Biographical Sketch of James McCain

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

The estimable pioneer whose name initiates this paragraph was a man of energy faithfulness, and integrity, and he wrought here for the development and substantial progress of the County, with a strong hand and with display of wisdom which gave him a brilliant success both in the established confidence of his fellows and in the financial holdings that came to him. It was a sad day when he was called from the walks of life and associations of his family.

James McCain was born in New York in 1833, and there he remained for the first twenty years of his life, and then came to Wisconsin. There on July 24, 1854, occurred his marriage with Miss Eliza Tamson, a native of England, who came at the age of fifteen with her parents to Wisconsin from her native land. In 1866 the young couple crossed the dreary waste of plains and mountains to Boise valley, locating about sixteen miles from Boise. They took up farming and stock raising and later removed to Reynolds creek and four years later went thence to Cow creek, remaining until 1878, when they were driven out by hostile Indians. At this time they lost about seven thousand dollars worth of stock, mostly horses. They then removed to their present place, two miles east from the town of Jordan Valley. At this place they acquired title to two hundred and seventy-three acres of land. Here, on July 11, 1893, occurred the death of Mr. McCain. He left his widow and two children, Ellen, wife of John Huff, of Riverside; James B., a stockman. There was one other child, Thomas, deceased.

Mrs. McCain has married Mr. G. A. McGovern, and they reside on the home place, which is supplied with all necessary improvements and provided with a good stone residence. Mr. McGovern was born in Canada, on April 18, 184?, and is a man of good standing and well respected.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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