Biography of Stephen Hart

Stephen Hart, who came to this country from Braintree, Essex county, England, with the company that settled at Braintree, Massachusetts, was the progenitor of the Hart families of Massachusetts and Connecticut. He was one of the fifty-four settlers at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1632, and married there. In 1634 he was admitted a freeman, there, and was a member and deacon of the church of which the Rev. Thomas Hooker was pastor. He went to Hartford in 1635 with a company led by Mr. Hooker, and was one of the original proprietors of that place. His house lot was on the west … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hawkins Hart

Hawkins, son of Captain Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born in Farmington, 1677, and died at Wallingford. May 2a, 1735. He removed to Wallingford, which he represented in the general court nine sessions. 1714-1732. and held the military rank of a lieutenant. He married (first) Sarah Roys or Royce, born and died in Wallingford; (second) Widow Mary Street, daughter of Rev. Joseph Eliot, of Guilford, and granddaughter of Rev. John Eliot, the author of the celebrated Indian translation of the Bible. Children, all by the first wife, with the exception of the youngest, who was a posthumous child : … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hart

Thomas (2), son of Hawkins and Sarah (Roys or Royce) Hart, was born in 1714, and died in 1801. For a time he lived in Farmington, removing to Bristol about 1747. He married, 1942, Hannah Coe. Children: Mary, married Luke Gridley; Ruth, married Daniel Hills; Jonathan, see elsewhere; Hannah, married Jacob Byington; Thomas, married Mary Hungerford; Esther, married Zebulon Peck; Amasa, married Phoebe Roberts; Abel, served in the revolutionary war, and died in prison of starvation; Barbara, married Zerubbabel Jerome; Benjamin; Lydia.

Biographical Sketch of George R. Raines

George R., son of Hon. John and Catherine A. (Wheeler) Raines, was born in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, March 1. 1878. His preparatory education was acquired in Phelps’ Union and Classical Academy, and he then matriculated at Cornell University, from which he was graduated in the class of 1900 with the degree of Bachelor of Law. He commenced the practice of his profession in Rochester, New York, and is now (1910) a member of the firm of Webster, Meade, Strauss & Raines, in that city. He married, in Canandaigua, Lola, daughter of Ziba C. Curtis, of Canandaigua, formerly an … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Hart

Jonathan, son of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Coe) Hart, was born March 22, 1746, and died in Paris, Herkimer county, New York, in ,806. He went with his parents to Bristol, and removed to Paris about 1794. He married (first) Mary Coe; (second), about 1788, Lucia Clark, of Southington. Children by first marriage: Rev. Ira, who became pastor of the church at Middletown. Connecticut, married Maria, daughter of John Sherman, and granddaughter of Roger Sherman, of New Haven, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; Jonathan, see elsewhere; Samuel, married Hester Polly, married Elisha Hills; Seth, married Louisa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Hart

Jonathan (2), son of Jonathan (1) and Mary (Coe) Hart, was born in Bristol, 1773, and in early manhood changed his name to John. He was a farmer in Kirkland, Oneida county, New York. He married Orpha Chapin (see Chapin VI). Children: Susan Luana, married Nathan Heaton; Caroline Maria, married Truman Loomis; Seth Chapin, married Mary Oothout; Theodore Ephraim, see elsewhere; Polly Sophronia, married John M. Roe; Jonathan Walter; Orpha Harriet, married Rufus Edwards; Hiram George, married Marietta Terry; Eben Coe, died at Shreveport, Louisiana; David Wood, died in Lockport, New York.

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Ephraim Hart

Theodore Ephraim, son of Jonathan (2) and Orpha (Chapin) Hart, was born December 22, 1802. For some years he was a merchant in Harford, Cortlandt county, New York, having also large dairy interests there. About 1838 he removed to Canandaigua, because of the superior educational advantages there offered, and was engaged in mercantile business for about fourteen years. He then, 1852, founded the Bank of Canandaigua, which became a very prosperous institution, and from which he retired in 1863. Mr. Hart married, January It, 1826, Eliza Collins, (see Collins line forward). Children: Samuel Collins, see elsewhere; Adeline Eliza, deceased; Theodore … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Collins Hart

Samuel Collins, son of Theodore Ephraim and Eliza (Collins) Hart, was born at Harford, 1828. He was teller of the Bank of Canandaigua from 1852 to 1863, then in the United States revenue service in Canandaigua and northeastern Texas. He married, May 20, 1861, Katharine Maria Buell (see Buell line forward). Children: Caroline Maria, born in Rochester, married, October I, 1910, Louis H. Luqueer, of New York; Edna Augusta, born in Canandaigua; Olive Eliza Daggett, born in Canandaigua; Miriam Louise, born in Canandaigua, died at the age of three years.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Chapin

Samuel Chapin settled in Roxbury, 1638, and is supposed to have come from Dartmouth, England. In 1642 he removed to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he became a leader in the community, and died in 1675. An imposing statue of him by St. Gardens, entitled “The Puritan,” adorns one of the public parks in Springfield. It is thought that he may have been of Huguenot ancestry, and his wife’s name is recorded as Cicely (Cecile?).

