Work at Eutawville, South Carolina

Last Updated on May 20, 2011 by

Letter from Miss Anna S. Sinkler, 1901

“This society, besides a great deal of other work, made uniforms for the companies commanded by Capt. Christopher Gaillard, and Capt. Julius Porcher.

“Mrs. William Sinkler was the first president; Mrs. Thomas W. Porcher, the second.

“That good work was expected and required in these societies is shown by the following anecdote: Mrs. Harriet Gourdin had seven uniform coats as her share, and made them, as she thought, quite beautifully, and sent them off proudly. The next day, back they came, with the buttonhole side neatly cut off, and a request from Mrs. Porcher that she would put the buttons and buttonholes in their proper places.”

Rules of the Eutawville Aid Association.

Minutes of the Eutawville Aid Association, in possession of . ______ ______

Rule first. The officers of the association shall be a president, secretary, treasurer, and two directresses.

Rule second. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the association. When application is made to the association for assistance in work, it shall be her duty to ascertain their ability and pleasure to do the same; to carry out all correspondence with other associations or persons relative to their application; to give notice to the members of the association for all extra meetings, and to call extra meetings when necessary.

Rule third. It shall be the duty of the secretary and treasurer to keep all accounts of donations made to the association, all money expended, what materials purchased, what garments made, and how disposed of; what work done for other associations or persons not members of this association.

Rule fourth. It shall be the duty of the directresses to purchase such material as directed by the association for clothing, etc., to cut all garments, and distribute them to be made, and report to the secretary how many, and to whom sent.

Rule fifth. The association shall meet every alternate Saturday, at the residence of one of the members, in regular rotation. Each member to bring to the place of meeting the work done, yarn spun, socks knit, or anything done for the benefit of the cause.

Rule sixth. Each member to contribute the sum of 25 cents at every regular meeting. Six members shall form a quorum and transact ordinary business matters.

These rules not to be changed but by a majority of the association.

N. B. Gentlemen may become members of the association by contributing the sum stated in Rule 6, but not entitled to a vote, as they can’t participate in the pleasure of sewing, cutting, etc.

All donations thankfully received.

Memorandum of transactions and donations of the association from August 1 to November 9, 1861:

In August, made forty shirts, twenty-two hickory shirts, fifty pairs of drawers, eighteen comforts, eighteen pillow-cases, which articles were sent to the Soldiers’ Relief Association, in Charleston.

In September, made for the quartermaster’s department, one hundred pairs drawers and fifty-eight shirts.

In October, made eighteen flannel shirts, which were given to the Santee Artillery, Capt. Gaillard; also six pairs woolen socks.

There was also distributed, at different times, sufficient yarn for one hundred and sixty-five pairs of socks, and twenty-two pairs of socks were sent to the Eutaw Volunteers, Capt. Porcher.

There were also given thirty-six pairs of socks, at another time, to the Santee Artillery.

Previous to the 9th of November, there were sixteen coats and seventeen pairs of pants made for Eutawville Volunteers.

November 23, 1861. – The association met this day at the Rocks, when it was resolved that this association withdraw from the Charleston Association. The sixth rule was amended so as to read as follows:

There shall be both paying and working members. The paying members to contribute 25 cents at each regular meeting, and all members to be fined 10 cents for absence from any regular meeting without sufficient excuse.

On the 20th inst., yarn for fifteen pairs of socks was sent to Charleston. Since the last meeting there have been made by the association coats, pants, and twenty-two flannel shirts for Eutaw Volunteers.

November 30, 1861. – An extra meeting of the association held at Numertia to take into consideration the propriety of getting up articles for use of hospital in our State. Donations for the above were received as follows: Two pairs sheets and twelve pillow-cases from Mrs. H. Gourdin and Mr. James Gaillard; also cloth sufficient for four comforts and two shirts from Miss C. Gaillard.

Since the last meeting, twelve flannel shirts have been made for the Eutaw Volunteers, and nine hanks of wool have been sent to Charleston, to be knit into socks and gloves.

December 21, 1861. – Association met at Wampee. The following donations were received: Eight pillows from Mrs. T. W. Porcher, six pillows from Mrs. J. Gaillard, and one comfort from Mrs. T. T. Gourdin. Twenty-seven scarves and sixteen pairs of socks were given to the Santee Artillery, Capt. Gaillard.

January 4, 1862. – The association met at Walnut Grove. An appeal was made by the Charleston Association for articles of clothing for soldiers from Eastern Virginia.

The following work was done for the Santee Artillery, viz.: Thirty flannel shirts and eleven pairs of drawers.

The following articles, contributions from members of the association, were sent to the hospital at McPhersonville, viz.: One tureen, six dishes, twenty-six plates, one teapot, four coffeepots, four hot plates, five ladles, forty teacups, sixty-three saucers, eight mugs, two basins, three chambers, two covered jars, five milk pots, one jug vinegar, one phial red pepper, one bag flaxseed, eight sheets, ten comforts, forty-five pillow-cases, nineteen pillows, two shirts, eight pairs slippers, six handkerchiefs, rug.

Miss Jane Melford joined the association.

January 18, 1862. – Association met at Pond Bluff. Miss Clermont Gaillard joined the association, and Mrs. Sydney Kirk withdrew her name from the association.

February 1, 1862. – Association met at Eutaw.

February 15, 1862. – Association met at Belvedere. The following articles were sent to Mrs. Dr. W. Snowden for the use of a Georgia regiment, viz.: Twenty-five shirts, sixteen pairs drawers, fifty pairs socks, and two pairs gloves.

March 1, 1862. – Association met at Walworth. Letters were read acknowledging the receipt of things sent to the Georgia regiment through the Soldiers’ Relief Association of Charleston.

