Biography of Col. John J. Kemp

COL. JOHN J. KEMP, deceased. The influence of a good man will be ever expanding with the lapse of time, and his deeds of charity and acts of kindness will live to commemorate his name and perpetuate his memory. It can be truly said that a good man has been gathered to his fathers, but his virtues live after him, and his name is everywhere mentioned with respect and honor. He was born in middle Tennessee August 6, 1818, and his death occurred May 31, 1893. His early education was obtained in the State of his birth, and having been … Read more

Arkansas Funeral Home Records

Funeral Log Books

This page links to known Arkansas Funeral Records whether they be available online or offline. Funeral records are an invaluable source of genealogical information that can provide insight into the lives and deaths of our ancestors. They offer a wealth of details on the deceased and their family, including their names, ages, dates of death, causes of death, and other key information.

Penn Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right 1902 Walter Ray Smith 1952 Alex G. Massey 1884 Darnell Walker 1940 1948 Erma Walker 1949 1914 Millie Penn 1917 1832 John G. Penn 1917 833 Mary Penn 1920 1872 C. W. Milligan 1926 1918 Jean Ballard 1947 1896 Cecil Saffell 1936 1863 Thomas Goodwin 1888 1833 Harvey W. Goodwin 1887 1840 Harry Goodwin 1929 1884 Homer Goodwin 1957 1892 S. E. Daggett 1839 1898 Hester Saffell 1915 1874 Wes Goodwin 1945 1949 Rodger D. Saffell 1949 1867 Martha Warnick 1929 1894 Homer J. Warnick 1929 1870 Nancy Price 1898 1876 Agnes … Read more

Friendship Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right 1875 Oliver Perry Toles 1940 1880 Arthur Jines 1929 1933 William A. Toles 1933 1873 Alphenza Downs 1937 1861 Thomas C. Clements 1930 1863 Lyda L. Clements 1942 1915 Stacy C. Clements 1938 Edward W. Carson 1940 Arty Carpa 1874 Lewis N. Dodson 1877 Willie Sanders 1955 Ratliff Infant 1905 Daughter of H. M. Ratliff 1918 1865 Harriett Ratliff 1952 1882 C. W. H. Ratliff 1956 1879 C. L. Ratliff 1908 S. R. Ratliff 1913 1854 J. B. Preston 1909 Dora Green 1935 1915 Mary Park 1940 1853 E. P. Clements 1929 … Read more

Powhatan Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right (246 Unmarked Graves) 1870 Nettie Helms 1953 1870 Aaron Helms 1923 1878 T. E. Helms 1931 1872 Willie Helms 1900 1853 Callie Haley 1890 1856 Amanda Brown 1906 1854 Joe Brown 1907 1824 Jessie Wheat 1944 1810 Margie Snider 1869 1861 Sarah Lewis 1928 1868 J. W. Wells 1950 1831 Mary Lewis 1950 1847 Calar Stewart 1868 1877 Charlie Stewart 1900 1850 Elsie Dearman Stewart 1910 1841 C. A. Stewart 1912 1901 Zana Baldridge 1927 1810 Charpe Stewart 1824 1873 Zona Stewart 1873 1837 Mary Stewart 1883 1868 Mrs. B. M. Holder … Read more

Western District Cemeteries, Lawrence County, Arkansas

These cemetery extractions have been taken directly from the book, corrections, alterations and notations on the pages were left as I found them. Mr. Jean states “I have been as careful as I could be in getting the name of each person correct and will not be responsible for any errors.” Compiled By J. W. Jean, Imboden, Arkansas in 1959 Bethel Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas Bratcher Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas Deeter Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas Dent Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas Dry Creek Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas Friendship Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas Garrett Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas Hillhouse Cemetery, Lawrence County, … Read more

1850 Lawrence County Arkansas Mortality Census

The following index is of all people listed within the Lawrence County, Arkansas mortality census of 1850. In the 1850 and 1860 census, census takers were responsible for listing all people who had passed away in the past year… so the people in the following list likely died in 1840/1850. B Andrew J. Baird George J. Bane Henry C. Banta Martha W. Barnett William Barnett Cassandra Blackwell Sarah Blakely Sarah Bond Lavina Boothe C Jane Cason Martin Cason Thomas G. Corbet Nancy Cravens D Sarah Debell E James Estas F David W. Falkenburg Jane Falkenburg Nancy Falkenburg Cyrena J. Foreman … Read more