Biographical Sketch of Japhet Chapin

Japhet, son of Deacon Samuel and Cicely Chapin, was baptized in Roxbury, October 15, 1642, and died February 12, 1712. He. followed in his father’s footsteps as deacon, and a leader in the community, and, was also active in the military encounters of the time. He married (first) July 22, 1664, Abilenah, daughter of Samuel and Ann (Pruden) Coley, of Milford, Connecticut; (second), May 31, 1711, Dorothy Root, of Enfield.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Chapin

Samuel (2), son of Japhet Chapin, was born July 4, 1665, and died October 19, 1729. He married, December 24, 1690, Hannah, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Woodford) Sheldon, of Northampton. He was wounded during the French and Indian wars.

Biographical Sketch of Jeremiah Chapin

Jeremiah, son of Samuel (3) and Anna (Horton) Chapin. He served as lieutenant and captain in the revolutionary war, and when the birth of a daughter was announced to him in camp, La Fayette asked the privilege of sending the name of Orpha. He married (published) May 6, 1769, Caroline Fowler, of Springfield.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Collins

Samuel, son of William and Ruth (Cook) Collins, was born in 1763, and removed with his wife Elizabeth and four children to Berkshire, Tioga county, New York. He married, 1793, Elizabeth, daughter of judge Nathaniel Bishop, of Lenox, Massachusetts. Judge Bishop was at one time chief justice of the court of sessions and later for twenty years judge of the court of common pleas for western Massachusetts. Children, the first four born in Lenox, the others at Berkshire: Samanthe, married David Williams; Addison, married Sophronia L. Ball; Horatio, married Emily Ball; Eliza, see elsewhere; Bishop, married Abigail Ball; Frederick, married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Buell

William Buell, in Chesterton, Huntingdonshire, England, the ancestor of all of that name in America, who died at Windsor, November 23, 1681. He sailed from Plymouth, England, March 31, 1630, in the company conducted by Rev. John Wareham, on the ship “Mary and John,” and landed at Nantasket, Boston Bay, May 30. He settled at Dorchester, Massachusetts, and five years later became one of the proprietors of the new settlement at Windsor. After residing there five years he married Mary . Children : Samuel, see elsewhere ; Peter; and there may have been others.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Buell

Samuel, son of William and Mary Buell, was born at Windsor in 1641, and later became one of the founders of Killingsworth. He held a number of public offices, was a man of large property, and is on the town records as “a gentleman.” He married, 1661, Deborah Griswold, of Windsor. He had seven sons and five daughters, of whom Mary and Hannah married Henry and Joseph Porter, and settled at Niagara, western New York.

Biographical Sketch of John Buell

John, son of Samuel and Deborah (Griswold) Buell, was born February 17, 1671, and appears on the records as deacon and captain. He was one of the petitioners in May, 1719, for the settlement of what is now (1910) Litchfield. After his marriage he removed to Lebanon, Connecticut, where he became a deacon of the church. He married Mary Loomis. His eldest daughter married Lieutenant John Marsh, of Hartford.

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Buell

Jonathan, son of John and Mary doomis) Buell. was born at Lebanon, December 13, 1717, and he and his wife are buried at Goshen. He served in the revolution, and was known as Captain Jonathan. He came to Litchfield with his father in 1720, and when the town of Goshen was laid out it was found that the line of division between it and Litchfield ran through his house, and he and his wife became members of the church at Goshen. They had ten children, among whom were: Jonathan Jr., served in the revolution; Timothy, see elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Captain Timothy Buell

Captain Timothy Buell, son of Jonathan Buell, was born at Goshen, May 3. 1757. He served in the revolution, and in May, 1794, was appointed captain of the Fourth company of militia, Thirty-fifth regiment, Connecticut. In February, 1799, he removed with his family to East Bloomfield. He married, 1777, at Goshen, Connecticut, Olive, daughter of Colonel Ebenezer Norton. Children, all born in Goshen : Lucy, married (first) Daniel Steele, (second) Bayze Baker; Eunice, married (first) Azael Sprague, (second) Thomas Kellogg; Jonathan, see elsewhere; Theron, married Love Lee, daughter of Rev. Aaron Collins; Timothy, see elsewhere ; Eben Norton, married Rebecca, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Buell

Jonathan (2), son of Captain Timothy and Olive (Norton) Buell. served as sheriff of the county and as member of the assembly, and died in 1865. He married (first) Sally, who died in 1845, daughter of Daniel and Aurelia (Dowd) Rice; (second) Mrs. Caroline (Buell) Robinson. Children: Mortimer, see elsewhere; Pomeroy Baldwin: Henry, married Sarah Mather, of Richmond; Sally Ann; Mary Saxton.

Biographical Sketch of Mortimer Buell

Mortimer, son of Jonathan (2) and Sally (Rice) Buell, was born in East Bloomfield, November ii, 1808, and died in Rochester, January 27, 1885. He married at Victor, New York, Edna Boughton (see Boughton). Children: Pomeroy Birdseye: Katharine Maria; Augusta Williams, married Martin W. Cooke; Arthur Stone; Albert Mortimer, died of disease contracted in military service; Jesse W., a physician in Rochester, married M. E. Carey, died February 7, 1911; Walter, famous as an editor and historical writer.