Biographical Sketch of A. William Neale

Last Updated on February 14, 2012 by

Neale, A. William; insurance; born, Columbus, O., May 14, 1863; son of William and Emma B. Lennox Neale; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Nov. 20, 1890, Clara Chandler; issue, one son and one daughter; began work at 14 years of age in a planing mill; held various office positions until 26, when appointed contracting agt. for Illinois Central R. R., at Pittsburgh, entered insurance business in Cleveland with Geo. H. Olmsted & Co.; later with Fred P. Thomas, insurance; with brother, E. E. Neale, formed firm of Neale Bros. & Co.; merged with the Phypers Bros. Co., as The Neale-Phypers Co.; pres. Neale-Phypers Co.; director Case Fish Co.; stockholder Cleveland Laundry Co.; pres. Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange, and the Insurance Society of Cleveland; member of Cleveland Grays since 1886, and a past captain, serving as commandant two years; member Cleveland Athletic, Euclid, and Willowick Clubs.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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