Biographical Sketch of William M. Mangin

The subject of this article is one of the oldest pioneers of Jordan Valley, a man of ability and worth. one who has wrought here with assiduity and sagacity since the early days, is now recognized as one of the prominent men of the County, has ever maintained an unsullied reputation and manifested a stanch character of uprightness and integrity, and in business circles has won a success that is a credit to any man, therefore he is deserving of a prominent posit don in the history of his County and it is with pleasure that we accord him such … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert J. Shea

While the older members of the pioneer staff are retiring one by one, it is pleasant to note that there are younger men of courage and enterprise to take up the worthy labors of these estimable men, who opened this country for settlement, and to prosecute them with an untiring zeal and a sagacity that is sure to win in the battle of life. Among this wide awake class, we are con-strained to mention the subject of this article, who has made a name and place for himself in the ranks of the leading stockmen of Malheur County, being justly … Read more

Carlson, Helen Irene Quinlan Mrs. – Obituary

Helen Irene Quinlan Carlson, 75, a former Baker City resident who had lived in the Portland area for more than 40 years, died June 5, 2002. Her memorial service will be at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 22, at Warner Pacific College, McGuire Auditorium. Helen was born on Sept. 19, 1926, at Lindsay, Calif., the oldest child of Louis Harry and Vera Lorene Quinlan. She was raised in the middle of an orange grove and graduated from Richmond High School in 1944. That same year, she moved to Portland to attend Pacific Bible College, which later became Warner Pacific College. There … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard H. Hart

This capable and enterprising stock man and farmer of the vicinity of Jordan Valley is one of the substantial men of Malheur County, and is numbered with the earliest pioneers who broke sod in this section, and it is to his credit that he has constantly labored for the welfare of the country and its up building in a worthy manner ever since that time. Mr. Hart was born in Indiana, on April 18, 1849, the son of John K. and Eliza Hart. When he was one rear of age, his parents removed to Iowa and there he received his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James McCain

The estimable pioneer whose name initiates this paragraph was a man of energy faithfulness, and integrity, and he wrought here for the development and substantial progress of the County, with a strong hand and with display of wisdom which gave him a brilliant success both in the established confidence of his fellows and in the financial holdings that came to him. It was a sad day when he was called from the walks of life and associations of his family. James McCain was born in New York in 1833, and there he remained for the first twenty years of his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Parks

One of the oldest pioneers of Malheur County and a man of excellent capabilities, being possessed of practical ability and judgment, and a keen discrimination that have made him a very successful business man and one of the leaders in the realm of finance in this section, the subject of this article is abundantly worthy of recognition and especial mention among the prominent men of Malheur County and this portion of Oregon, being also a man of worth and personal virtues. Mr. Parks was born in Brooklyn, New York, on June 7, 1845, being the son of Abraham and Jane … Read more

Stitzel, Marion Merl – Obituary

Union County, Oregon Marion Merl Stitzel, 84, of Union died June 8 of pulmonary fibrosis at the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show and Rodeo grounds. Graveside services took place today at the Union Cemetery beginning at 1 p.m. Marion was born to Amos and Hazel Stitzel, April 11, 1923, in Jordan Valley. He lived in Arock until about 1939 and then moved to Union where he graduated from high school. He joined the Army in 1942 and was discharged in December 1945. Marion married Alice Lorena Morrison on Oct. 19, 1946. They would have been married 61 years this October. They … Read more

Biography of Hon. J.R. Blakaby

Malheur County can boast of many distinguished pioneers who have made brilliant success in both the financial world and in the political realm, and one of the prominent men of this influential number is the gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, and who stands as one of the real builders of the County and is also one of the largest general merchandise operators within her borders at the present time, his store being located in Jordan Valley. Mr. Blackaby was born in Iowa, on April 12, 1861, being the son of Bernard and Emeline Blackaby. There … Read more

Biography of G. B. Glover

The stock men of Malheur County are the men who have brought the County to the front by their arduous labors and wise manipulation of the resources here found, and as a prominent one of this distinguished class the subject of this article is well known, being also a worthy pioneer, who wrought here with a firm hand and endured the hardships incident to that life, while his keen foresight and enterprise led him to see the value of the country that he was opening. Mr. Glover was born in Holly Springs, Mississippi on December 20, 1841, and at the … Read more

Pollentier, David Allen

David Allen Pollentier, 59, died on March 5, 2005, at his home. There will be a celebration of his life at 2 p.m. Friday at the First Church of the Nazarene, 1250 Hughes Lane. Pastor Jon Privett of the Nazarene Churchwill officiate. Vault interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Visitations will be from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Dave was born on Jan. 15, 1946, at Ontario to Alfons and Doris Giesler Pollentier. He was raised at Jordan Valley and Burns, where his father was station commander for … Read more

Cress, John M. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon John M. Cress, 91, of Baker City died Dec. 24, 2003, at Ashley Manor Care Center. His memorial service will be at 3:30 p.m. Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Bishop Tom Brock of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at Gray’s West & Co. His ashes, along with those of his wife, will be scattered in their beloved mountains next spring. John was born on Aug. 7, 1912, at Portland to Harry J. and Leona L. Warren Cress. He was … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah Shea

One of our early pioneers, whose worthy labors have done much toward the development of the resources and the substantial progress of Malheur County, is named at the head of this article and he is eminently fitted to he accorded consideration in this volume of his County’s history, since he is a man of good standing, influential and prominent, has always been a progressive and patriotic citizen, is possessed of integrity and a stanch character and is held in high esteem by all of his fellows. Mr. Shea was born in Canada on March 31, 1847, and there he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph M. Dinwiddie

This well’ known pioneer and responsible and leading business man and stock man of Malheur County is one of the prominent citizens of the town of Jordan Valley and is a man of sterling qualities of worth and integrity, being possessed of excellent capabilities which have wrought with a winning hand in the business and financial realm of our County for many years. Joseph M. was born in Indiana, on September 1, 1851 being the son of Daniel and Elsie Dinwiddie. In 1853 his parents came with the noble .band of pioneers who crossed the plains in those days, and … Read more