Biographical Sketch of George W. Smith

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

Among the substantial and enterprising citizens of Malheur County is to be mentioned the gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. He is a man of uprightness and has labored here with energy and skill for many years in the endeavor to bring this section into a state of development and also to enhance the condition of his own exchequer. Mr. Smith was born in Carter County, Kentucky, on November 16, 1836, being the son of Clayborn and Cloa (Ludi) Smith. He went with his parents to Rudolph County, Arkansas, and soon removed there to Lawrence County, in the same state. At this place both parents died, George being but a small child at the time. Thus early left an orphan, he learned some of the hardships of life and lived in various homes in the neighborhood, where he attended the district school as he had opportunity. He was in Arkansas during the war and many dangers and not a few hardships were his to endure. In 1869 he went to Grayson County, Texas and there followed the art of farming until 1879, at which time he went to Salt Lake City and the following spring he continued his journey to the Salmon River Mines, where he prospected and mined and cut wood until 1884, when he came to his present place, three miles northwest from Ontario, locating a quarter section there. He settled down to improve the place, building a comfortable residence, outbuildings, planting an orchard, and so forth. He sold eighty acres subsequently, and now makes his home on the other eighty. Mr. Smith has also a number of stands of bees, with sufficient stock for the farm. When he came here there were but a few houses in Ontario, and settlers were far apart, he being one of the early pioneers of this vicinity. When he came to this country he was not blessed with any financial resources, but by careful labor, wise management and thrift he has been able to make a comfortable home and gain a competence. Mr. Smith is a member of the Methodist church and is devoted to the faith, being active in its precepts and manifesting a life of uprightness and integrity.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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