Roll Of Capt. George Gibson’s Company

(County Unknown)

Served from July 28, 1813 until September 6, 1813 and from August 23, 1814 until January 11, 1815.

Capt. George Gibson
Lieut. Archibald Campbell
Lieut. Mathew Littleton
Ensign David Coon
Ensign Henry Goettery
Sergt. Mathew Mitchell
Sergt. John Stephens
Sergt. Andrew Reed
Sergt. Jacon HAwman
Sergt. John Armstrong
Sergt. James McCalister
Sergt. George Watson
Corp Thomas Barton
Corp. John Hawthorn
Corp. Isaac Rinear
Corp John Smith
Corp. Thomas Richardson
Corp. Richard Bradley
Corp Leeds William
Drummer Jacob Chion
Fifer Thomas Littleton


Adams, John
Anderson, James
Argo, Abraham
Bowen, William
Brown, Samuel
Burton, Boswell
Campbell, Hugh
Carpenter, George
Coon, George
Crossley, Henry
Crumb, Thomas
Culbertson, Robert
Culbertson, Samuel
Cutler, James
Davidson, John
Decker, Joseph
Decker,, Luke
DeWitt, Robert
Edwards, John
Ellis, Thomas
Erder, Thomas
Francisco, Joseph
Fuller, Alexander
George, Henry
Gerome, William
Groom,, Jobe
Groon, William
Hamilton, James
Harrison, James
Haverlow, William
Heaston, Martin
Hetsel, Daniel
Hoover, Jacob
Huff, John
Huffhinds, Jacob
Hussetter, Jacob
Iggs, Daniel
Jones, Abel
Kerr, James
King, Joshua
Laverty, John
Leck, John
Long, John
Machin, Thomas
Mann, Reuben P
Martin, David
Mason, James
McArthur, Duncan
McCartney, Duke
McCohn, Archibald
McCoy, John
McFadden, William
Menshall, Thomas
Morris, Richard
Muller, Benjamin
Neadstay, John
Purcell, John
Ridenour, David
Ridenour, George
Ridenour, John
Ritchy, Andrew
Ritter, John
Roberts, Thomas
Rodes, Peter
Rogers, Philemon
Ruffhinds, William
Saul, John
Scoomover, Abraham
Simpson, Richard
Smith, Jacob
Smith, John
Stephens, Ebenezer
Stutts, Jacob
Swaggart, Daniel
Sweet, Stephen
Teagarden, William
Tivel, John
Waggoner, John
Wolf, Phillip
Wolff, Mathias
Wood, Benjamin
Wood, Robert
Young, Phillip

War of 1812,

Ohio. Adjutant General's Office. Roster of Ohio soldiers in the War of 1812. Columbus, Ohio: Press of the Edward T. Miller Co. 1916.

1 thought on “Roll Of Capt. George Gibson’s Company”

  1. Corporal Thomas Richardson was my 3rd great grandfather. I would like to find out more about this Company in order to find out more about him and where he was born.


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