Biography of Manasseh Stewart Knox

Manasseh Stewart Knox is one of the oldesb residents of Pottawatomie County. His own recollections of that district cover a period of sixty years, beginning in his early childhood. He knew Pottawatomie County when it was a virtual wilderness and when Kansas was still in the throes of the free stats struggle. Mr. Knox is one of the most substantial land holders and formerly one of the largest farmers in Northern Kansas and is president of the First National Bank of Havensville and had banking interests elsewhere. He was born in Cayuga County, New York, August 21, 1843. His ancestors … Read more

Spokane Story

Spokane Story

“Spokane Story: A Colorful Early History of the Capital City of the Inland Empire” by Lucile Foster Fargo offers readers an evocative journey through the formative years of Spokane, Washington. Published in 1957 by Northwestern Press in Minneapolis, this work seeks to straddle the realms of history and storytelling, presenting a narrative that is neither entirely factual history nor pure fiction. Fargo accepts the challenging task of depicting Spokane’s cultural and developmental evolution from its fur trade beginnings to its emergence as a municipal entity in the early twentieth century.

Knox, Janice S. “Jan” Samson Mrs. – Obituary

Janice S. “Jan” Knox, 60, of Haines, died Nov. 22, 2004, at her home. Her funeral will be Saturday at 11 a.m. at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. in Baker City. Mr. Tim Knox will officiate. Vault interment will follow at Mount Hope Cemetery. Visitations will be today until 7 p.m. at the funeral home. Jan was born June 7, 1944, in Baker City to Charles and Nada (Hickerson) Samson. She received her education in Baker City and lived in Bend for a time. She worked as a cook on a large ranch in Antelope. She also tended bar. … Read more