Biographical Sketch of D. I. Asbury

The well-known and popular editor of the Grant County News is one of those jovial, genial fellows that it does one good to meet. His first work was at Union, Oregon and later at Baker City. In connection with J. T. Donnelly he purchased the “News” and two years later bought out his partner’s interest. From time to time he has added to the equipment of its office, until to day it is the peer of any in this section of the State. The policy of his paper is of an independent character, and as he wields a facile pen and is well informed upon State and national affairs. His paper is sought after by the intelligent class of readers.

He is also all indefatigable news gatherer, and no expense is spared to secure for the ”News” the first publication of a piece of news.



AccessGenealogy, editor. Grant County Oregon Genealogy. The information contained here has been derived from a variety of sources. 2013.

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