Biographical Sketch of Timothy Buell

Timothy (2), son of Captain Timothy (1) and Olive (Norton) Buell, was born in Goshen, Connecticut, December 8, 1791, died in East Bloomfield, January 16, 1873. He resided on the Buell homestead. He married Lucy, daughter of Daniel Rice. Children, born in East Bloomfield: 1. Olive, born August 30, 1815, married Frederick Munson; 2. Caroline, born May 8, 1817, died October 19, 1891 ; 3. Frederick, born April 29, 1819, died in Buffalo, 1894, married, 1844, Eliza Storrs; 4. Charles, born March 17, 1821, died 1822; 5. Augustus, born January 31, 1824, married (first) Electa Gauss; children: Timothy (3d), born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Boughton, Sr.

John Bouton Sr., a French Huguenot, sailed from England in July, 1635, and arrived in Boston in December of the same year. He lived successively in Boston, Watertown, Massachusetts; and Hartford and Norwalk, Connecticut. He held many official positions. He married (first) Joan Turney; (second) Abigail Marvin; (third) Widow Mary Stevenson. Children by first marriage: Richard; Bridget, married Daniel Kellogg, probably of Norwalk. Children of second marriage: John, see elsewhere; Matthew; Rachel, married Matthias St. John; Abigail, married Smith; Mary, married David Waterbury. Children of third marriage: Joseph, married Mary Thomas; Elizabeth, married Edmund Waring.

Biographical Sketch of John Boughton

John (2), son of John (1) and Abigail (Marvin) Bouton, was born in Norwalk, September 30, 1659. He married Sarah, daughter of John Greggorie (Gregory). Children: Abigail; Mary; Nathaniel, married (first) Hannah , (second) Mary ; Joseph; Eleazer, see elsewhere; John, married Mary Petit; Daniel, married Elizabeth Robert.

Biographical Sketch of Eleazer Boughton

Eleazer, son of John (2) and Sarah (Gregory) Bouton, was born in Norwalk about 1696. He married (first) Elizabeth Seymour, (second) Mary (Petit) Bouton, widow of his brother John. Children, all by first marriage: Ezra, married Mary, daughter of Jacin Bouton, of Norwalk; Hezekiah, see elsewhere; Eleazer, married Dinah Benedict; Elizabeth; Sarah; Matthew, married Rachel ; Ruth, married Stephen Rusco; Hannah, married Nathaniel Grey; Seymour, married Esther Levake; Nathan, married (first) Dorothy , (second) Rhoda Curtis; Simeon; Levi, married (first) Hannah Waterbury, (second) Polly Ketcham.

Biography of Hezekiah Boughton

Hezekiah Boughton, son of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Seymour) Bouton, was born in Norwalk, November 2, 1725, died in 1998, and was buried on Boughton Hill. With his sons he went from Old Stockbridge, Massachusetts, to the Genessee country, as it was then called. In the spring of 1788 his sons, Jared and Hezekiah Jr., commenced explorations in western New York. Phelps and Gorham completed their treaty with the Indians in July that year, and in the fall Enos Boughton, another son, went to Canandaigua with William Walker, the surveyor for Phelps and Gorham, and they erected a store house and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jared Boughton

Jared, son of Hezekiah and Abigail (Penoyer) Boughton, was born in Salem, New York, February 1q, 1766. He married Olive, daughter of Charles Stone. Children: Selleck, married Clarissa Brace; Melania, married Dr. Archelaus G. Smith; Frederick, married Elizabeth C., daughter of Rev. A. C. Collins; Lyman, married (first) Dinah Boughton, (second) Julianna Turrell; Olive, married James Williams; Minerva; Minerva Caroline, married Charles F. Dickinson; Charles Stone, married Caroline Lettice Markham; Eliza Collins, married Bennett Lewis; Jared Hezekiah, married Sarah Martin; Edna, see elsewhere ; Enos, married Hannah Stone.

Biographical Sketch of Ephraim Cotton

Ephraim, son of George Cotton, was born April 9, 1648. He settled in Longmeadow, and about 1696 removed to Enfield, Massachusetts. He died May 14, 1713. He married (first) November 17, 1670, Mary Drake, who died October 19, 1681. He married (second) March 26, 1685, Esther, daughter of Samuel and Catharine Marshfield. She died January 20, 1714. Children of first wife, born in Springfield; Ephraim, February 8, 1672; Josiah, October 7, 1674; Job, May 14, 1677; Samuel, January 17, 1679; children of second wife, the first five recorded in Springfield, the remainder in Enfield : Josiah, December 30, 1685; Esther, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cotton

Samuel, son of Lieutenant Ephraim (2) Cotton, was born at Longmeadow, September 7, 1727, died November 5, 1784. He married Mary Hoar, of Brimfield (intentions dated September 12, 1750). Children, born at Longmeadow: Nathan, mentioned elsewhere; Job, January 19, 1755; David, June 3, 1956; Esther, October 14. 1757; Mary, September 7, 1959; Jerusha, February 13, 1761; Reuben, November 26, 1762; Ephraim, March 22, 1765. This family removed to Greenwich, Hampshire county, Massachusetts. After the revolution David and Ephraim settled in Montgomery county, New York. According to the census of 1790 David had three sons under sixteen and four females in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leonard Cotton

Leonard, son of Isaac Cotton, was born in Farmington in 1822, and was educated there in the public schools and the :Macedon Center Academy. He learned the trade of carpenter and was also a farmer. From the age of fifteen he supported himself and engaged in business before he was of age. In politics he was a Whig. He was a member of the Society of Friends. He married Amy Ann Gardner, born at Farmington, in 1828, died in the spring of 1873. he died in the fall of 1872. Elisha Gardner. her father, married a Patterson. Children, born at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Carson

