Biographical Sketch of Michael A. Fanning

Fanning, Michael A.; construction work; born, Cleveland, Aug. 26, 1857; son of Michael Fanning, Sr.; common school education at St. Patrick’s Parish School, but graduated from The University of the Printing Office; in 1885, married Miss Octavia Dix, of New Orleans; issue, two daughters and one son; early business life spent in newspaper work in St. Louis, Mo., Columbus, O., and political correspondent for a number of western papers; came back to Cleveland, and in 1899, made sec’y of the Municipal Ass’n; in 1900, state agt. for the Barber Asphalt Co., and later took agencies of Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Lyman Howe

Howe, Edward Lyman; banker; born, Columbus, O., Aug. 14, 1875; son of Brainard Harris and Sarah Augusta Beecher Howe; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 25, 1901, Mary Frances Mattison; issue, Sarah, Charles Mattison and Mary Elizabeth; business career, with Hower & Higbee, 1889-1892; Euclid Ave. National Bank, 1892-1897; Cleveland Trust Co., 1897-1901; Prudential Trust Co., 1901-1904; Citizens Savings & Trust Co., 1904-1905; Superior Savings & Trust Co., 1905 to date; treas., vice pres. and director Fuller Canneries Co.; treas. and director Workingmans’ Collateral Loan Co.; treas. and director Jenkins Steamship Co.; trustee Young Men’s Christian Ass’n; member Sons … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Alvin Alburn

Alburn, John Alvin; lawyer; born, Pennsylvania, Feb. 9, 1879; son of John Frederick and Cecelia Luebben Alburn, educated, Rayon High School, Youngstown, Ohio; A. B., Adelbert College, Cleveland; O. B. K. and Magna A. M., Western Reserve University; LL. B., W. R. U. Law School; married, Columbus, O., Oct. 10, 1911, Maybelle Murphy; one daughter, Annabelle Alburn, teacher in Youngstown township and in Cleveland night High Schools; Chief Probation Officer, Cuyahoga Co., Juvenile Court; Councilman-at-Large, Cleveland; Asst. Atty. Gen. of Ohio; Special Counsel to the Atty. Gen. of Ohio; was advisor to Prosecuting Attorneys, City Solicitors and various state departments … Read more

Biography of Edward Long

EDWARD LONG. – Edward Long was born June 3, 1817, in Columbus, Franklin county, Ohio. His ancestors were Puritans, and emigrated from Londonderry (now Derry), New Hampshire, in 1721. The emigrants who settled that town were Presbyterians of the John Knox school, and are called Scotch-Irish, being descendants of a colony which migrated from Argyleshire, Scotland, and settled in the province of Ulster in the north of Ireland about the year 1612. Soon after the evacuation of Nova Scotia by the French, about the year 1763, a large number of families, among whom were the grandparents of Edward Long, moved … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Apt

Charles H. Apt first came to Kansas in the weeks following the first election of Grover Cleveland for the presidency. He had already been thoroughly trained and for a time had practiced law in Ohio, and deciding upon a location in Kansas, he transferred his professional interests to this state and for more than thirty years had been a successful lawyer, had acquired a large amount of farming interests, and is one of the best known citizens of Iola. He is now head of the law firm of Apt & Apt, having a son in partnership with him. The Apt … Read more

Biography of James B. Roberts

James B. Roberts, now living retired at Denton, was a pioneer in that section of Doniphan County, and his life, which had been prolonged to four score, had been one of well directed and houorable effort throughout. He is a veteran of the great was between the states, and Mrs. Roberts is couspicuous among Kansas women for the part she had taken officially and otherwise in the Woman’s Relief Corps. Mr. Roberts was born at Remsen in Oneida County, New York, November 7, 1837. His father, Rees Roberts, was born in Wales in 1805. When a young man he came to America, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James W. Conger

Conger, James W.; merchant and mfr.; born, Washington County, Pa., Aug. 6, 1845; son of Wm. Henry Harrison and Martha Auld Conger; country school education and business college, (Columbus, O.); married, Columbus, O., 1869, Anna M. Higgins; issue, one daughter and two sons (one deceased); served three years, ten months, in Civil War (43d O. V. I.); never absent from regiment; presidential elector 1896, delegate Republican National convention, 1912, but declined to serve; delegate to Progressive National convention 1912, being on committee to notify Theodore Roosevelt of his nomination; elector-at-large, heading state Progressive ticket, same year; vice pres. and treas. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Amos McNairy

McNairy, Amos; mnfr.; born, Columbus, O., May 4, 1854; educated in the common school and graduated from Cornell University, in 1877, degree of B. M. E.; pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1904-1905; member Union and Country Clubs; pres. Little Mountain Club; member Association Mechanical Engineers; Republican; member Presbyterian denomination.

Biographical Sketch of Charles R. Pheneger

Pheneger, Charles R.; dentist; born, Cleveland, March 15, 1881; son of Benjamin H. and Emma Easty Pheneger; educated in public schools of Columbus, Cleveland high schools, Ohio State University, and Western Reserve Dental College; married, Cleveland, Dec. 1, 1908, Florence I. Gillmore; member Psi Omega.