Oak Forest Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right 1885 Abbie R. Hankins 1917 1912 Pauline Herron 1903 1877 Thomas Barbore 1915 1910 Radell Felix 1914 1871 Clyde Matthews 1898 1885 Eula Matthews 1901 Mollie Simino 1843 Drucilla Richardson 1926 1870 Mary Clark 1944 1856 Spencer Clark 1946 1865 Mary Clark 1909 1840 Sarah C. Mason 1919 1877 Hettie Pace 1914 1914 Vernon Pace 1914 1880 Jennie Mays 1912 George Anderson 1873 William H. Waldron 1932 1894 Hattie Pearl Smith 1949 1914 Nellie Smith 1923 1931 Mildred Smith 1943 1912 Floyd Pickett 1940 1914 Frances Pickett 1940 1889 Rosetta Guilliams 1948 … Read more

Biography of Hon. Edwin E. Rosson

HON. EDWIN E. ROSSON. There is no class of men who more surely rear up visible monuments to their industry and their enterprise than the hardworking and thrifty farmers of a community, and among these Hon. Edwin E. Rosson holds a prominent place. He was born on the place on which he now lives in Richwoods, September 11, 1856, and is a son of Simeon Ellis and Mary (Whitfield) Rosson, who were born, reared and married in Hardeman County, Tennessee. and thence moved to Arkansas in 1842, locating in what is now Bickell’s Cove. In 1844 they came to Richwoods … Read more

Townsend Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right 1907 James Thacker 1930 1934 Joseph W. Thacker 1930 1867 Sloan E. Goff 1956 1867 Elizabeth Spotts 1938 1904 Burns Spotts 1919 1858 John Spotts 1934 1911 J. L. Maxwell 1913 1860 Hammond Moore 1920 1888 Callie Maxwell 1934 1875 John Maxwell 1952 1851 W. G. Maxwell 1916 1855 Mary Maxwell 1913 1880 Sarah C. Haney 1945 1845 Silas Y. Dailey 1908 1863 I. N. Black 1893 1837 C. A. E. Black 1907 1836 John A. Black 1921 1862 J. F. Brandon 1937 1942 Peggy Foley 1942 1886 Parlee Bellamy 1928 Joseph … Read more

Holobaugh Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right (171 Unmarked Graves) 1926 Aline McGhehey 1926 1866 Georgia A. Phillips 1903 1896 Clara Phillips 1896 1876 Eliza D. Barnett 1923 1910 Mary Barnett 1911 1833 Mrs. George W. Hill 1922 1843 Sarah F. Massey 1912 1861 L. R. Coy 1934 1956 Jennie Dent 1956 1937 Ronald Knauss 1956 1869 Ida B. Carzine 1937 1866 David Carzine 1942 Lannie Macon, Spanish – American War Veteran 1950 1878 Maggie Park 1907 1868 Ettie McGhehey 1906 1906 Charles Otto Biddle 1906 1886 Sarah Biddle 1906 1845 Hannah Wayland 1908 1840 H. B. Wayland 1904 … Read more

Hope Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right 1894 Beatrice Groves 1943 1872 Robert S. Weir 1943 1874 Mary Weir 1943 1881 Lacy Holt 1943 1801 Henry Drewes 1940 3 Richard C. Hinshaw 1955 1865 Joel C. Hinshaw 1944 1866 Joe S. Bilbrey 1939 1875 Addie Burke Hay 1946 1863 William W. Herring 1944 1865 Callie Herring 1940 1887 Willie Dalton Wilson 1940 1882 Ben 0. Brightwell 1957 1870 Austin Russell 1944 1859 Jane Russell 1944 1944 Robert Cleo Powell 1946 1904 Tommie Rexroad 1943 1902 Vern Dutton 1942 1903 Sarah Penner 1953 1866 Green H. McCarroll 1952 1872 Florence … Read more

