Sheets, Frank S.; flour, seed and grain business; born, Cleveland, Feb. 9, 1885; son of James M. and Hattie Bell Snow Sheets; educated, Cleveland Grammar and High School, 1914, Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; director The Sheets Bros. Elevator Co.; stockholder in the following; The Columbia Savings & Loan Co., The Canfield Certified Milk Co., The South End Realty Co., The Cleveland Worsted Mills Co., The Sheets Bros. Elevator Co.; member Euclid Lodge, No. 599, F. A. M., McKinley Chapter, No. 181, Couer De Lion Commandery No. 64, Cleveland Council No. 36, Mystic Shrine, Al Koran Temple, Scottish Rite Masonry, 32nd degree; active member East End Baptist Church; member Athletic, and Century Clubs.