Bradley, Arthur; law and insurance; born, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 18, 1856; son of Joseph William and Clara Amelia Morse Bradley; educated, Swathmore College, Pa., class of ’76, degree A. B.; studied and admitted to the practice of law in Philadelphia, Pa., 1881; Ohio U. S. Courts in 1910; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 24, 1891, Alice Deering llsley; one son, Arthur llsley Bradley, born July 25, 1899; practised law in Philadelphia until 1886; general publishing business, 1886-1888; connected with West Pub. Co. of St. Paul, Minn. (law publishers), 1888-1891; general solicitor of Warren Scharf Asphalt Paving Co., N. Y., 1881-1901; general insurance business, legal and expert work, from 1903 to date; Masonic Fraternity and Elks; Past Master Franklin Lodge, No. 134, Philadelphia, Pa., Signet Chapter, No. 25 (no office); Elks Peoria Lodge, No. 20; pres. the Builders Exchange, 1898-1899; member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Ass’n of Credit Men, Mens’ League for Equal Suffrage; member University, Rowfant, and Automobile Clubs. Recreations: Tennis, Fishing and Farming.