 ac., sec. 1. (16.) Owner, Edwin F. Johnson. Anderson, A. R. P. O. Audubon, R. 3. O. 360 ac., sec. 25. (33.) Anderson, Chris. Wf. Christina; ch. Christina, Lauritz, Amelia, Iler, Alfred, Samuel and Clarence. P. O. Audubon, R. 3. O. 80 ac., sec. 26. (8.) Anderson, Jens C. Wf. Marie; ch. A. H. C., Carrie, Dagmar, Samuel, Dorcas and Theodora. P. O. Audubon, R. 6. O. 240 ac., sec. 19, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Nelson

JOHN NELSON, one of the early settlers, lived on the turnpike north of Four Corners; was intrusted to some extent with the management of town affairs, and has many descendants.

Biography of Frank T. Nelson

Among the enterprising and progressive citizens, and successful horticulturists that are doing so much toward building up and placing before the world the horticultural interests and industries of Riverside and San Bernardino County, mention should be made of the above named gentleman. Mr. Nelson came to San Bernardino County in 1863, and located at Redlands. There he purchased a twenty-acre tract of uncultivated land and commenced its improvement. He planted the tract with orange trees, and made one of the representative groves of that section. He sold the tract at a good price in 1887, and in the same year … Read more

Biographies of Western Nebraska

History of Western Nebraska and its People

These biographies are of men prominent in the building of western Nebraska. These men settled in Cheyenne, Box Butte, Deuel, Garden, Sioux, Kimball, Morrill, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Dawes counties. A group of counties often called the panhandle of Nebraska. The History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People is a trustworthy history of the days of exploration and discovery, of the pioneer sacrifices and settlements, of the life and organization of the territory of Nebraska, of the first fifty years of statehood and progress, and of the place Nebraska holds in the scale of character and civilization. In the … Read more

Brookfield Massachusetts Warnings 1737-1788

Worcester County MA Warnings

In the following information all the names, dates and other essential particulars which appear in the returns to the Court in the County of Worcester during the entire period – a full half-century, from 1737 to 1788 – in which these entries were made, are given. The returns from each place have been brought together and arranged under the name of the town or district, in this case Brookfield Massachusetts.