Daniel Chase
5. DANIEL5 CHASE (Caleb4, Daniel3, Hoses=, Aquilla) was b. Jan. 9, 1768; m. first, Feb. 28, 1796, Mary Fitch of Cornish, b. Noy. 2, 1775; m. second, Sept. 30. 1804, Mehitable Woodbury of Sutton, Mass.; m. third, Nov. 1, 1807, Nancy Strowbridge of Claremont, b. July 9, 1786. Mr. Chase came from Sutton, ‘lass., first to Cornish, where he m. his first wife, and soon afterwards he went to Claremont. where he built the Sullivan House in 1794 and was its proprietor till his death. He was a very popular landlord. He d. Dec. 2, 1840. Children by Mary Fitch: … Read more