Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Tague

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

It is with unfeigned pleasure that we are privileged to recount somewhat of the career of the estimable gentleman and patriotic citizen who is mentioned above, since he is a man of good standing, a well-to-do agriculturist and stockman of Malheur county, and has the honorable distinction of being one of the brave men, who hazarded life and limb for the safety of our beloved union and the promotion of good government. He was born in Ripley county, Indiana, on July 13, 1841, being the son of Lemuel and Ann (Buchanan) Tague, the mother being a second cousin of James Buchanan, the President of the United States. Our subject remained at the home place until the cruel war of the Rebellion broke out and then he promptly enlisted in the Sixth Indiana Infantry, Company H. This was in the summer of 1861, and he was among the very first of the three years’ volunteers. He served under Rosecrans and then under Thomas. He took part in the battle of Lookout Mountain, also that at Green river and in many skirmishes, doing the part of the true and valiant soldier. He received a wound from a bayonet, in his eye that cost him its sight. He served three years, and one year and three months of this time was on a gunboat. He was honorably discharged and is now commander of the Sedgwick Post of the G. A. R., at Huntington, No. 4. Many were the hardships and deprivations that fell to his lot in the army and many times he suffered from hunger in addition to all the other woes of war. Following the war Mr. Tague went to his native place in Indiana. He had two brothers who served in the Third Indiana Cavalry and one was wounded severely.

The marriage of Mr. Tague and Miss Martha E. Wise was celebrated in Ripley county, Indiana, in 1865, and in 1877 they removed to Gibbon, Nebraska, entered government land and settled down to farming. In 1883 he removed to Council Bluffs and then in 1893 he came to the west via train and located at his present home place, where he purchased a quarter section, three-fourths of a mile south-east from Dell. He has a good farm, well irrigated and improved, having a comfortable house, barn and other buildings. Politically Mr. Tague is allied with the Republicans and is also very active in the promotion of educational facilities. To Mr. and Mrs. Tague have been born the following children: Nancy A., wife of B. Parks, of Nebraska; Lavina, wife of R. Boswell, of Malheur; Minnie, wife of A. Derrick, of Dell; Rosa, wife of P. Flaherty, of Omaha; Carrie, wife of E. Kendall, of Huntington; Bertha, wife of H. Lockett, of Dell; Villa, wife of O. McCauley, of Huntington; Joseph H., Charles R. and Emery. Mr. Tague is a man of good standing among his fellows, has made a fine record in the world as a business man, soldier and citizen and is highly esteemed by all.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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