Lancaster Community Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right Cora Hooten Thomas Hooten Riley Hooten Sarah Jane Hooten 1875 Joseph Hooten 1950 1841 Eliza Cathey 1892 1841 John A. Cathey 1919 1833 Pat Austen 1872 1894 John L. Penn 1957 1858 John R. Penn 1940 1865 Anna G. Penn 1945 1884 Austin L. Penn 1925 1883 Tushie Lou Penn 1954 1883 Lanny Penn 1883 1852 F. B. Hooten 1887 1851 Parthenia Hooten 1936 1848 J. B. Hooten 1905 1832 B. F. Wright 1903 1900 Infant of J. L. Blanton 1904 1905 Infant of J. L. Blanton 1905 1864 Jim L. Wright … Read more

Sharp Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right (34 Unmarked Graves) 1845 Sarah Rogers 1903 1889 Homer Herren 1921 1879 Sallie L. Williams 1921 1840 Mart Williams 1888 1872 Victory Williams 1888 1850 Mary E. Williams 1900 1869 Minerva Matthews 1887 1831 E. J. Matthews 1917 1828 William J. Matthews 1887 1850 George L. Matthews Mason 1811 Albert P. Matthews 1866 John H. Sharp 1866 1868 F. M. Sharp 1869 1882 W. F. Edgar Matthews 1889 1825 W. W. Balding 1904

Biography of S. J. Holt

S. J. HOLT. S. J. Holt, manager of the West Plains Electric Light Company, of which Holt & Fallett are the proprietors, is one of the most successful and prominent business men in the city. The above mentioned business was established in 1889. This company is running the city lights and is doing a milling business, in all about $20,000 per year. Mr. Holt is a native of Grand Rapids, Mich., and his father being a prominent saw mill man, our subject grew up in that business. He became interested in a saw mill at that place, but left there … Read more

Biography of William M. Garner

WILLIAM M. GARNER. This gentleman is a substantial citizen of Quitman, Arkansas, of which city he has been a resident since 1858. His uncle, W. W. Garner, was the first resident of the town, having located there in 1856. William M. Garner was born in Lawrence County, Arkansas, in 1844, his father, Isaac C. Garner, having been a native of South Carolina. On coming to Arkansas he first located in Jackson County, then moved to Lawrence County and finally settled in Scott County, where he died. He was a farmer and stockraiser and in 1854 took a drove of stock … Read more

Bethel Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right (290 Unmarked Graves) 1859 John A. Anderson 1911 1864 Mary E. Anderson 1954 1882 F. C. Bolding 1941 1914 Agnes Conway 1937 1868 George F. Davis 1942 1921 Davis Infant 1921 1868 W. E. White1948 1865 Marian Matthews 1927 1888 J. M. McCarroll 1942 1888 Marvin Matthews 1914 1855 Chesley Matthews 1922 1863 Annie Matthews 1917 1895 Warren Hanshaw 1956 1859 Joe Gray 1924 1872 Cora L. Gray 1944 1857 David Davis 1923 1860 Eliza Davis 1923 1906 Paul Guthrie 1915 1876 Garland Guthrie 1893 1876 Minerva H. Massey 1894 1871 Cora … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Stuart

Edward C. Stuart, starting upon his banking career as clerk in the First National Bank of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, is now the vice president of the First National Bank of St. Louis, one of the largest and strongest financial institutions of the Mississippi valley. Advancement came to him in recognition of his worth and ability in his chosen field of labor. He has ever made it his purpose thoroughly to master any task entrusted to him and as power grows through the exercise of effort he has become a strong factor in financial circles of his adopted city. He was … Read more

Opposition Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right (273 Unmarked Graves) 1880 M. E. Binkley 1913 1830 Killie Binkley 1910 Malvina Daughter of N. A. Binkley 1905 1897 W. M. and M. A. Collins 1931 Cecil Ellison was slain in the dark 1910 1911 Ray H. Gray 1953 1911 John Curtis Morris 1912 1860 J. H. Curry 1938 1861 Mary Lizzie Curry 1924 1901 Mary Grace Curry 1902 1886 Wilford H. Curry, Pvt. 77th Field Art’y. 4th Division 1949 1839 Maley P. Wife of M. S. Dunn 1883 1883 L. E. Daughter of M. S. Dunn 1885 Minnie E. Daughter … Read more