Will of Chamion Arundell – 1666

CHAMION ARUNDELL, of the Island of Tortugas, makes “my loving wife Elizabeth Arundell, my attorney irrevocable,” to collect all debts, sell chattels, etc. “And if it shall please God I shall decease in this my intended voyage,” I appoint her sole executrix of this my will, of all my estate.

Dated August 26, 1659. Witnesses, Elias Watt, Wm. Saltsbury, Peter Throppe.

Elizabeth, the widow of Chamion Arundell, married Wm. Saltsburg, of Flushing, and they made proof of will at Court of Sessions, in June, 1666, and they were appointed executors February 4, 1666/7. Matthias Nicoll, Secretary.

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Abstracts Of Wills On File In The Surrogate’s Office City Of New York

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