Biographical Sketch of Moses William Harvey

Harvey, Moses William; gen. agt. Wells Fargo & Co.; born, Delphi, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1852; son of Samuel and Sarah Scott Harvey; common school education; married, Columbus, O., March 3, 1875, Eliza Newman; three sons and two daughters living; two oldest sons deceased; engaged in express service, April, 1873, and for forty years has continued in same business; at Columbus, O., 1873, with United States Express Co.; agt, at Bradford, Pa., seven years for same company; agt. and gen. agt. Cleveland, since March, 1888, for Wells Fargo & Co.; pres. Genck Realty Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Sargent Barnard

Barnard, Ernest Sargent; vice pres. Cleveland Ball Club; born, Columbia, W. Va., July 17, 1874; son of Elias and Mary D. Barnard; educated, Otterbein University, 1895, Ph. B.; sec’y Builders & Traders Exchange, Columbus, O., 1896-7; sporting editor Columbus, O., Dispatch, 1898-1902; sec’y Cleveland Ball Club, 1903-1910; vice pres. Cleveland Ball Club, 1911-1913, vice pres. The Acetylene Stove Mfg. Co.; member Belden Lodge, No. 339, F. & A. M., Westerville, O.; Cleveland Lodge, No. 18, B. P. O. E.; Athletic and Rotary Clubs.

Biography of Martin S. Rochelle

A resident of Wichita for nearly forty years, the late Martin S. Rochelle here achieved distinctive success in connection with business affairs and was a citizen who commanded unequivocal esteem in the community. He was a native of the old Buckeye State and represented the same as a gallant soldier in the Civil war. Mr. Rochelle was born near Columbus, the capital city of Ohio, on the 25th of November, 1842, and at his home in the City of Wichita, Kansas, his death occurred February 25, 1908. He acquired his youthful education in the public schools of Columbus, and was … Read more

Biography of James Walter Gowans

James Walter Gowans, superintendent of the city schools of Winfield, is one of a trio of brothers all of whom are graduates of the University of Kansas and all capable school men in this state. Mr. Gowans is not only an educator but a thoroughly constructive administrator in educational affairs, and the public schools of Winfield have benefited much from his superintendence. Though a resident of Kansas nearly all his life, James Walter Gowans was born at Centerview, Missouri, September 21, 1877. He is of Scotch ancestry in the paternal line. His paternal grandparents, Walter and Elizabeth (Donnan) Gowans, were … Read more

Biography of Samuel N. Simpson

Samuel N. Simpson. A notable life came to a close with the death of Samuel N. Simpson on November 27, 1915: Important though his achievements were in the field of business and in the development of many useful enterprises and undertakings in the cities of Lawrence and Kansas City, Kansas, it is because his activities and influence were so vitally identified with the primitive period of the territorial Kansas that his individual history bulks so large in the annals of the state and furnishes a chapter that may be read with instruction and profit by every student of Kansas annals. … Read more

Biography of Edwin Cameron Motter

Edwin Cameron Motter, an attorney of Muskogee who has resided here during the past fifteen years and has been connected with much important litigation, was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, on the 16th of June, 1884, a son of Dr. James R. and Ida (Faust) Motter. His parents and a sister, Mouser M., still reside at the old home in the Buckeye state. He began his education in the public schools near the place of his nativity and when thirteen years of age entered the preparatory college to Ohio University at Athens, which is the oldest university west of the Alleghany … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sterling William Hubbard

Hubbard, Sterling William; pig iron; born, Springfield, O., March 20, 1877; son of Charles M. and Clara C. Diehl Hubbard; educated at Ohio State University; married, Cleveland, Feb. 20, 1907, Helen H. Bartow; issue, one son and one daughter; associate resident mgr. Rogers, Brown & Co.; director Lake Erie Ore Co., Pittsburg Iron Ore Co., Huron Iron Mining Co.; member Beta Theta Pi, Hermit and East End Tennis Clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Erie Club, Erie Pa.

Biographical Sketch of Frank M. Grant

Grant, Frank M.; electrical contractor; born, Clinton, Ia., Sept. 24, 1868; son of William B. and Sue M. Ball Grant; common country school and two years in High School, Frederickstown, O.; married, Frederickstown, O., July 6, 1892, Cora J. Young; two children, Raymund and Lucille; one of the drafters of the present City Electrical Code; came to Ohio when five years old; spent first twenty years on a farm; five years as teacher of common schools; one year as freight clerk in R. R. office at Columbus, O.; also traveling shoe salesman one year for Columbus shoe house; two years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver N. Chamberlain

Chamberlain, Oliver N.; architect; born, Portsmouth, O., Oct. 10, 1882; son of Irwin and Mary J. Finy Chamberlain; educated, common schools, Portsmouth, O., and private instructor at Columbus, O.; married, Sandusky, July 22, 1905, Carrie Iona Richards; one child; ten years work at practical construction work; two years in the general contracting business, in Cleveland; six years a practicing architect, in Cleveland, doing a general line of work; member Lakewood Chamber of Commerce. Recreations: Baseball and Bowling.

Biographical Sketch of John H. Hertner

Hertner, John H.; mechanical engineer; born, Jan. 14, 1877, Williams county, O.; educated, M. E., Ohio State University, 1899; married, Nov. 20, 1908, Erma King, Cleveland; organized Hertner Electric Co., 1901; Hertner Electric & Mfg. Co.; organized 1906, absorbed by reorganized Rauch & Lang Co., 1907; director and mechanical engineer, Rauch & Lang Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Society of Automobile Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Emerson Burton

Burton, Charles Emerson; clergyman; born, Iowa, March 19, 1869; son of John Henry and Jane A. Simons Burton; educated, Carleton College, A. B., 1895, M. A., 1898, Chicago Theological Seminary, King; issue,B. D., 1898, Carleton College, D. D., 1911; married; Menoken, N. D., Oct. 17, 1898, Cora Viola Dorothy Viola, Lyndon David, Malcolm King and Myron Simons; preached before and during college course in the missions and churches of the Congregational order of Minneapolis; spent summer vacations preaching in home missionary churches in Minnesota and North Dakota; pastor Puritan Church, Chicago, 1895-1898, Lyndale Church, Minneapolis, 1899-1909; associate pastor to Dr. … Read more