March 22, 1862. – Association met at Numertia.

April 12, 1862. – Association met at the Rocks. A note of thanks from Captain Porcher’s company (Tenth Regiment), for an offer of socks, was read, in which they declined receiving them, as they were well supplied at that time. Forty-four pairs socks were sent to the Holcombe Legion.

April 26, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. P. C. Hicks.

May 24, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. J. Gaillard’s.

June 7, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. T. W. Porcher’s.
Mrs. W. Sinkler having resigned as president, Mrs. C. Gaillard was elected in her place.
Mrs. F. M. Dwight and Miss Alice Gaillard were elected members of the association.

June 21, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. Palmer’s.
Miss C. S. Gaillard and Mrs. H. M. Boyan were elected members. A letter from Mrs. Snowden, calling on the ladies, was read, and the association determined to send such things as were wanted for the hospitals.

July 5, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. W. Sinkler’s.
The following donations were made to the association for the hospitals, viz.:
Mrs. C. Palmer, four sheets, four pillow-cases, bundle of rags;
Mrs. C. Sinkler, bundle of rags;
Mrs. James Gaillard, eight sheets, thirteen pillow-cases, two counterpanes, one tablecloth, bundle of rags;
Mrs. C. J. Snowden, five bottles red pepper, bundle of rags, two bags sago, one bottle of wine; Mrs. K. Simons Jr., one counter-pane;
Mrs. T. W. Porcher, seven counterpanes, bundle of rags, six bottles of wine;
Mrs. C. Gaillard, two sheets, one counterpane;
Miss C. S. Gaillard, four sheets, two counterpanes, two pillow-cases, bundle of rags.

The following articles were sent from the association for hospitals: Eight bottles medicated blackberry, two jars blackberry jelly, five bottles red pepper, two bags sago, and forty- four chickens.

July 19, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. K. Simons.

August 16, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. C. Gaillard’s.
Mrs. T. W. Porcher offered a resolution that in future any one, not a member of this association, applying for work should be furnished with the same; which was agreed to.

August 30, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. Gourdin’s.
The following contributions were made to the hospital in Charleston:
Mrs. C. C. Palmer, fifteen fowls and one and one-half dozen eggs;
Mrs. Gourdin, four dozen eggs, and butter;
Mrs. T. W. Porcher, ten dozen eggs, okra, and butter;
Mrs. C. Sinkler, twelve fowls.

September 13, 1862. – The following contributions were made to the hospital in Charleston: Mrs. C. Sinkler, four pounds butter, and one dozen eggs;
Mrs. T. W. Porcher, one jar lard, and bundle corn-starch;
Miss Alice Gaillard, six fowls;
Mrs. Simons, one dozen eggs, and bag okra;
Mrs. C. C. Palmer, four dozen eggs, one bushel grits, and seven fowls.

October 11, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. T. W. Porcher’s. Mrs. Gourdin resigned.

October 25, 1862. – Association forwarded to the Soldiers’ Relief Association, of Charleston, one hundred and thirty-nine shirts, the same having been made from material furnished by that association.

The following articles received from the ladies and gentlemen of Eutawville were sent to Mrs. Snowden, in Charleston, for the Chimborazo Hospital, near Richmond, Va., viz.:
Mrs. C. Gaillard, four bottles wine;
Mrs. Gourdin, four bottles wine;
Miss Alice Gaillard, two bottles wine, and two pounds starch;
Mrs. T. W. Porcher, one dozen wine, four pounds corn and potato starch;
Dr. Jos. Palmer, two dozen wine;
Mr. J. Gaillard, one dozen wine, and two bottles red pepper. Also two dozen blackberry syrup, made by the association. (Mr. J. J. Cross, four pairs woolen socks, a donation to this association.)

November 15, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. T. W. Porcher’s.

Received since last meeting, one bushel rice, and three bottles red pepper, for Chimborazo Hospital, from Mrs. Simons.

November 29, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. C. Gaillard’s.
Mrs. P. C. Kirk withdrew from association, and Mrs. A. L. Sinkler and Miss Deas Sinkler were elected members.

December 13, 1862. – Association met at Mrs. Chas. Sinkler’s.

January 19, 1863. – Association met at Mrs. Simons’.

Sent to Captain Furlis’ company, Twenty-first South Carolina Regiment, sixty shirts, sixty pairs drawers, and sixty pairs socks.

February 14, 1863. – Association met at Seagewood.

Sent to Captain Land’s company, ________ South Carolina Regiment, sixty shirts, six pairs drawers, three pairs socks.

List of members of Eutawville Association:
A. L. Sinkler.
C. C. Palmer.
Deas Sinkler.
E. A. Gaillard.
E. K. Simons.
Emily Sinkler.
H. P. Gourdin.
L. C. Gaillard.
Lizzie Sinkler.
M. C. Allen.
M. L. Scott.
Miss Alice A. Gaillard.
Miss Clermona Gaillard.
Miss Jane Melford.
Mrs. F. M. Dwight.
Mrs. H. M. Bryan.
Mrs. L. F. Guerry.
Mrs. T. W. Porcher.
S. H. Kirk.
S. M. Kirk.
W. Sinkler.

In the Record Book of the Eutawville Aid Association there are several pages of beautifully kept accounts, running from July 31, 1 86 1, to February 14, 1863. These accounts include all purchases, the dues of members, and many donations, among others, from “the Communion Alms, through the Rev. R. Johnson.”


South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Edited and Published By Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Chairman, Mrs. Smythe, Mrs. August Kohn, Miss Poppenheim, Miss Martha B. Washington, State Committee Daughters of the Confederacy. Columbia, South Carolina, The State Company, 1903.

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