The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America

Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert, was born about 1598 in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England. He immigrated in 1628 to Salem, Massachusetts and with his brother, Francis, founded Lynn, Massachusetts in 1629. He married Ann, fathered nine children, and died in 1648.

Biography of Charles G. Cobb

Charles G. Cobb, assistant farm loan officer with the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of St. Louis, was born June 24, 1885, in the city which is still his home, and is a son of Frank and Emma (Chapman) Cobb, the latter a native of Dunnville, Canada. The father, who was born in Chicago, was for many years prominent in business in St. Louis as a wholesale manufacturing jeweler, being a partner in the firm of Kennedy & Cobb, which business is still carried on, although the father has passed away. Charles G. Cobb, an only child, was educated in St. … Read more

Biographies of the Cherokee Indians

1830 Map of Cherokee Territory in Georgia

Whatever may be their origins in antiquity, the Cherokees are generally thought to be a Southeastern tribe, with roots in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, among other states, though many Cherokees are identified today with Oklahoma, to which they had been forcibly removed by treaty in the 1830s, or with the lands of the Eastern Band of Cherokees in western North Carolina. The largest of the so-called Five Civilized Tribes, which also included Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, the Cherokees were the first tribe to have a written language, and by 1820 they had even adopted a form of government … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Cobb

James Cobb, born in Woodstock, Vt., came to Stowe when a boy, where he learned the carpenter and joiner trade, and finally settled on road 17. He died May 8, 1871, aged fifty-five years. His widow,, and son Enos B., yet reside here.

Biography of Joseph B. Cobb

One of Wagoner’s most prominent and representative citizens is Joseph B. Cobb, who was born in Bradley county, Tennessee, on the 21st of February, 1863, a son of Joseph B. and Evaline (Clingan) Cobb, further mention of whom is made in the sketch of Samuel S. Cobb, to be found on another page of this work. Joseph B. Cobb was but seven years of age when he came to Indian Territory with his parents, locating in what is now Wagoner county, and he was reared and received his early education in the common schools of this community. In due time … Read more

Francis Cobb

2. FRANCIS7 COBB (Francis6, Ebenezer5-4-3, John2, Henry1) b. March 20, 1789; m. first, Feb. 7, 1814, Elizabeth W. Lucy of Cornish, who d. Dec. 13, 1814, with her two infant children; m. second, Sept. 26, 1815, Joanna Coburn of Cornish. who d. May 19, 1820, aged 38; m. third, March 7, 1821, Mrs. Betsey (Bruce) Bugbee, who d. March 6, 1832; m. fourth. Dec. 27. 1832, Jedidah Burnap of Cornish, dau. of Dea. Elijah and Naomi Burnap. She d. Feb. 28. 1862. He d. April 12. 1856, aged 66 years. Children. all b. in Cornish: i. and ii. Twins by … Read more

Genealogical and Family History of Vermont

Genealogical and Family History of the State of Vermont vol 1

Hiram Charlton took on the publication of the Genealogical and Family History of the State of Vermont for Lewis Publishing. In it, he enlisted the assistance of living residents of the state in providing biographical and genealogical details about their family, and then he published all 1104 family histories in two distinct volumes.

Ancestry of William H. Nelson of Plymouth, Massachusetts

Nelson Genealogy William Nelson, an early comer to Plymouth, before 1636, had land granted him Aug. 3, 1640, and was among those able to bear arms in 1643. He was juryman in 1648. He was probably among the first settlers of Middleboro, although it is impossible to state when he went from Plymouth to Middleboro, or how long he lived there. He married Oct. 27, 1640, Martha Ford, daughter of Widow Ford, who came to Plymouth in the ship “Fortune” in 1621. Mr. Nelson was admitted a freeman in Plymouth in 1658 and took the oath of fidelity the next … Read more

Clifford Family of New Bedford, MA

Charles Warren Clifford

Among the most prominent law offices in southern Massachusetts is one which by lineal succession has existed for nearly, if not quite, a hundred years, and in which three generations of the Clifford family have been represented. The members of the Clifford family who have been such important factors in this old and prominent law firm came of a distinguished ancestry. The late John H. Clifford was a direct descendant in the eighth generation from George Clifford, who came with his wife Elizabeth and son John from Arnold village and parish, Nottinghamshire, England, to Boston in 1644.

