Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Tague

It is with unfeigned pleasure that we are privileged to recount somewhat of the career of the estimable gentleman and patriotic citizen who is mentioned above, since he is a man of good standing, a well-to-do agriculturist and stockman of Malheur county, and has the honorable distinction of being one of the brave men, who hazarded life and limb for the safety of our beloved union and the promotion of good government. He was born in Ripley county, Indiana, on July 13, 1841, being the son of Lemuel and Ann (Buchanan) Tague, the mother being a second cousin of James … Read more

Biography of Edwin H. Lupton

Edwin H. Lupton. Ever since its arrival in America, some 250 years ago, the Lupton family has been identified with the opening up of new sections of this country. The earliest American progenitor was a pioneer of New England; later members were early settlers of Ohio, Michigan and Iowa, and the present representative of the family, Edwin H. Lupton, has been one of the foremost factors in encouraging settlement and development in certain parts of Kansas, particularly in Sheridan County, where he has large interests. In addition to being an extensive property owner, Mr. Lupton is president of the Bank … Read more

Godbey, Bert – Obituary

Funeral services for Bert (Bertie) Godbey, 95, longtime Ellensburg resident, who died Friday [December 27, 1968] at Bernath Nursing Home, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Evenson Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. Maurice Swisher will officiate. Interment will be in the IOOF Cemetery. Born April 13, 1893 in Kearney, Neb., Godbey was a veteran of army service in World War I. He came to Ellensburg from Nebraska in 1932 an was married to Bertha Looney Aug. 22, 1936 in Yakima. Godbey followed the cement finisher’s trade. Surviving are his wife, Bertha at the family home, 504 S. Pearl; … Read more

Biography of William Lenox McWilliams

Many interests claim the time and attention of William Lenox McWilliams, a foremost citizen of Miami, who is president of the First National Bank, being also extensively interested in stock raising and mining, and he is likewise one of the leaders of the republican party in Oklahoma. He was born upon a farm near La Belle, Missouri, April 29, 1865, his parents being George Washington and Lucy M. (Clapp) McWilliams, and is a representative of an old American family, his ancestors having been passengers on the Mayflower. The father fought in the Civil war and gave up his life for … Read more

Light, Anna L. Mrs. – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon In Elgin, Oregon, Wednesday, December 21st, 1904, Anna L., beloved wife of John J. Light, aged 33 years. Mrs. Light passed away at 8 o’clock Wednesday morning, her death occurring at the family apartments in Hotel Elgin, and resulting from tuberculosis of the lungs, from which disease she had suffered severely and patiently. It was the hope that the climatic conditions here would tend to restore her health that led Mr. and Mrs. Light to establish their home in Elgin in September 1903. Since that time they had formed many warm friendships among the citizens of … Read more

Conrad, Edna L. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Edna Conrad Services Held Edna L. Conrad of Enterprise who had been in ill health for several years, passed away Thursday, Sept. 11, 1975, at Wallowa Memorial Hospital. Memorial services were Monday at 2 p.m. at the Bollman Chapel. Wayne Pickens, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiated, and Wanda Sorweide was organist. Catherine DeBole sang: “In the Garden” and “Beautiful Garden of Prayer.” Casket bearers were: Emerson Reece, Jerry Simpson, Ron Wheeler, Don Kooch, Kenneth Kooch and Wayne Cook; and vault interment was in the Enterprise Cemetery. Mrs. Conrad was born April 25, 1900 in … Read more

Biography of Morillo Abial Spalding

Morillo Abial Spalding. In Morillo Abial Spalding the thriving community of Dearing, Montgomery County, has a citizen who has contributed to its upbuilding a conservative and reliable general mercantile business, who formerly, for eight years, carried on the drug business, and whose long experience in a commercial way has been a decided factor in helping his city to better things. Mr. Spalding was born at Morrisville, Vermont, February 13, 1856, a son of A. W. and Mary (Tenney) Spalding, a grandson of Warren Spalding, a Vermont farmer who spent his life there, and a member of a family, which originating … Read more

Conrad, Edna L. – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Edna Conrad Services Held Edna L. Conrad of Enterprise who had been in ill health for several years, passed away Thursday, Sept. 11, 1975, at Wallowa Memorial Hospital. Memorial services were Monday at 2 p.m. at the Bollman Chapel. Wayne Pickens, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiated, and Wanda Sorweide was organist. Catherine DeBole sang: “In the Garden” and “Beautiful Garden of Prayer.” Casket bearers were: Emerson Reece, Jerry Simpson, Ron Wheeler, Don Kooch, Kenneth Kooch and Wayne Cook; and vault interment was in the Enterprise Cemetery. Mrs. Conrad was born April 25, 1900 in Buffalo County, … Read more