Beeson, Harry C. – Obituary

Last Updated on February 10, 2012 by

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon

Three Enterprise Boys Lose Lives In Battle

Harry C. Beeson, Peter Bue and August Lunquist Give Lives in Service Of the Flag.

Telegrams were received Saturday evening from the war department announcing the death of August Linquist and Harry C. Beeson and Peter Bue in action on the field of battle in France. They were all killed on the same day according to the telegram.

Harry C. Beeson was the son of M. H. and Julia Beeson who live on the Chas. Bilyea farm near Enterprise. He was 23 years of age and was born in Wyoming. He left with the contingent of June 24th.

August Lunquist was born in Norway and was 26 years of age. He leaves a brother, Carl, who lives in Enterprise. He also left for Camp Lewis on June 24th. He had been employed at the East Oregon Mills for some time.

Peter Bue was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Bue of Enterprise and was 26 years of age. He left with the other boys on June 24th.

Enterprise has suffered heavily, losing so far as reports have come five of her best young men, more in proportion to the population than any city we have heard of so far. The boys were in action after the short space of three months from the time they discarded their civilian clothes for the uniform of their country and must have been engaged in one of the worst battles of the war north of Verdun where the United troops had the difficult task of pursing the Huns back through forests and rough country.

Wallowa County Reporter, Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday November 28, 1918



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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