Marriages of Charlotte County Virginia, 1784-1815

1911 Map of Charlotte County Virginia

This volume, “Marriages of Charlotte County, Virginia, 1784-1815,” compiles the marriage bonds and minister’s returns from Charlotte County during the specified period. The original work was painstakingly copied by Catherine Lindsay Knorr and published in 1951. The book spans 119 pages and includes a wealth of historical data on marriages that took place in this Virginia county. This publication presents several challenges for readers. Some pages are slightly tattered and torn, and the manuscript features irregular pagination. Additionally, there are tight or nonexistent margins, particularly at the bottom of the pages, and one page is typed on different paper than the rest.

Descendants of John Paull of Taunton, MA

JOHN PAULL, for over fifty years at the head of the firm of John Paull & Co., hay and grain dealers in Taunton, was throughout that long period a business man of the highest standing, trusted by all who had relations with him. His honorable methods and upright standards were recognized by all his associates. His success evidenced his ability and placed him among the leading men of the community, although he did not identify himself particularly with its affairs outside the field of commerce. The Paull family of which John Paull was a descendant is one of the oldest … Read more

Cherokee County Oklahoma Cemeteries

Rebecca Mitchell Proctor Grave Marker

Most of these Cherokee County Oklahoma cemeteries are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we provide the listing when it is only a partial listing. Hosted at Cherokee County OKGenWeb Archives Agent Cemetery Boudinot Cemetery Ballew / Cookson-Proctor Blue Springs Cemetery Briggs Free Holiness Church Cemetery Caney Cemetery Caney Cemetery 2 Cobb Family Cemetery Flint Ridge Cemetery Gourd Cemetery Grandview Cemetery Johnson Family Cemetery Levi Cookson Cemetery Linder Cemetery Lost City Cemetery Manus Cemetery Miller Cemetery Moodys Cemetery Part 1 Part 2 New Home Cemetery New Home Cemetery Parris Cemetery Ross Cemetery Ross Cemetery, Lewis Ross … Read more

Descendants of William Sturdy of Attleboro MA and Slatersville RI

John F. Sturdy

William Sturdy, as he was thenceforth known, then shipped on an American schooner lying at Leghorn, and bound for the United States. He finally landed at Beverly, Mass., June 9, 1809. From the port of Beverly he made several voyages as mate of American schooners, but finally abandoned the seas. He married in Beverly Clarissa Whittemore, who was born in that town Jan. 28, 1794. After their marriage they settled in Attleboro, Bristol county, where Mr. Sturdy bought land lying on the west shore of the Falls pond and engaged in farming until 1827. Here ten of his fourteen children were born. About that time, 1827, “the initial efforts in cotton manufacturing on the Blackstone had opened the way for the employment of minors,” and Mr. Sturdy availed himself of this opportunity because it had become impossible for him to procure a proper subsistence for his large family from his farm. In that year he sold out and removed to the Blackstone Valley, locating at Slatersville, town of North Smithfield, R. I., where he and his children found employment in the cotton mills. He later settled in Blackstone, Mass., where he died Oct. 16, 1834. He was a hardworking man, honest and upright in his dealings, and his large family of fourteen children reflected great credit on their home training. The wife and mother died Feb. 13, 1856.

Campbell Genealogy of Narraguagus Valley Maine

Narraguagus Valley Some Account of its Early Settlement and Settlers

Some time between 1766 and 1768, Alexander Campbell removed from Damariscotta to Steuben, and built a mill at Tunk, now called Smithville, on the east side of the river. It was the first mill there. In 1759, he married Betsey Nickels, who was born in Ireland and came to Lynn, Mass., with her parents when about six years old. From Lynn, she came with her brother, Capt. William. Nickels, to Damariscotta. Children of Alexander and Betsey Campbell were: James, Frances, Hannah, Peggy, Polly, William, Samuel, Alexander, and Betsey.

Biographical Sketch of Phil. H. Cobb

(See Grant)-Alexander Adam Clingan, born February 20, 1801. Married in May 1828 Martha Jane Blythe, born January 31, 1812 in Tennessee. Their daughter Evaline Clingan, born April 13, 1835 married December 15, 1857, Joseph Benson Cobb, born July 26, 1828 in Blount County, Tennessee. He died March 22, 1896 and she died Nov. 17, 1918. Their son, Samuel Sylvester Cobb married Carrie Kennedy Hunter and they are the parents of Phil Hunter Cobb, born May 31, 1895. Educated in Wagoner, where he married October 1, 1918 Hazel Ruth, daughter of S. A. and Naomi Best, born June 27, 1901. They … Read more