Robert Carson, who was born in Killeleagh, county Down, Ireland, October, 1769, died in Seneca, New York, May, 1864. He emigrated to America in 1789, landing at Wilmington, Delaware. He apprenticed himself, as was the custom of the time, to a Mr. Armstrong, in Cecil county, Maryland, and in 1800 removed to Seneca, New York, where he purchased a large tract of land on the west bank of Flint creek, and engaged in agricultural pursuits. His political principles were Democratic, and he was a member of the Protestant church. He married, in 1800, Sarah, daughter of the Mr. Armstrong to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Carson

Robert (2), eldest son and fifth child of Robert (1) and Sarah (Armstrong) Carson, was born in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, May 23, 1810, and died October 6, 1883. His occupations were varied, being those of farmer, miller and manufacturer. He gave his political support to the Democratic party, and was a member of the Presbyterian church. He married, January 2. 1834, Rebecca Rippey. who was born September 6, 1808. and died April 5, 1875. Children: 1. Matthew Rippey, born May 25, 1836; is a physician, practicing in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York; married Elizabeth Ostrom, of Carlton, Saratoga … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Robson

James A. Robson has honored his town no less than himself by being appointed to several of the highest legal offices in the state. He is the son of John and Isabella (Telfer) Robson, and was born in Gorham, Ontario county, New York, January 1, 1851. He attended the district school of Gorham until 1865, when he was a student for one year at the Haveling high school, at Bath, New York, and the Canandaigua Academy in 1867-68. He then matriculated at Yale University, from which he was graduated in 1873 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and then … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Ellis

Samuel Ellis, the revolutionary ancestor, born May 27, 1762, settled in Victor about 1827. His brothers Eleazer and Stephen were among the early settlers in Ontario county. Dr. Eleazer Ellis was the first physician in West Bloomfield. Stephen Ellis was a surveyor and conveyancer in Victor. Samuel Ellis was a Free Mason and his membership certificate is in the possession of his grandson, Bolivar Ellis, of Victor. Samuel came to Victor from Florida, Montgomery county, his former residence, and where he had served as deputy sheriff and tax collector for sixteen years in succession. Stephen was a surveyor in Victor.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Ellis

Henry, son of Samuel Ellis, was born in Florida, Montgomery county, New York, December 10, 1798. He was a farmer in Florida and afterward at Victor in Ontario county. He married, December 29, 1823, Isabel, daughter of Amos Bennett, of Duanesburg. Schenectady county. They came to Victor, April 5, 1824, and in 1831 he succeeded to the homestead which his father bought in 1816 of Roswell Murray. He was interested in public affairs. He died September 1, 1884. His wife Isabel died January 24, 1875. Children: 1. Nancy M., born November 14. 1824, married Thomas C. Turner. 2. Eliza J., … Read more

Biography of Bolivar Ellis

Bolivar, son of Henry Ellis, was born at Victor, New York, February 25, 1833. He attended school in the old stone school house in his native town, and in early life was a farmer, surveyor and conveyancer. Much of his education he obtained through reading and private study. He retired from active farming in 1883. Much of his time has been given to public service and he has held many offices of trust and responsibility and he has continued in business as a conveyancer to the present time. In 1882 he was elected county clerk of Ontario county and served … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William McKelvie

William McKelvie settled in the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and married Sophia Turk. William Henry, son of William McKelvie, was born March 22, 1865, in Geneva. He was educated in the public schools, and has always followed farming. He has fifty-five acres of land, three of which are devoted to orchards of apples, pears, etc. His farm is part of the old McKelvie homestead. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and of the local grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of which he has been gatekeeper one term, steward two terms, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Force

David Force, immigrant ancestor, was born about 1758 in France, and, being left an orphan during the French revolution, or in the troubles preceding, was cared for and brought to America by a Quaker with whom he was living, a youth of nineteen, at Princeton, New Jersey, at the time of the battle of Princeton, in 1777. Restrained from enlisting in the American army in the revolution on account of the non-combatant principles of his guardian, he was at that time impressed into the service to help care for the wounded and dead. Among those who were conveyed from the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Force

Benjamin, son of David Force, was born in 1793. died in 1873. He spent his youth in his native place in New Jersey and was a pioneer settler at Steuben county, now (1910) Schuyler county, New York, where he followed farming all his active life. In politics he was a Whig and afterward a Republican. An intense Abolitionist, he was prominent in all anti-slavery movements and his house was a station of the Underground Railroad. His grandson and namesake was instantly killed while serving in the Union army in the civil war in Sherman’s “March to the Sea” in 1864. … Read more

Biography of Chester B. Force

Chester B., son of Benjamin Force, was born at Kendall. in Altay valley. Steuben county, New York, now (1910) in Schuyler county, in 1832, died in 1906. He was educated in the public schools. He was a gifted musician, but his principal business through a long and active life was farming. His home was near Geneva, Ontario county, New York. In politics he was a Republican; in religion a member of the Christian church. He married, in 1860, Catherine Cromwell Winter, born in Ontario county, in 1832, died in 1893, daughter of Joel Winter, born 1799, died 1872. Her father … Read more

Biography of Patrick O’Brien

Patrick O’Brien was born in county Galway, Ireland, March 11, 1832, died August 14, 1908, in the town of Manchester, New York. He came to this country when a young man, landing at Castle Garden, New York, and came after a short time to Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, where he found employment. Being blessed with a happy disposition and abundant good nature, he made many friends. Industrious, frugal and honest, he made his way and prospered. He became the owner of a good farm, which he conducted the remainder of his life. He was an upright, earnest citizen, a … Read more